46 WILMETTE LIFE SITUATION WTD.-FEMALE ~8 July 8, 1927 FOR RENT-STORES .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · -- Classified advertisements will be charged only Genera l N OtiCe to residents of the district from Evanston to I siT. W'l'D. o.Rt·IcE on cLERrc,\L work. Part or full timl'. ,\ddress \Vilnwtte Life ll-357. COLORED FOH. HEN'l'-YI..;LtY 36L'l'r-i41-llp OFlice spaec, aboJ.It 1 Ox1 0 ft. Excell ' nt ground floor location, at I:!G Elm St. Phonf' \\'inn. 142. 4SLTN·I 1 -tfe DESI~~AB~E & 0¥FlU~~ Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in thtJ telephone directory, or who are t>egular subscribers to eithPr WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two Q eS- papers. 30 cents a line in all three papers. 1\IINDl Ul\I CHARGE uO cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. ltl'lc discount on all cash with order ath·ertfsements when brought to I I GIH.L WJSllE!:l UEXERAL - - - - - }'(-)1 -t l t-EX'I'-BARXS 1-'lain cooking. Hl·fprcnct·:-;. 4S . . _\-----------:---:---:-:=-::-:-::-: :JGLT-11-Ilp FOrt HEX'!' -LA HO It: HAHN 1 1~ ~ ~I IL~..;s DAYS \VOhK BY COLORED \VO~IAX. \\'t·st of \\'inndka. ('an lw mwd tor r 1 ,«;1Call Univ. n:n. 3GL'l'N: ·ll-llp ing stable or storage purpoS('S. \\II . housework \Vii. !Jll-:J. ~!l.l- y R t 15 -·l. · 4~Af./l'X41-ltc 'I'" , ' SITVA'l'IOX WTD.-1\IAL:E 1 :,~----j.,(nt SAT, E-HOl--:-~f.S---·- our oftlee Bt 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 66-1 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. ed Deadline for Insertions-Classitl cepted up advertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. CHAUF'FEUn, EXPEH.IE~CED. GOOJJ reft.·reJH:e:;. Private family. Drive all cars. Handy around house. T e l. Univ. 1245. \Villiam. 37LU-ltp 10 DUESSl\IAKING 32 HELP WANTED-FEMALE WILL DO. ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKing, guarantee satisfaction. 157 Prairie GIRLS SEEKING A PROFESSION, Ave. Phone \Yilmette 3997. 10L40-3tc here is your opportunity for an interesting line of work. Telephone work is EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WILL a very desirable occupation and you sew, day or hour or at home. Wil. 3464. have the advantage of working near 10LTN41-ltp home . We provide a vacation with CHAUFFEUR, 10 YHS. EXPER. CAN do repair work. PetPrson, 1023 .Ayers pay each rear. Also, a liberal benefit DRESS~IAKING, REMODELING. 'VINN. Place, E\·.anston. Univ. 8~,08. plan, pleasant associates and sur37I..;41-ltc 2740. 10LTN41-ltc roundings. If you are interested, come in and look over the office and have a GAUDENING lOB personal interview with the chief OJJCr- SIT. \\·TD. - STEADY "\\.OHK gy TlllO: day· house and lawn . Tl·l. " ···b er "\Yil. ator at 725 12th St .. \Yilmette. 1170·. . 3 7 L1'4 0-2tp 32L41-tfc IF YOu DU¥ THI~ 6 ROOM SP.:\XlSII stu('co (oil tilt:) Bung·alow; tile roof; on larg··· lot in Wilm ' tte; living ro om with fin·p lace ; htd. sip. porch: bkfst. nook; built-in tub and shower; h. _w . . heat; 3 tub laundry; att. garage with ht., light and wat e r; will. make needed WELL-llRED YOUl'\G E~GLISHMA!': n·pair~. r e-decorat(' to su1t, n,l~o ~Tad~ wants to go abroad as soon as posand ~t>l·d ba('k yard. A bar~am I( _we sible, in any capacity. Exper. chau ft·\·o·r saw on ' and all yours tor $ 1-l, t~OO. ft>ur. Talk B-:~58. 37LT~ 18-ltp Tenns. YOl..XG l\IAX AGED 1~ WILLIXG TO 1-IEl~SEN do almost auy kind of work. Experit.'l)C(·d in gardening and driving car. -1~1 4th ~t. End of L \Vii. ~7GO, Univ. 8!10l;;2L41-1tc \Vinn. 2017. , 37L'l'N 41-ltc \\' AXTED POSITl 0~'\ IN PRIV A TJ ·: family as ('hauffeur. \\'ill do some side work . Ul'od n·fercncl·s. Call Boulevard Gl7G. Tailor Shop, ask for Vaug-han. 37LTN41-1 tl' R:E AL1'Y CO. BLACK SOIL $7 Truck load delivered. North Shore Home Garden Service Phone Wil. 2183 If not the black soil you want we will take back without charge. 10BLTN38-4tc UOARD AND ROOJI \'l·:nY ATTRAC'TIYE 7 ROOM WIHTE <'olo>nial; 2 hath~. < ·xtra lavat o ry .and toild; hot wntt-r Jwat ; garagt·. \ t·rr wo ·ll lattdSl':tpo·rl lot. ('011\t'l!it·llt to hoth "L" and sto·:un . !.1'1 us show you tlli" I ·IIY at ~:!7 ,onn. :: IO Li nol· ·ll .\ \'··. Phr·nt · \Yii. fiii ii~fA 1-ltf' \\Tell H.otted 11anure and Black Dirt JHI tullb®If~ JHI©~~mffi&lffi Phone Wil. 3300 10BL41-tfc H.idge Road, 'W ilmette INSTRUCTION -----------------I Outdoor 1\ecreation School fur children from 4 to 8 yrs. inclusivP, conducted by cx p C' ril~ ncetl instructor::; on Jll'iYat~~ beach. Ext>l'l'i~v~, swimmin ;~· instruction, g-anws, ~tory h11UI' . l'hildn·n l':lllt>d for and dt·li\·o·n·d. HNt~on able rat es. ('all \\'il. ltltiX . 1::1.11-ltp GHADC_\TE Prilnary lt' aChPr wants Ollt · ··r lltPI'o· Jlllpils for tutoring or hand wnrk. Phnno· \nJ. ti(l!t. J : :r:r~ -10-:.~tc TUTOTIJ:\'(} IX LATTX _\XI> FH.EXCII by l'X]lcricnced t eal' ht·r . Univ. GS9·1. L:lLTN 40-2tp 16 f'O~IPETENT WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- -11 FOR RENT-ROOl\IS eral housework and to a~~ist with care 'r\\TO PRI\.AT~ RO . O:\IS \VITH nATll of children. $15.00. 1a25 Gregory Ave. e. \nl. 2775. :~21,.,41-ltc for light lwust>kec· ping. 544 Sterling Ru Kenilworth. Phon e K enil. 3241. ., 41L41-ltp \YA :-J'TED ('O)IPETENT "\VfllTE: girl for general housework; r<'fer e n('e~ Cl~~THAL HOTEL _ LHiHT _OPTSr1.~ 1;: required ; · n ea r transporta3t2iLon.T. ,. t(l~\~~td rooms for t t·ansit>nts and rt>sJdents. "- t wag·t>~. Ckncoe 1398. ~' · -" c 1\hin strevt. Phone "\\'ilme tt<' 1 ORO. < 41LT41-tft· W .. \!\"TED- EXPERIENCED WHT'I'l~~~--------------=-:--=:::-:-::-:-:-· maid for genHal houst> \vork. ~Tu~t hP FOTI TIBXT LARGE FTTRXTSTTEI) g·ood < ·o(tl,; . Good \\':lg'\·s. \Yinn. 113~. rnnm with lnrgt." alcoYt~. six windows . 32LT:'\~1-ll!' Two 01· thn·t· pPr~on~. l'hnn r \Vii. l~il. -----------------· 41IAi -lt p IIH~II ~WfiOOL f:TRL OR REt:t·L .- \l{ maid . Rt>f. ·. rrq. Gl<'ll<'O(· 61ii. enOL. P!.K\S.-\XT noO:\f, x ·E:\ H LAKE 32LTN4l-1tc and station. Phol1t' Gl1·nror H11. ]E ~If~ <ffi.lliiD~ I:If! ll'~ t·:~ :'\ 1·: .\ I~ I.\' c 't 1.\l plo ·t o·tl . ~ - ti !'·to till ltrid;s. 1- : !'<tOll! stUt 'l"'· :..' lt:tl hs . :-:\I ll parlon· . t;uill ill g-arago ·:-:. l.f)ts ;,nx t:,o. All inlpro\·t·!lll'llt:-: . .:'\'o ·ar lin· · sl'llllt~l, .:'\'orthwo·stt ·rn and f'lo ·t·t rio- . l'rit·1 ·s ~I ii,OOo to $1 ti.:Ooll . :: : t·: \\. I 1 JJjj \\ ' iillldk _\\'o·. l'hllll o· \\'il . 7ti·i ;-,:..' L Il-l to · (),,·ncr ~Io,· ing; to ?\C\\. JTonH.' LOANS FOl! ~ . \LE OR flE:'\T-S R)L HOU8E \n·st side location. Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd .I\Iortgages 545 ~lain 11 .\!-' l':'\lll ·: l~l'HH'I · :ll TITS .-\TTTL\1- th·· · 7 rnt. homt · : w:tto·r ht. with lfll 1 ;tTU ·. \\"1 rTTI·:. TO "\S~IST \YITIT c',\IU.: I·'Ol~ r:.EXT _ Fl.HSTSJIEJ) ltfl0:\1 : IJltl'llt ·r ; ~ h:tths; t·x. tCiilt t & laY.; wall,.. od' ~ 1·hildrt ·n and upst:-~irs \\'(ll'l'. Pilon·· , <~b.,, gnrag·· sp:ll't ' if d· ·sin"d. Phonr <·:t ll\'asso·rl & paintt ·d; sun par. witlt Dt·o·rfit-ltl ~:1~-:\l-~. :1~L'I'XII-llc· "\\'il. :iti-~f. .tJJ.T:'\11-ltp Frt ·twh dtJttl'S to I:LWil. Lot Htox~lo J,. ·: llt tifully plantt ·d; ht<l . garag-t · : ~:! ' ,01111. I:ELL\l!LI ·~. fUl'TP, WIITTf· : T..\1 1 : \ - .Fn]~ l~E:'\T--;-PLK\S.\:\"1' H\)(l:\T, Xf'; . \1~ (]l't 'SS, ~ <l ··~·s first Of \\'( ' ' J.i:. l't·!'lll:tl lf' llt ti'HilS)lOI't:ttiOII, ~Jt·:t1 opt1011:1.J. ro ·J. position. ('all ,,.inn . 7~~:~~LT:\'11-It·· \\' il. !'117-~IX. -tJLTXIl-1tt· 11.-, 7 \\"ilm· ·l to· . \\'·'. J'hon r· \Vii. lil0 :i~TA 1- 1 to· \\·.\X'I'En- P.f~LT..\HLt..; "VIITTf·: C:Titl. F<nt nExT wt·:LL Ft·t~~I~ftF:J ·n o ·r:tl hctU!:i L'Work ::\fust he fond l'or g·o nwm ~. l::ast :-:hlt· ltnm t·. To ·I. \\'il. 1!l11l. FOI~ !-'.\LI·: OJ{. HI ·~:\'T - \\'1:'\~I ·:T J, . \ , ot' t·hildrt·n . Phon e \Vi!. ~-!8 -L 41L'Il-1le tt· ·\Y < 'nl~tlli:tl lwu sP, :\ hltwk s fr.,lll El111 :~2LTX ·i 1- 11 <· ~!J'l'd sta tinll , :\ lJI'!]l'OIIlllS, ~ hath ,_. FOl~ 1!1·;.:-\T FlTJ'l:'\I~llED RO<nr. .. \ttacht ·cl ho·ato·<l g-a rng·,.. I.arg· · :ttli o·. \\._\::'\'1' I~ I> - \\'I flTE I: Tn L <:EX I·: [t .\ I. c·onn·nit ·nt to :til transportation. \Vii. Lot J:ifl:-:17:1 \\' ith larg-v tl·t·o·s. l'rit·o · hoU~t ' \\'OI'k X11 washin!!·. 0\\' ll ro"lll 2164. 41LT·11-ltp $~~.()(tO or .~ 1 s:..oo Jlf'r lll"nth. \\'i ii and hath . :~fl3 Fair\'iew. \Vinn. 852. C'on~itlt · r n.n~· n·a~on:tblt' offPr. . ::~LTXH-lte L.\HOI<- LH:WI' \VI·~LL Fl:f!XISlf_E I> ·i1LT~I1-11p F. Coletnan nurroug·hs & Co. I) --~~~~~~~-=~~~~~~~~ ., .. ···~ RELP W.\""l'f:D-JIAJ,}: rnom . nvar lakt·. tntnsp OI'tatwn . \Vn111 . Hi~~ 41 LTN 11-J k S:\fTTTr & BRO\V~ INSUnAKCE St., \Vilnwtte · Tel. 651 16L41 -t fc Su h- l) i \·ision Salc~tnen \\T an ted \\'l·ekh· 1 g-uarantee, opportunity fur rig-ht man to make real ll1011CY S(·liing ~ligll grade nH'ant. HElNS8N REALTY CO. \VINN. 254. 33L'fN41-ltc -----------------HIGH SCHOOL GRADTTA'l'ES .On COLlf'ge studL·nts who want profitable <'mplorm<'nt, call \Vinn. 2Hi0, Sunday morning before 12:00 or any day aftf.!·· 33LTN41-ltc g :00. \L\XTED- YOUX(} 1\TAN ]<'OR NIGHT work. Good opportunity to lear trade. Apply Lloyd Hollistf>r, Inc. 1222 Central Ave., Wil. :t~LTN41-llp !16 ~IT. "\\'inn r tka 1~~ !i 2L'l' ~ ·I 1- I t I ' 42 1-'0lt UEX'l'- .\1'.\U 'Dn~XTS t2 PETS 'l'HE FINEST DOll FOR A CHILD'S pet is a Cocker Spaniel. Ben utiful black and whit(', also brown and whitt> pups ready for delivery after July 8. Dam, Peggy's Lady Patsic. Sire, Champion Mission Elkhart. P·~lOne (;lpn('OP W12. 22LTN41-lfc U ltEPAIRING & REio~INISUING FOH !-;.\LI·;-Ii I~O<J:\[ r:JUf<'J( \'I·:XEEf~ ·~wust·, sun parlor and slvrping- por r- l1, hath, til1 · fJ()ot· and walls, laYatory on fu·-st floor; bn,akfast nook: wn to·r Jwat; ~ t·ar g·n.ragt·; Jot :>OxltiO. Just com11letrtl. Own<'r on pr<'mis(·s ~~~n day lwtw£·f>n ~ :00 and fi :00 J), m. Prtco · $20 000 171:; \Yashingtnn AYf' . Phont· FOn RE'i'\T-2 ROO~I KITCHE;NETTE .,Vii. ~l!·~. fi2IA1-tft' a])at'tment, stea.m lwat, janitor sf>rdrE>, near transportation. Call \\'ilrn('tte XE\\" 6 ROO:\T BRif'K: ~ BEDnOo:\n::;: 1800. 42LTN41-tf~~ lwat; 2 baths: sun room; hot w:-~tf'r 1 1 1 · .,, FOR RF..~;-I'-FlJ.R'~.APAR1'"-1E~~Tc.,·· oil hurn<'r: g-ar:l.l!('. NNtr S<' 100 s an< ..., . ·~ .~ " -~~ .,_ transportation. Pri<'<' $27.;)00. I· L'R:'\TSIIIO:l> HOC~I·~KBF.PTX(} APATI'I'nwnt 2 room~ and Pn cloH<'d porch, bath, hot ;llld cold running- watt· r in room ; lig·ht and gas. Half block fr<?m d~pot. 1 2:w \Yilnwttt' Aw. Phone Wli. 31.>6. 42LT41-ltp :: noo:'lr KITCHENETTE Plastering Repair Work ALL KINDS OF stucco work. PLASTERTN(} ANIJ APT. TILL S£·pt. 1. 30!'1 Chestnut, Winnetka. $G5 a month. ('all Winn. 2113. 43LTN41-ltc 460 ·winnt>tkn Aw. E. E. Stults Realty Co. Phone Winn. 1!100 52L'l'N41-1tr. H JJ !1-miil~~ · l[®®lffi©If Phone 2291 Sl Sl'fl A1'10N 'WTD,_:_l'E~IALE --------------------------·--------FOR RJo::NT- 2 NEARLY NEW 6 RM. home!'i, with 2 cat' lease if preferrt"d. tion. g·ara~<'. FOR RENT-HOUSES \Vilmett.e 2H... TN40-tfc LOST AND FOUND \VTD. EXPERIE. ~CED LAUNdr<>ss, washing·, ironing or cleaning for Tu(·sday::; and Thursdays. Good rererPncf>R. Gr<>en. 1142. 3GLT41-ltc Two year An excellent loca- F. II. G.A.THEH.COAL LOST IN \VJL~IETTE, 0~ \VILmette Ave. near PoHtoffiet' or on C<'ntral Ave. from car, !Jluf' silk umbr(·lln, ambf'r handle. \Vinn. 2822. 31L41-lt<' WANTED EXPERIENCED 1\IATD, general housework, rt>ferences. 2 in fam- DO YOU ~ EED A COOK OR WAITRESS J. OR RE~T - ~TX R).f. BRTC:K HOURI'~ ily. Oood wages, 'l't·l. Kenil. 22~10. to ht·lp you out. C'all Lak<' Vif>w 4n ·t. :-~nd e-rp·~)g·, .. $1:i l'l"r rnonth. 61l!l Rohling:~2Ltl-1tt.:l6LT:\'tl-ltet J:lond, 1-Iig-hland Park. HLT:-\'11-ltp Phone Wil. 225 CLASS LA UNDRESS WISHES 44L41-ltc steadY work. First class references. 'I'l·l. Univ. 5659. 36L'l'N41-ltp FOR RENT-7 ROOM HOUSE, SLKI~Ping- and living porches. Centrally loHTT. \VTD. NURSING OR HOUSEC'atrd in (l]pncoe. $110. Phone Glenwork-chroni<' or invalids. Best refercoe 629 or Harrison 0282. ences. Euclid 4573-J. 36L'fN41-ltc HLTX41-t ft' FTR~T FOR ~A UO: - 7 ROO~ SO LTD DRTf'K lwu~<'. tilr roof, sun parlor, hreakfast room, 2 baths and attach<>d hC'atC'd gara!!·r'. NP\\'port bolJ(>r, vapor h<'at. A wr·ll huilt comfortr~.h l e home on ht.>autlfnll~· JandsC'apNl rorn<'r lot in Wilm;.tt~; Thr<><' hlo<'ks Northwf'stC'rn and L. Phmw \\.il. 2Gi4. 52IA1-1tC' r<:::XCF.PTIOXAL VAT.l:TE WILL RP. fou~od in !) room hrick Colonial homr. ~ baths. C::1.ra~r<'. Hot watrr hl'nt. LocatC'd in Northrast 'Vihnl'ttr. \Vill t a kf' smnll hous .. m· \':lC"tnt in tradP. f':-~11 h. S. \.Yisdom. ,,.ilm<'tt!' !,)1'\'> 52LTN-11-1 t 1' FOR SALE ?\fODERX 1i l~nn:-.r " .. ,o~,ll'. ·r:1ragP, Ownrt· lf\10 ElmwoMl .\n·. \\·it !i:\4. :i:?LTXII-11<·