, WILMETTE YILLAGE OF OHDJSXS('E \'lit~ A~SL\L WIL:\H:TT}~ Lll<b July 8, 1927 I Village IA · · ~U. HSi AJ>J>ROPJU .\TWS HIJ,L I AX ORDI~AXCE maklug appropria_Wilm~tte ne~slion!; for corporate purposes for th£> Villagt.· llf \\'ilnH. ' tte, in the County of Cook and ~tatt.' of Illinois, for the fiscal year t.·omnwndug April 1!Jth A. D. 1927 and l'lldtng April 18th A. D. 1928. BB IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF YILLAGE OF WIL~IETTE THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE: SECTION 1: . That there be and hereby Proposal is appropriated for the corporate uses a.nd purposes of the said Village of WilFor grading and paving with concrete mette for the fiscal year beginning on the 19th day of April, A. D. 1927 and and otherwise Improving first alley south ending on the 18th day of April, A. D. of Elmwood A venue from Eighth Street 1928 including the amounts hereinafter to Ninth Street. (V\tilmette Special Assessment No. 185) specified for maintaining a free public Wilmette, Illinois, July · 5, 1927. library, for a sinking fund for the liquidaSealed proposals for grading and paving tion of bonded indebtedness and interest on bonded indebtedness of said Village, with concrete and otherwise improvtng for establishing and maintaining a gar- :he first alley south of Elmwood A venue bage system for the collection and dis- from Eight Street to Ninth Street, posal of garbage, for creating a firemen's in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, 11ension fund, for creating a police pen- Illinois, in accordance with the ordinance sion fund, and for establishing and main- and specifications for said improv~ment, taining a municipal playgroun4, the ag- will be received by the Board of Lo('al gregate sum of Two Hundred Seventeen Improvements of said Village of · WilThou~and Four Hundred Dollars ($217,- mette until 7 :30 o'clock P. M. on Tue!:l400.00) or so much thereof as may be da:y, the nineteenth day of July, A. D. 1927, at which time said proposals will .l:>e authorized by law, specified as follows: FIRST : !<'or construction and repair- publicly opened, examined and d eclared ing strt>ets, alleys, sidewalks, and cross by said Board of Local Improvements walks, and cleaning strt>ets, and alleys, in the Council Chamber In the Village and care of trees, the sum bf Thirty Hall. The sppcifications for said improveThousand Dollars ($30,000.00) is h e reby Proposal ments and blank proposals will he furnishappropriated. SECOND: . For opening and repairing t-d at the office of said Board of Local For grading and pa.ving- with c·(!llerete drains and repairing sewers and water Imnrovements in said Village Hall. Proposals must be made out on blanks tlw first alley north of Wilmett~ A \'cnue mains and their connections, the sum of from Fifteenth StreH to RixtN"nth Street. Two Thousand FiYe Hundred Dollars furnished b~ said . Board of Local Im('Wilmette Special AssE>ssment No. 187) pro\·ements, and must be addressed to ($2,ii00.00) is h e reby appropriated. ·wilmette, Illinois, July fi, 1927. THIRD : For heating and lighting Vil- the Board of Local lmpro\'C~ m e nts c:f the Hea le d proposals for grading and paYinglagt· offices, for stationery and official Y1Jlage of 'Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinol~. with concrete and othE>rwi!:'e improvin,; supplie", cou1·t and legal expe nses and and e ndorsed "Proposals for Impro\·enwnt llw first alley north of Wilm Pt t(' A \' Pmt e costs, election e xpenses and other neces- of first alle-y south of Elmwood Avenue from Fifteenth Street to Sixt cf' nth Stret>t, sary incidt·ntal t.'Xpt> ns~·s, the sunt of from Eighth Street to Ninth Street," in tlH· Village of " ' ilme ttE', f'ook County, proposals must be acEightt... L·n Thousand Dollars ($18,000.00) is and all <'Ompanied by cash, or a certified check Tllinois, in a<'rordanee with the ordinance lwn·h ~· appropriated. specifications for said imtn·m·f·mt nt. f'OL1 HTH: For supplies for and ex- 1 ayable to the order of the President of and \\'Ill lw r ece in:·d ))\· the nnard of Lo(·:l.l pemws of street lighting, and incidental tht' Board nf Local Impro\'e nwnts of the· Tmpnhe nwnts of 'sa id Villagt· nf \\'ilt>xtwnses in connection therewith, the sum Village of V\"ilmettt>, for a sum of not lllt:'tte until 7 :30 o'cloek ·P. ~r. on Tu c·sof Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.0\J) lt.'SS than (10) p~·r centum of the. aggregate of t lw proposal ::t nd no proposa t clay, th e ninetec· nth day of July, A. D. i,. h~· rt.. l>Y appropriated. at which tinw said pn., posa ls will be -"IFTH : For paying salaries of the will be eonsidt.:red unless a<'companil'O by 1~t27. puhli<'IY opent~ d, ('xa mincd and dr(')an ·cl offic(!rs and clerks of said Village, the such check or cash. The eontrMtnr will be paid in hond::; hy said Board of Loca l Impron·m ~'nts sum of Tw e nty 'fhrc·e Thousand Dollars, and vourhers payablc ::;olely out of tlll in the f'ouncil C'hamher in th e Yill ng·(; ($2:~.000.00) is h e reby appropriated. SIXTH: For ope ration, NJUipment, sup- assl'ssnwnt for said improY emC'nt, "hen Hall. Th e sp('C'ifications for said impro,·eport and maintenance of the Fire Depart- co llt' cted, in accordance ·w ith tilt· JH'OYime nt, the sum of Twe lve Thousa nd Dol- ~ions of the ordinance therefot·. :,nd in nwnt!-: and blank proposals will b (' furni~h lars tU2,000.00) is h e reby apprO()riated. the mann er nn·scribed by 1:1 ,,., ": hi<-h t·d at the· oftice of said Board of L(l(':"\1 SEVE~'l'H: For paying salaries of bonds will lJ ·rt~ · int1·r est at the ratt' of .;;ix TmproYe nwnt s in said Villng-t· Hali. Proposal:; must hl' madf' out on hla nl;-s w r annum. polin· officers of !<aid Village, tlw sum of ((;) ner Cl'nt um 1 The· comraetor to whom tlh... r·ontract (urnished br said Board of L<Y'n ! Jm l'hirt:-· l'.Jight Thou:-;and Dollars (*38,000.00) may lw award<' O will he n·quired t · · pro\'<'m ents, and must ht' ndclrc·sst·rl tc is herehy appro)n·iatt'd. l~J(~HTII : For paying llw inte r es t on furnish n hond to tht· sati~factintt r, nd np- I he Bonrd of Lof'nl lmpro\"H;tc·nts of th e hondt.·d indebt e dnt.' ~s of l':aid Village, the pt·o,·al of said Board of Locai Tmpro\' e- \.illag-c of \~'i lm e tU · , \Y il mdlt', Tilin ois. sum of One Thousand Twt· Hundred Fifty nwnts, in a sum l'qual to fift;.· t"i)OJ )H' l' a nd C>ndor sed "Propo~als r.· r Tmpron· m r·nl Dollar~ <~1,2i:i0.0(1) is lwn·h. ' · appropriated. ct· ntum c,f tlw ront r:wt pric·e, c·nnd iti onf-d of the first alley north nf \\'ilnwtl· · .\Yf' NI.l\TH: For a :-:inking- fund to provide for tlw faithl'ul IH·rformaiW t' .. r th·· cPn- nm· from Fiftt ·(·nlh Str· ·O'\ to Si xlt ·t· nt ll Str.·d," and all Jll' OIWS:tls must lo t· ncfor th e liquidation pf thL' bonded in- tra ct. Proposal!' y ·ill l >t' r· ·cl'in·d f,.r tlw enn- t·nmpaniPd h~· eas h. o r a <·t·l'tiflP(1 c· ll r·(·l\ tlebtt·dm·ss of :-;aid Villag-l', as the samt. . thlt.· to th(· ordc·r of tlw Pr· ·s idvnl rd matun·~. thl' !-:Um of Thret· Thou!'an<.l Fi\'L! :-:trul.'liun of ~:tiel impro\·vnwnt as a wholt·: pny:. Hundrt·d Dolin r s, (~::,:ioo.oo J i~ Jwr L·i>y :1])- :1rHl sa id l!oarcl of Lo('al Tmprr,\·t·tnl·nts IIH· r:nard rof lAwai Tlll]ll'O\" t · lllt'lll~ rof t 111· I'· ·So'l'\·,·s tilt' ri !.!·ht t n rt"jPc·t an." and al! \'illag-t · (Jr \\. ilm c· t lo ·, fc11· :t s um f·f net! propriat l'<l . lt· ~s than (10) rwr r·o·IIl\llll ()r thr· :.~ 'l'E:\"I'H : Fur a J....il,ran· Fund for tlu · llitls. Cc.ai'd of Lrol':tl llll]ll' ll\·{·lllt'li(S gr.·ga t C' of thP propo~al :tn<l no pt·npo~al:-: maintt·nalltT uf a Frt·t> Puhlic Lihrar~·. \\·ill hr t·nnsid e t·t·d unlt ·ss <l<'t·omp:~ni·· d II\· ,.f tht · Yilla gt· or \\'ilml'lt··. m said \'illa gl', tht· ~um of Tvn 'l'hou .·and s ut" h dwl'k o r c·ash, · E.\ HL i;:. OTI":"\ER ~<:wn Hundred Fift~· Dullar:- ($10,7;·0.110) Tht' con trn f'tm· will lot · paid in !, : .J.(ls J(J ll X ('L.\ 1!K H.\ l(.El ~ is lwrv lty appropriated. and vouc-lwt·s p .t~·nhlt· srdl'l~· c·ul r.f th· · El!XEST l'. C.\ZEL ELEY E;\' TJJ : }'or t h (· <·JlL ration :lll<l as~·' =-'SilH' n~ for sai d impr11\·. nH ·llf, \\ l' t n 1 'J...\REX C' f·, F.. DR.\ YET':. mainttJnancP of tht: pumping- !:ltation, tht· l'll lll·t·t( ·ti. lll nc·C'ordanr·(· with tlw pl·m·iPAl~L .\ . JTOFF:\fAX sum o( Two Thousand l!ollars t~:?,lt(III.IIOJ sions rlf· th·· onlinnll<"f' thl"l·,.f"r. :t11·l i11 H.\XS YOX TI.ETXSPEHC i:- ll ··rt·I·Y atmrupriatcd. · tlw ll1:lnn r· t· prt ·~·wrilovd 1,~ · l:t\\', \' lti<·h T\\' I~LFTJ l: For paying· public lJ enl'.JOJ rX F. \YIEDLIX Lil-ltl' honds ,,·ill lw:u intrrl'~t :II tht· rat·· of !'ix fit~. }Ht~· aiJil' loy tlw \'i ll:l g-t· in :-:undry \ fi) p C' r C'P ntum JH·r nn mtnl. spt:vial asst·ssnwnts. tlw ~um o1 Fiftet·n Tlw C'ontradnr to ,\·l\ 1·:11 : J·,.. c·on traC't Thnusa11cl llPll ars (n:i.oiiiiJ is lwn·ln· ap1na~· h t· awa rd vrl will J.t· ~'"ti'J; r Nl t .. \ ' TLT,.\(; E OF W ILlll~ TTE propria t,·d. · furnish n hond to tlw R ati ~f.tl"t irJ n rnd np . Tl!IRTEE:\'TJI : F or ('Stahlishing and ]lt'o\·aJ of said Ronrd of Local TlliJH'0\'1 ·maintaining· a garbag·t· syslt'm for the mrnt::;, in a sum rq ual to fifty (50) pc· r t;()lkt·tion and di~p~~~al of garhagt· the sum of Fi(tt·t·n Thousand J) olJars F or grading· and paxing· with l"llllvrl'tr t·t·ntum of th c contraf't privt·, <·onditionrd ($15,(JtHI) is h(·rd·Y ai)JH'OJH'iated. the fir::;t nlll'~· n orth of Oakwood .A ·;enut~ for the faithful ])e rforman r·t· of thl· r·ont ra ct. · FOl'llTEI~~TH: For collection and fn·m Eig-hth f:itl'e!·t to Xinth Strec·t. Proposals will h r l't' C'I'i\'(·cl for lht' condisposal of ashe:-;, ca ns, llotti Ps, and mis(\\TlJmettc f'IWC'ial AssNHHne nt l\o. JSG) <:ellaut:ous wask , thL· sum of Fifteen \\'ilm c·ttv, Illinois, .July u. 1!121. struction of ::;aid imJH'O\"PnH'nt ns a whol e· 'l'hou:-;and Dollar~ . (*l:i,OOO) i~ h c r chY apRvall'd propn!-ials for grading nnd paYin ~ nnd said Donrd of Lcwnl lmproYPtnf·llt~ prupriat(·d. · · \Yilh <·onc·n:k and otlwrwise impro\·ing ,.,.R(·r\'t'R the right t·1 n·j··d <lll~- :1;td all FIFTEE:'-:Tll : Fur l'reating a Fire- llw first nll<·~· north of Oakwood Ave nu e: ldd~ . m ·n's Pt·nsion Fund , thl' sum of One fmm Eighth Strt'et to Xinth Street, Bonrd of Lol'al Imnro\'f'mrnts l'housand Two Hundred Dollars ($1 200.00) in tlH' Village oC \Vilmette, Cook County, of tlw Yillag·p of 'Vilnwtt <'. is ht-rt·l>y appropriated. ' Illinois, in aceot·danet.· with the ordinatw,· EARL E. ORXER ~IXTE8:\TH: For crt·ating- a Police and specifications for said improvement, .TOHX C'LARK R.\KETI 1-'ension Fund, lhl' sum of One Thousand will b rec e iv~.. d by tht.· Board of Local ERXEST ('. C'AZEL Two Hundn·d Dollars (~1,200.00) is here- Tmvrovenwnts of said Village of WilC'LARENC'~ E. DTL\ YEn by appropriat d. nwtte until 7 :30 o'clork P. M. on 'fueHPAUL A. HOFFl\TAX SEYE~TEE:"\TB: For thl· ecluipment day, the nineteenth day of July, .A . 1>. TTAXR YOX RBIXSPEHC: and maintt·n ann· of a Puhlk Playg-round l!t:27, at which tim e said proposals will lw .TOHX F. WIEDLT~ th{' sum of Eight Thousand Dollars pyhlicly opened, (·xamined and declart·d 1A1-1le ($8,1.HHI.00) is h<>rl'hy appropriated. h~· said Board of Local. Improvements EI<; JJTEE:\'TH : For <'rcating a Fund in the Council Chamhc·r in the Villa~· · for Puhlk <'haritr. tht· sum of (hw Thou- 1 hill. sand 1Jollnrs <~l,tiiJO . IItl) is hereby appro'l'he specifi(·ations for said impronpriat<.-d. . lll('nl and hlank proposals will b e furnishProposnl SEC'. 2: This ordinanvl· shall he in ··<l at tlw office of snid Board of L·Hal For gTading· nnd p:nin~ with <'otwretc fon·t· from and aftt..: r its passage and due llllJH'OY<.'m ents in said Yillagc Hall. publication. Proposab must be made out on hlanl.;:s the first alley ~outh of Ashland Av-<'nue PA:-5SED by th t- J>n·sidt.'nt and Board of furnished hy said Board or Local Jill- fmm Thirtef'nth StrN·t to a lint> ~ix hunTrustees of the Village of Wilmette on pro\·enwnts, and must be addre:ssl'd tn rlrf'd (600) feet west of the wt:st line of the 5th day of July A. D. 1927 and de- t h(· Bonrd of Local Improvement~ of Uw ThirtN·nth Street. posit(:d and flied in the office of the Vil- Yillage of "\\'ilmctte, \Vilnwtt·::, J:linc.is . CWilmettf' Special Assl'Ssment No. 190) Jag(- Clerk of Raid Village this 5th day and c·ndorsed "Proposals for Jmprovement WilmettP. Tllinois, July 5, l!l27. Sealed proposals for grading nnd l)a\·ing· of Jul.r, A. D. 1~127. (Jf the first alley north of Oakwood AveNICHOLAS J. ~liLLER rnw from Eighth Street to Ninth Stre('t," with <'Oncrete and otlwrwise imnrovlng; Village Clerk and all proposals must he ac- the first alley south of Ashland ,\ !'PROVED by the Prf>sident of the 1 companied b~· cash, or n certified ('heel.;: .\venue from Thirteenth Street to a of Wilmette this 5th day of .July ' 0. H·::?i. I EARL E ORNER Pre~ident ,~lllage of Wilmette .-\ TTRST: XICHOLAS .J. MILLER Village Clerk Puhfisht>d on the 8th day of July, A. D. I 1,2i in tht· Life a secular papd· published .n said Village. XIC'HOLAS J. 1\IILJ...ER Village Clerk L41-ltc -------------------- payable to the order of the President of the Board of ·Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette · for a sum · of not Jess than (10) per 'centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no pr?posal will be considered unless accpmpamed by such check or cash. The contractor will be paid in bonds and vouchers payabl~ solely out cf thP. assessment for said tmprovement, wh'3n collected, in accordance with the prov_lsion~ of the ordinance therefor, and m th<' manner prescribed by Jaw, which bonds will bear interest at lhe rate of six (6) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the contract may be awarded will ue required to furnish '\ bond to the satisfactlc·n and approval of said Board of Local Impronments. in a sum equal to fifty (50) pH rentum of the contract price, conditioned for the faithful performance of th e l:Ontrar:t. Proposals will be received for the construction of said improvement as a whole ; anq .said Board of Local Imvrovements rese rves the right to reject any c.~nd all bids. Board of Local Inwrove ments of the Village of Wilme tH'. EARL E. ORNER JOHN CLARK BAKER · ERNEST c. CAZEI... CLARENCE E. DRAYEH PAUL A. HOFFMAN HANS VON REINRPERC: .JOH!\ F. WIEDLIX I.Al-ltc I line six hundrefd Tfeheltte wethst osf tr!ehte west line o r en · in the Village or Wilmette, Coo~ County, Illinois, in ac<:ordance withd the ordinance a~d specific~uons for sal improvement, w1ll be recetved by the Board of Loc_ al Improvern~nts of .said Village of Wtlmette unttl. 7 :30 o clock P. M. 1 on Tuesd a Y · thte ~~nhet~~th ~~Ypro:P~~ ~· ~il ~e , 19 27 · a w lC c publicl_Y opened, exami.~ed and declared by satd Boa~d of Lo .... al Improv;'!lents m the Council Chamber in the V"tllag·,! Hall. The specifications for said improvements and blank proposals will be furnished at the office of .said_ Board of Local Improvements in satd Vtllage Hall. Pr?posals must be made out on blank s furmshed by said Board of L~cal Improvernents, · and must be addre.3.sed to the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Wilntette, Jllinoi s. and endorsed "Proposals for Improvement of th e first all£>y south of Ashland J\nnu~· from 'l'hlrt('enth Street to a lin e stx hundrt-d feet west of th e wE>st line of Thirt eenth Stl'fC't," and all proposals must bta(' · companied by cash, or a cerlifit>d dll' l'l' payable to the order of the Presid(·nt of the Board of Local Improvements nf tl11 · Village of Wilmette, for a sum c! not less than (10) per centum of the aggreg·atc of the proposal and no prQIIOHal will be considered unlt·ss accompani<:d lo~· !:>UCh check or cash. Th e contractor will he paid in hond :and vouchers payable solely out d th·· aSS('Ssment for said improvt·nwnt, wht: rt collt><"ted, in accordance with th (· provt ~dons of the ordinan<'c th e refor. and i1 1 th? manm·r prescribed h:; Ia\\', "hid1 bonds will hear lnlt:r('Sl ftt the rat !: nf ~ix (6) per centum J)er annum. The contractor to whJm lhe contract may IH: awarded will lw requit·f·d I·· furnish a hond to the satisfn(:tion ;: nd apJH'OYal of ~a.id Hoard of Local llnprov· ·nwnts, in a sum equal to f.fty (50) p1 ·r l't·ntum of the con tra c t price, conditlnt1t-d fot· tlw faithful p t-rformance or i. ht · ("11)1tra <'t. Pror~osal~ will he r ·rt· in ... d for th t· N·tl!-itruetion of ~aid improvement a.s a wholt ·: and said Board of Lora! Impr(t\'l· t ~l"llt .~ t't'St·n·.·s thr· rig-ht to r e j ect any ;1 ttd a II 8 1 .... hid~. BMtrd of Lo ·al Imprrov f·lll··ltt ~ nf th e Villagf' of Wilnw tlt-. EARL E. ORNER JOHN (;LARK BAK8P. ERNEST C. CAZJ·;L f'T.u\REXCE E. DTlkYEI~ PAUL A. HOFFMAN 1 L\NS VON TIF.T:'-:f-; PEP.l; .TOH~ F. \YIEDLTX L11-1 t·· YII.J..Ha: Of' WJI,:\fETTE PrOJHisnl For g- radin g :tlld pa Yin~· with r·mw r..r .~ tlw first allt' Y north of Elmwoncl .\\' POU·· from 8( '\'(' nth St r ert tn Tw( ·lft h Strf·1·t . (\\'iltn· ·t lt · f-;lkd<tl .\SSI·SS!llt'llt :\'11 . 1~Ill \\'ilmdt· ·. Tllinoi:-: , .ltd.'· :;, 1:o:!~ St·alt-d propo:-;a]s for g-radim~· and p:tYillg \\·ith f'OiltTI'lt · :ltlll OI )Jt'l'\\" iS·' i!liJII'O\"ill:.! lh( · first :1llt ·.'· l111l'th of Elmwoorl .\ \'t'll\1 ·· frr,m f-;t·\·..rnh Stn ·f·t tr1 Tw( ·l fth Sti'· T t in tht· Villag-1· <·f \Vilm .. tte. ('l·flk !'r,unt,.' Illinoi s. ill a<·l ·f ·t"<Llllr-t· with th1 · r,ruin:tiii-t: at~d SJh·r·ifir·a tir,n ~ fnr saill imprm·,· mt·tlt. ,,.Ill l11· r··t'( ·iV· ·cl hy tht· Board of Loc·al Tmpl'li\"t·Jlll nts of sa icl Yill :1[!1' cof \\'i 1lll..t ll ' Ullt il 7 ::w o'r·lnl'k P . .\T. fill 'i't(l·:v di'.)'~· th1 · ll~ll· t1 ·~· nth cl. n~· of .lttl . , · . .-\ . 11 . 1.·-~ .. at \\'htl'h ttnw saul propc,:--:~1:-- will 1,, . puldii'I_~· OJWIWd, rxam itw d :11111 tl· TI:tl't' c l I·~ · sn td Honn1 of Lncn l Tmprn\ ··nto ·nt-.. fn th t· C'ouncil ChamlH ·r in :;1· · Yill:tg· · Tla 11. 'J'hr· S]kd fkatitli1S fo1· S:ti cl illl])l'rl\"t·nr·nts and lllnnk pmposals will II( ' fui'nisll t·d at tlw ofi1<·<· of said gu:tnl r,f Local 11llJII'O\'~' IIl· ·n ts in said Yillag-t · Hall. 1-'r~lposals must h t· madt · out nt. l·::1 nk s furmsh r d by said noard of l.<Jt":.J Tmprovt·m L·n ts, and must be nd~1n · sst·ll t n t ~.< · Board of Local lmpr.l\'e lllt · nt~ of thr · \ 1llag-0 of Wihht>tt r, \Vilm··tt. ·, lllin o i" and e ndorsed "Proposals for fmpt nvr·m( ·llt of tlw fin;t all toy north of Elmwood A \"t·'!U~' ft~;m1 St·nnth Strc·d to Tw. ·lfth f-;tt l'H, . and nil proposals must he· a t:t·ompantf'd by rash, or a certifil'd dw<:l payahlC' to tht> ord··r of the Pn·sidr·nt I ~l.f' Bo,ard_ of ,!~o<'al Improvenwnts of u1 , · \ lllng-( ot \\ llml'ttf', for n. sum of not It·~:-; . than (10) ]Wr <'<'ntum of tht · ag gt_t·gat(· of t.Iw proposal nnd no proposal will IH' conHtdt'r(·d unless ncrompani<'d In· · suc·h <:h<'rk or cash. 'l'hl' C'ontrn<'tor will 1,r paid in J,otHl:-: :t~? \:ou,ehers paynhl\ sole ly out or til' · .lSS('R~ll1U1t for snirl ll11)>l'O\' f' J11i' l1t \\'}WI' C'~lJeetc>d, in af'rordancf' with thL.' }ll'O\' I~ sJO.ns of thr ordinn n<··· th cr.'f ot·. .1. nrl L1 t h( mm;n('r prrsc-t·ih<'d hy law \\'hil'h hnnds wtll he:w intt'l't ·:.;t ;1t thl' ··::{l' ,,f ~·ix (!l) pl'r centum )Wr annum The contrnctor to w1101.n fl.(' contr.:el may. he awardf'd will lh· l'f"lttit'HI 1" fu.rmsh n, ho':d to tlw satist'al·tion atHl npPl~lval ~f satd Board of Loc·nl ImJWO'.'l'm.t nts, m n sum equal to fift~· {iiOJ 1wr N ntum of. the rontrnd pr·ief', conditionr.>cl for the fatthful tWrformanet' of tlw ( ·O il· tract. Pro!losals will ht. . rl'l'f'iwd for th e coli Rtl'uetwn of ~aid improYE'ment ns a wholl·: uf