WILMETTE LIFE July 8, 1927 JN OUR new funeral home we have made every provision known to modern mortu· ary science; it was our aim to make this new institution as thoroughly complete as it could be made. Now that we are in our new home, and have put it to the test of practical use, we find that we have been successful in our aims. We believe that nothing that would make for the comfort or the convenience of those we serve has been omitted. z3 years in Wilmett e and the North Shore. " A Funeral Service with an I deal" Superior Ambulance Service "lfh.e }{ouse of flleysona.l Setl.lice" l I 09 Central Avenue Wilmette 6 54 Residence 719 --9rh Street. Wilmette Holland Suction Cleaning for All Types of Heating Systems · COSTS LITTLE - and the Fuel Saving pays for it. Suction Cleaning makes ·n o muss in the house. We carry all dirt away Saves Fuel Protects Health Prevents Fires Adds Cleanliness Increases Comfort · HOLLAND FURNACE CO. 2 Carlton Building WINNETKA Phone Winnetka 1030 ·· ·· ~-- ··· --- t I I Save your strength and · energy these warm July days. When you pass ·our olliee drop in with your laundry bundle -there's a very liberal discount when you Bring·and·Call. And you'll have the whitest elothes and linens you ever saw lor summer wear and summer use. I NELSON LAUNDRY 1210 Central A venue ···· Wilmette