Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1927, p. 48

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WILMETTE LIFE July 8, 1927 Today! I Ravinia Opera \\'ith one exception the operas ~e lected by Louis Eckstein for presentation at RaYinia dnrii1g the week heginning Sunday, · july 10, arc all works which ha\'c not yet bet·n heard thi:; The <:~ccption is "Aida," season. ,,·hich is to be given again Sunday night, but which i: ~o Jiopular with all classes of opera patr~ns that it is ahYays \Yelcome. During the week three French and three Italian works \\·ill hr given. the ionncr to include Amhr<,i:--<· Thomas' ;.~tignon," which is being rt.:'S h)rccl to the Ravinia repertoire this vertr. It has been manv se:tsons sinr(· this charming \\'Ork was perinrmed at Ravinia and the announcetllt'llt oi ih restoration brought much .iaYorablc comment from patrons of the Opera Honse in the \\'oods. Sunday aitc:rnoon the Chicago Symphony orchestr~ \Yill he heard in an cxcrllent concert program under the direction of Eric DeLamarter. Alfrecl \YaJlenstein. cellist. will he the so loist. The cast oi "Aida" Sunday night will he the same as that which elevated this famotts Verdi work to tH.' \\' heights last week. :V[adame Elisabeth Rethh(·:·g will appear in the title role. which is etilincntly suited to her powerfully dramatic ~tyle of singing. while Giovanni ~fartinclli. perhaps the grratcst Radames of all times. will have this celchratrd role. Tulia Claussen. " ·ho "-COred a triumph .when ~he ma<!e h er Ra ,·inia debut a~ :\mneris " ·ill again ht· cast as the F,g~· ptian princess and Giu;-;cppc Danise will he heard as Amona~ro. to \rhich he gives unusual distinction·. Leon Rothier will i,e Ramt1s. and Louis D'Angtlo. the king. \fr. Papi "·ill conduct. Monday Night Concert Thl' ru.rular \fond;w nig-ht r<·tH·~·rt "cries \\·ill 1H.· rc~umc.d J uh· 11. ~~ r. DeLamartl'r baring prepared an intercstin~ prnl!Talll which \\·ill he played 1)\· the l'hic:ti!O S~· 1nphony orrhest:-.1.. \fa dame Tuli;~ Clau~sc11. contralto. and Alirrd \\';tl\en~tcin. cclli:--t. \\'ill he the :-.c.tnisH. .\11 rc~ernd srats arc fr1·e ior thc~c n)nrert.-. the g·eneral admis · :--in11 at the l!:'ltl' con·ritH! r\·erything. Tue:-da\· ni1!ht. Tuh· 12. "The L~,·e oi Thr,·c Kinl!:-.. \\·ill he ~~i\'(: 11 its . fir "t ncriorlll;l!H' L ' n i the sra'-'Oll. T.urrezia R1)ri ,,·ill lw he;~rrl a:' Fiora. Onnosit-.'! hrr a~ .'\\·ito \Yill he. Ed,,·ard Johnson. ( ~iu"CPPC' Da 11 i"c '"ill l!iYe a t hnrom.rl1 · I " h um a n t n u ,. 1, t 0 t h 1 · r (1\ e o f -~J an .. j,·eclo. while \'irgili:-~ Laz;r ~1ri will he t ·\r r hikdrln. Otlwrs in the r;tst. a'·i· \fr . \fniica and \fi:-s F;tlco. (~ennarl) Pt111i \\'ill conduct. "San1son · and Dtlilah." that adtnir :tl>le combination oi opera and spectacit. is ~rlwdulrd iur \Vcdncsday I night. July E·. Giovanni ~r artinelii .wi11 he hta rei as Sa 111 son. ~fa dame I ~1lia Claus:'en w~~~ appear oyposi~c I hnn a~ Dcltlah. Cmseppe Dan1sc \nll hl' heard as the High Prie:;t of Dagon, while Lel)Jl Rothicr is to he ca~t in 1 ht· :-ynlpatlletic part of the Old HchrnY. Others in the cast are Mr. D'Angelo. 1Ir. Paltrinieri, Mr. Coscia and ~~ r. Derman. Several heautiiul ballets. enliYen tl1i s opera. Louis Hasst> lman s will conduct. Children's Program Thursday afternoon, July 14, will, as usual. he gin·n over to the weekly concert and entertainment for the chil·ln·n. The Chicago Symphony orchestra will furnish the concert part of the program, ~1 r. De Lamarter explaining the numbers to the children. The entertainment which will follow the concert will be pre:;ented hy the Little Theatre of the Oak Park Playgrounds, anrl the Playground hand of forty-six hoys. under thr direction of Harry Do\\'se. "Fancy Passes," an elaborate p:1n tf'tnime. will be giYen. KENILWORTH ENJOYS ITS GAYEST FOURTH Children and Grown-ups Join · to Make Most of Long Day of Joyous Festivity The fiith annual Fourth ui l uh celebration ~ponsored by the K~·11i i. \\'Orth dub, \Yhich included a parade in the morning and ath letic event. ;tt Xew Trier High school · in the afternoon, proved a splendid success. It was attended hv mam· of the rc::;idC'nts of the Yiilage, ,~· ho turned out in large numbers in the.: morning. and also participated in the cHnts of tlli: afternoon. The first event on the program ,,·a~ the parade, which formed at 10 :.30 o'clock in the morning at Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road and pr\1cccded by \vay of \Van.:ick to \Vood stock, west to Essex, north to ~[ el rose. west to Abbotsford, SQttth to Kenilworth avenue and west to F(,\\11 tain S(JUare. There the Yillagers rtssembled were led in songs by Chartc~ D. Howe, and prizes were awarded to the best costumed children and ht:-.t decorated vehicles. ~f iss Charlotte \\'ilde :; received the grand prize for · her fir~ engine. and Aaron and Frank Knoop received ~ec · j.111d prize for their sailboat. The hen·~· costume prize was awarded to the Ketcham t·wins, dressed a . haln· Cnclc Sams. while Catherine 'fidem-an anfl Dor()thv Starr took first honors for t h(· girb' costume. Other prizes \Hrt· awarckd to the Hanna t\\'ins, '!\ancy Starrett, Virginia Johnston, and Nanc~· Landis. grandchild of Judge K. ~f. Landi s. received honorable mention. The judges for the parade were ).f r!= . Craig B. Ketcham, ).frs. \\'alter Xnhle Gillett. ~fr . . Charles E. DriYer an<l 1[ rs. Clyde P. Ros:-- . At 2 o'clock in the ait~.·rnoon. the athktic events were staged on the New Trier campus. The program included Yarious stunt s and race s be~idc·..; the rela\· racr and h<1 se hall g:1me hetween the father~ and sons. Ribh :-~ n~ were a\\·arded to the \\ inners of fir:-~. second. and thin\ place~ in rach event. an<l the l1iglwst pnint \rinner-. in each clas s reCl·ivcd priz(t:'. The cl1a mpion bm· and girl athlt:tC' oi each class receiv<'<l a gold llll'clal. The bO\'S ,,·ho rccein·d this lwn nr ,,·rre Alexander ~C\\· ton ancl J. ~f Clnt ::m ara. \Yhilc the champion girl athlete pro,·e d to · he Gertrude \fat hnY~. The cn·nb in which each oi tlw chsse~ participated \n·rl· the 50 -~·arcl dash. the high jump. the hroa<l jltll1Jl. and ()llC tniscellancou;; race. Thr judges were: Louis D . Jnnes. Rn' d Landis. HarrY Oli\'(.>, Roy Jarrett. C'lavton Burcl1. \Yard Star.rett. Har old· Tidc·man. Alex J o~lin. an<l I farol<l Barnes. Boy!'> and g·irl~. ag-e ~ix :llld undt·r1, \Villiam Taylor; 2, Andrew l\Talon.-~·: :1, Dirker~tein. Boy!'l, age ~eYen and Pig-ht-1. .J::wk FyfP: 2. Bdty Stt·ol.H'ns; 3, GN.rg-·" CALL UNIVERSITY 9300 FOR MOTH PROTECTION Furs--Fur Coats Heavy Winter Garments Also Oriental Rugs and O.verstuffed Furniture Hot weather 'increases the moth danger! A little vigilance now will avoid loss and trouble. lredale' s method of moth protection is recommended by experts. RATES ARE LOWEST IN JULY In order that our Fumigation Vault · may be kept busy, our rates have been substantially reduced. You will be surprised at how small the cost for such splendid protection. I r e d a l e ' s Garment Storage Vaults Are Protected with Federal Tear Gas Iiedale Warehouses 1723 Benson Ave., Evanston In Winnetka at 5 60 Center St. Phone Winn. 1332 Wilmette 1332 In Highland Park at 374 Central Ave. Phone H. P. 181 Fountain Square-Evanston Rirhards. Girls, ::~g(· seven and l'ight-1, .Tan~ ..... Holmby: 2, Peggy Ket<"ham; !1, Barbara Hess. Boys, age nine and tt~n-1, Robb,· Rf'rgt-r: 2, Jimmy McArthur; 3, Carl<·toil Ross. Ri<'hard!-l: 2, Yirginia Johnson; Girls. ag-e nine and tPn-1, ~. Dorothy Doris Cool Sandals for Hot Days It i·s a long step from the old "sandals" of Cleopatra's time to these modern dainty strap slippers and pumps. Delightfully cool and summery for summer days and summer frocks. In colored kidskins, parchments and black patents. $6.50 to $8.50 Boot Shop-First Floor Wolf. Boys, age 11 and 12-1. Alex::~ nd+"r Newton: 2, ShortrldgP: ~. G. Yale. Girls, agf' 11 and 12-1. Dahm: 2, Hyrne: ~. Bisby. Roys. ag-e 1~ and 14-1, J. l\fontonara; 2, .Tenks: 3, ~lclntosh . Girls, ag-f' 13 and 14-1, Gertrud~" ;\f<1ttht-ws: 2, Beatrice Driver: 3, Rett~· Br,.wf·r. 1'·'1<' Fourth of Julv C'ommittee was <"omnosod of Jnmes Ralph" Rtarr, c.hairrn"n: Ch!'trlPs H. N"'lson. fi eld marsha 1: f'lnvton (". 'Rur<"h, Wq}tPr A. Knoon. P. Kard St.qrrt>tt. Harold 0 . Barn,!'!. ("nlie: Q. Ket<"hqm, Al"'"< R. Joslin, W"'n<lE>ll H. Cl::~rk. H~rold Tideman, Roy H . .Tarr"'tt and Louis D. Jonf's.

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