July H, 1927 w ·I L M E. T T E L IF E 3 MAKE GOOD PROGRESS FLOWERS F 0 R SICK Defeat Resolution Special Appeal Made to Kenilworth Householders to Help Cause of Chicago Flo.,er-Fruit Guild WITH ALLEY PAVING With Work Underway Village Authorities Seek Bids for Another Group of Jobs ... l A resolution calling upon Village Little Folk Already Busy With Kenilworth women will have a princi- President Orner to present recommenIngenious Designs for Carts pal part in the 1927 opening of the : dations for appointments to the Village and Costumes 1 Chicago Plant, Flower and Fruit Guild, Board of Appeals "in conformance with __ , I -W . '1 k which di stribute s flower s to the sick !he r eco; d a.nd tht l;n,·." pre.sented at [lllportant alllong the plans for \Vii\VI let 1cr or not 1 mette rna es sat- and the needy fuesdav s Vdlaf4e hoard sesston TuesD · h I'd · -f t · 't t t · · · · ·· mette ay-the commumty o 1 av . . b ac ory progress m 1 s s ree pavmg 1 All .. _ f T( . 1 day of thts week ln· Tnt . tcr Clare nce H'l Ch b ~ 1 1 or resurhring plans there is little c1t1zens o cnt \\'O rt 1 an< vtc1n- E D f t d 1 pon:-.orecl by the \vi mette am er 1 c!ouht in c that rcga~d concern.i ng hel ity .are u~·ged to CO!~ tribute cut flowers, ·,. rayer, wa~ c e ea e : !f Commerce and scheduled tl~is year II I k · · I \\'Inch wtll he rece1ved at the Flower The resolutt on contatned the state- tor \Vednesday August 17-ts the al eys. · tt 1 f \\'Or nlovl~l 111 prlogt\'?: s 11 Guild's booth near gate 16 at the Chi- ment that Pre sident Orner\ 192i ap- ·hildren's r)arad~ which this year is to 1 1 t 1e paymg o severa a eys, t 1e " under the superv1ston · · 1 a d '>c f · . T 1 . age I- . ! cago statton of the North \\' estern pom t men t 5 t.o tl le B oa r d 0 f A ppca 1s 1 of Frank A. 1 )Oar<1 o 1oca 1 Improvement:uc sc a~ d been made llegally \\' 'I f W'l b k 1 1 1 L' \·cning authorized the adn~ rtising- for rat roa · .· . · . . 1 son, o t 1e t son a ery. hid~ · f~r th e paving. of numerou s other ! A.ttendants are on hand eyery day In discuss 1011 of the resolutiOn. Pre s t- ~ ~fhe .childret~'s parade never f~ils. to a l eys tn every sectiOn of town . Alleys dunng the s ummer, e~cept Saturd.ay dent Orn er and Trustee v~m Remspe~g bnng mto ev td ence an astomshmg incl_uded in ·the latest group-paYing of and S.uncla~·· Suburbanites may eastly conte!lded that the appo.mtme!lts 1 ~ I ··arie.ty of de~o:ative prod~cts th~t. are whtch should start sometime in deposit thc1r flow ers there as they get quedttOn ha~ been made 111 stnct ac gentttnely arttsttc and amazmgly untque g-ust-a re listed as follows: off their train s. In the event that no cor .ance wtJ, law and that records 1 in de sign. In this connection the in'rst all no tl f r.'l d I member of the famih- is coming into pro\ eel that fact. .zenuitv of the little tots is taxed to ey r 1 o 1'. mwoo a\·e· ., FI nue between Eighth and ,Ninth st reets I Chtcago. th~ flowers m.ay be deposited the utmost but they never fail to measFirst alley north of Oakland ~Yrnt;~ ~ tt; ~en~wortl~ stfJIOJ1 of thd ~h & ure up. ~0 theh. dlemhands .o~ thef keehn between Eighth and Ninth trect" ": · · · ?P o ~· m. an ey competttton w tc 1 t e stnvmg or t e First alley north of . . Wihn:ttc a~·~nuc wtll be taken mto th_e Ctty.. cc:,·ettd awards encourages .. Th~re hdween 15th and 16th streets. .. M:s. S. D. Flood ts prestdent of the I wdl be conveyances .of ev.ery tmagmFirst alley south of Ashlan<l avenue Kentl~·orth G.arden .dub and Mrs. Sy.dOr~OUS OUTt able type and creations m costumes GOO fe e t west fr om 13th street. ney Y: Ball 1s chai.rman. of the GUtld Tdcal \\·eather conditions aided ma- tt1at ":ould be tl!e envy ~f the mos~ of First a1ley north of Elm\Yood a\·enue c~mmtttee fr om thts club. Mrs. ~all tcrially in giving \Vilmette one of the e~clusive of Partsan modistes .. N? hmts he tween Seventh and Twelfth streets. j w1l! he glac.t to ans\\·er any 9uest10ns hest Fourth of July celebrations in be thrown .out, but the ktdclt es are First alley north of Lake avenue . as to the kmd of flower s de.stred. and many a year last Monday ,,·hen some m!ormecl at th1~ early date that t~ey from 15th s treet to the so uthwe st line ! a~ to the best .method of cttttmg, wrap- 1.500 villager:; a s cmblccl in \\'a shing- wil_l be expecteu produce somethmg (,j Main street. I ptng and s~n dmg them. . · 011 park 011 the lake front to partici- qUtte \von.d erful tf they expect to be Ungnarl Block 24 Puzzle The parttcular charges .of the. Keml- 'late in a program of varied activitY conte1~cler:, fo r the ynze~. Every enY.:ast and we st alk~· in BI(,ck 24 "·orth Garden. c luh arc \'. ~· A. Cen- sponsored by \Vilmette Post. ~o. 4 6, tran! .111 the pr~cession wtll, of .c~urse, 1 rear of 1fasonir temple) het\\'een t:at Free stat ton, Infant \\ elfare sta- ni the American Legion, in cooperation r~cen ~ some mce tok.en, but 1t s the Tenth and Eleventh streets, and that tlon. and Chase House ?ettlement. On "·ith the \Vilmett e Playground and btg pnzes that count \nth th"ese youngpa rt of thr north and south alley (ad- alternate Mon~ays dur_mg tl.le season Recreation board. ste rs. jacc nt to Masoni c temple) for a rlis- members of tins ~luh "·111 h~ m attend'Cnder the direction of Commander Plans for \Vilmette Day were pro· tan~c of 501 feet north . . . a~1ce at the Cluca~o statton of th.e \\~. \V. Ha\\·kins. Lea J. Orr, .Ralp~1 c. ce.eding with ~lacrity this week, what Ftrst alleY north of Ltnden an. ' nttc ; ~orth \ Veste·r n ratlroad to see t? tt \\ e:-;set and other local legiOnnaires, \nth the G lonous Fourth a matter of hL"twccn '\'inth and FleHnth strrr t s. I tha~ all. flo.wrr s for the below mentiOn- the community celebration got under history and the thoughts of the viiFirst alleY nor th of Central an?tltle I ed tns.tttuttons ar,..r ~~rope r]~· cared for. \\·ay shortly after noon and continued la~ers gradua ll y veering to the next hct,~·rcn loth and 17th streets. R:s ~dcnt s of Ke! 11 I;,·orth. are ur~ed, uninterrupt edly until after 5 o'clock. big community cc~e~ration. Ftrst allry west of 13th st rcet, h e- ~ 1 ~0\\ e\ cr. not to ltmlt thetr contnbu- \ concert hy Damante 's band was the \Vilmette Day scenes will shift bet\Hen Elm,yoocl atHl Fore s t a\·c nues. ~~ 01~ 5 .t o ~[ont1 Y 5 ·J)ecir~e ~Yeryl fldwer first order of the fe sti,·ity, being fol- t\Yecn the Village Green where the Firs~ alley tH~rth of Forest aHnur 1 t~\o~ec~~drh~;;t wt )rmg g a ness lowed by a brief patriotic program un- ba seba ll games, children's 'parade, and · 111 a hnc r,·cn teet "·est of the ·ce nter I · der th e tall shade trees at the west field e\· ent s are to be staged and the lint· oi t)w flr,t alln· \;T-.t <,f 1_.1th :-;trert I · ('Xtren:ity of the·park. L.ater follo,,· ·e d Legion grove on Lake aven~e, where 1': t.hr rt ~ht-o.f-\\'a:· ot the C"htrag() anrl ~1 the thtrty or mc:re athlcttc. C \' e nt ~ and the conce~sion booths, ~nd dance :\nt .th \\ c..,trrn r;ul\\'a\·. C!l lli<.:~ t:' hcckontng to vtllagers of pa,·ilion \UII he the attractiOns. Ttr..,t alln· \W~t (of ()a!~ ( 'irr k iron! l'H·. r~· ag~· t o tak e a han~ in the com- Chairmen Ol the various Wilmette \\ tlmett,t· aYrnut · t(). a ltne t \\.,) feet tH.' tttton tor the Yrry n ~ ctul. as \\Tll.~~ DaY connn ittt'b are to hold a confer.,c~uth or tht' north ln.ll' l~rodttcerl \\'(.' " nrnamcnt~l a\Yards donated hy \\ !1 - l'll~C at th e Chamber of Commerce of,q :"0r ~ t allt·,- nnrth n! ll.tll · t;frt'd. _ Only timrly assistance from Frank nt~'!tc. bu_.,tnr:':i f?lk. . fice s tonight. Dr. Charles B. Blake, > lt_r~t allt ·,· north ot _lit!! -.tr:'t' t trnnt r. T:lair of \\'ilm cttc an(l Captain I hr atterno?n s program was clt- general clta innan i(.1r the d;n·, '"ill clil_l·;~mc :1\'l'1111C' t(' :1 ltttc lRO ted c:t-.t · Br:-~ntigam nf thr \Yilm cttc police dr- tttaxL·d 1>.\· a notott:> Puncl.1. ~ncl Judy rc:ct tltL· discu.,sion. · ,,t .1.4th strrrt. rartmrnt. .,a,·rd Hans '\"'L·I:-:on. 3203 . . how and the ,·c ry mystttylllg ptr-~ T-n·q aJJt.y ll(lr.tl , ()i, ll.ill -.trt ·t't irtltll :\rmit~Q't' ~Ycnue. Cl;icao;o, f r 0 m imn:a.nce.., of a n'ntr il nqui:-:t and · l~tlt stn·L·t tn a ltnt· lXO tt'l't t·a . . t tlt<' r<' drmYntng· 111 the c!ramage canal he- n1ag1ctan. ·ll. ... · I h\·<.' <' 11 \faplc and Lind en ;n·rntlL'" 'l'lll" fn th e L'n.'ning the Yillagc wa s pract t y T·tr:-.t alln· south oi 1 ·:1111\\'00d a\'C- day CYC'ning at about 5 o'clock. lically de ser ted. what with the throngs ~ ~ lltll'. hetwern Xinth and Tenth -.trc<'t". \\·).;on \\·a:-; disc(·\'l'l'l'd fl()ating i11 attending the marvelou s Fourth of J lundreds of barrels of poten!Ial Ftr~t alln· nnrth of \Va shin~nn 11 :1\·c- ti'L' watl'r in an ttn rnn:-;ciou.; state b\· Tuh' demon . tration at D\·chc stadi um rh-anlinc~s. arrayed a long the curbmg lllll' from 17th street to Rid gL' rnarl. Blair. \\'ll n happened to pa:-;-; the spot ·r.,·anston. · I at the )Jetson Laundry on Central ave- - -- - - - - in a hnat. 1 fe wa" taken to shore and .-\ \\·ondcrful clay-a nd no ca--ualtit':' . nue attracted many vi ll agers a few tltr \\'ilmdlc police s umm o ne d. C'ap------days ago. Those who lingered for a t:1itt Rrantigam rr <;po nded and upon tintc were greeted with the spectacle his arrh·al immrdiatcly anplicd arti· · 11i qavicl Nelso n, founder and h ead of The total enro llm ent at New Trier firial rr sp iration. succeeding- in n'1 tltc r\e lson Laundry perched precarTfigh sc hool this sun1mcr is <iR l stu .. sus r itatinl! ~elson after a short time. The Re\'. John Murray of Canada iously atop the mountain of barrels dents. according to \\'e..;Jcy L. Brown Chief \\' alter Zihh lc of tl1c Fire de- \viii be the speaker at the \ Vilmette while going through the agony of havprincipal of the Stl11llller sr. s ion. Ther~ part Ill c n t had also been notified Presbyterian church Sunday morning 'ing his picture taken. was a total regi stration of 770 students. and rcsponrlcd '"ith the pulmotor hut in the absence of Dr. George P . MaThe barrel episode was a demon hut only 692 are in attendance. of 1'\c.l son. hacl rccoycred suffic iently to ~:rill. who is in Colorado. Mr. Mu.rray, stration of the cleansing material utiwhich number 11 ha ,.e withdrawn. make tt s u sc unnecessary. He was ,,·ho comes to the local church wtth a lized bv the laundrY . \[r. Brown states th8t figures show takrn to the EYanston hospital for fine reputation as a speaker, wilt take ~ · tl~er~ arc one half the number of pu- medical attention. a:: his subject . "Watch and Pray." PI I ~ Ill summ er school that there \\·ere -------·-The church quartet wilt offer a in the regular sc hool vcar. He also "pccial program of music this Sunday. :-;tates that a great mai1y of the stuDr. Magill. who ·had planned to stay 1 C 'tt f W'l tt 1 · c!ents attend o f their ow n volition. and som e time in Denver, has changed his om!'111 ee c 1airm.en C?r I me e 1 enjoy the . summer school sessi~n. "Stnn-ancl-go" signal lights are being plans because of illness in the family. day w 1t meet f<?r dtsc~sston °~ plans Attacking Appeals Board Appointments CHILDREN'S PARADE WILMETIE DAY EVENT w· ° 1 · ' ' · 1 · 1 1 Au- J I ,J weather Man Helps us Enjoy a Truly G/ . · F h I .""11 !O 1 · 1 Drowntn!! an S h nate ed From D th . C l ea tn ana Barrels of Cleanhness D db L d emons ra y aun ;n Enrollment Approaches 700 at New Trier Thi·s Summer Rev John Murray Will Preach to Presbyterians Install "Stoo-and-Go" Lights in Kenilworth Wl __ D ___ C_h-.-i mette ay airmen to Hold Discussion Tonight Dr. J. M. P. Smith of th e Divinity sc hool of the U niversih· ~f Chicago will preach at the \Vilmett e Baptist church Sunday morning, July 10. at the 11 o'clock services. Oscar Bennett of Lincoln. Neb., will he the soloist at th e se rvi ces. Laurence Roth. 1124 Forest avenue, left Saturdav from }.rfontreal on the 'Vhite Star· Line, SS. Albertic. He \\'itt spend the sumnH r touring Euronc "-ith a party of University of ~fichigan classmates. SPEAKS AT BAPTIST CHURCH in stal led this v.;cek at .the intersection of Kenilworth a\·rnuc and ~heridan road. Kenilworth. The t1f'W liO'hts are to he of the four-way, bracket type: and a rr tn he fastened to the lampposts at diagonal corners of tl1e inter'~'rtion. thr so uthe;:~ ' t and northwest. TheY are of cast aluminum and are fi,,; "hcn to match the lamppost fixtures. The lights. which were selected by a committ<'e anoointed by the Village hoard with f111l nowr r to <~rt. were constr11ctC'd 1)\· thr Crouse-Hinds company rof Chica0·ro . Tilt> pttrchilse oric-"' was $494.0R. df'livered, and the installation cost is to be borne by the Village. :l tld now intend s to return to \Vihnette for the commumty hoh~ay tomght ~t for the July 17 services. the Chamb~r . of Commerce offices 111 the Cox butldmg at 7 :30 o'clock. The Deetcing will be under the direction of r. harl es B. Blake. general chairman for Wilmette da'-'. · 0 n S Daniel Polot, a st udent at the Con·ord ia Theolog-ical seminarv at St. TO CAMP IN EUROPE T.ouis. · Mo., will occupy the · pulpit of Frederic H. Eldred of Hibbard road ~t. Tohn's Lutheran church SundaY sailed from New York June 29 on the morning, July 10. · steamship Ryndam to snend the ' umR ev. Herman W. ~fryer. pastor nf mer in Dr. Hans Walter's Camp ~t. Tohn' s church, is motoring to St. Diviki, St. Prex. Switzerland. Before r ouis with his familv next week to sailing he ·was the house guest of Jack ~ tten·d the sessions ·of the 'Valther Held at Scarsdale, N.Y .. who is Amer1 ~'arrtte r.l)tl\"ention in that city. I ican rcpre se nt at-in of the camp. Divinity Student Will Preach at St J h ' ,J