THIS ISSUE-Indian Hill's Interesting Golf Course-Page 17 W IL ·M ETT E VOL. XVI, NO. 41 \VlL~l Published weekly by Lloyrl llolliste,· , Inc. , 1222 Central A t ·e., lrilTttPfte. Illinois. Entered as second class matter Mm·,.ll 1.'1. Hlt .L at tile pnst n[fi.ce nt lV-i.lm ette, Illinois, under "'~" Art r,f ""nrrh .l. 1R7fl . R11b.·wription price U.OO a 11ear. LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS ET'fl·:. ILLT!\ OIS, JULY 8, 1927 BOAR~::~::~~~~~ILLI Wi~~~:~[,1Jt~:,berJ_c_._o_f-c-.S-p-ea-k-er_..,, MAIN S~~~~~~~~to. K .. Estimated Expenditures for Fiscal Year 1927-28 Reach Grand Total of $217,400 The annual Wilmette Village Appropriations ordinance, calling for an expenditure of approxi mately $217,400 for corporate uses during- the fiscal year beginning April 19. 1927. and ending April 18, 1928, was adopted by the Village board at its regular meeting Tuesday evening of this week. The appropriation hill is approximately the ~amc as that for the fiscal vear immectiatcly preceding and contains the usual ieaturrs of municipal expenditur<'. Amounts included in the appropriatinn hill are as follows: · For construction ancl repairing- of·ct:-, alleys, ~ idewalks and cross roack and cleaning streets :1nd all<',·s, and carr of t rers- $30.000. · Village Board Votes Favorably in Widening Ordinance; Drayer in Dissenting Ballot CHANGE LIBRARY HOURS Owing to the illness of :Miss \\'inifred Bright. vVilmette Children's librarian, who was taken to tj1e Evanston hospital last Sunday, the Laurel branch of the Wilmette Public librarv will be closed, except during the regular hours-from 2 until 5:30 o'clockon Friday afternoons, until further notice. Pass $3,000,000 Mark in State Bank Deposits Deposits of the Wilmette State bank now exceed $3,000,000, according to a report of the condition of the bank as of June 30, 1927. The figures as of that date show time deposits amounting to $1,260,672.37, and demand deposits. amounting to $1,&35,523.40, making total deposits of $3,096,1~5.77.