Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1927, p. 43

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July 8, 1927 WILME1"TE LIFE A1 the village boards, or estimates pre-1 that post office officials in Washington ESTIMATE WILMETTE'S I of pared hy a check with banks, local have been at a loss to understand why new~papers or ?usiness m~n the city has been demanding _so great POPULATION AT 16, 000 ~uburban m the respecttve towns. fhe totals m a number of government mad receppractically every case have been veri- tacle locks, an amount far more than George Lusk Back Fro1n Studies in E C uropean ent. ers Nationally K n o w n Statistical House Gives Figures on Remarkable Suburban Growth Latest population estimates for the co mmunities in the Chicago Metropolitan area indicate the continued remarkable growth of the villages of New Tri e r during the past year. These t]gure s, compiled by S. \V. Straus and COI11J)an,!, nati onall,· fam o us fin an cia 1 " J and stati stical house. .rrives \'-/ ilmette ~"> al1 " '- Stimatcd population of 16,000; Kenl.lworth, 2,250·, \Vit: netka, 11,000·, Gle ncoe. 5.175. Glenview is a ,. ., i,·en 1,600. Chicago suburb s within a forty mile radiu s of the city have a population a s o f july 1 of 1,223,700, a ccording to this survey of the suburban di strict. Thi s is approximately a ten percent gain over the population of the same di strict a year ago which is estimated to han been 1.101,300. . La st year the populati o n o i the g reater metropolitan di strict wa s estimated privately at the conservative tigur e of 4,150,000, but th e figure this \·ear is on a different basi s. The most co n sen·a tin: private est i111 at c 0 b t a inable:, however, places the population of th e Chicago metropolitan area as 4,464.900 and the p0pulati o n cJf Chi cago a !' 3,241,200. Th e es timates a rc based on th e popu- fied with a private check conducted by that determined upon the basis of govGeorge Lusk, brother of Milan Lusk, a leading public utility which in many ernment expectancy of growth. ca ses has verified its own figures by an The suburban movement is in part violinist, of 810 Michigan avenue, has actual count of the number of familie s accounted for by the increasing desire returned to Wilmette after three years in the s uburban towns. of families to rear their children i'n of study and travel in Europe, where Of th e suburban town s fiity - five sub-~ the smaller communities, by improved he obtained an unusually clear cut and urbs r eported, the se to·wn s and village s highways and increased suburban bl . were taken as a base and checked transportation facilities, espec 1 'ally for true understanding of the pro ems tn · an rrainst the public utility fiaures .for the example as is shown bv the electrifica- the different countries there. h "' " same communities. The Straus figures tion oi suburban se rvice to the developGeorge Lu sk, after re~eiving his M . for the fifty-five suburban towns was ing of suburbs on the southern border A. degree at the University of Chicago 990.708 as of July 1 this year, while the of Chicago. d d p es timated population for these same several years ago, atten e rague · ·t 1 1 h ' from the suburbs on July 1, 1926, was 906,474, ~f r. and Mrs. J. \Velte n Fi she r, Jr., untverst Y on a sc 1 0 ars 1P · t er o f Ed uca t'o f C z echo - Slo 1 n sho win!! a gain this year of approxi- have returned to their hom e at 826 M'tms " k. At th 1 ' t' h · · d h1 's s une e rece 1ve ma_ tely ten percent. The public utility Gr.een\\' ood avenue fr om a ten - day rna- va ·ta. PI D d · h 1 rsht'p fot· 0 1· · an figures for approximately the same tor trip to Rochester, Minneapolis , and was gtven a sc a suburbs as of January 1, 1927, was 801,- St. Paul, and through northern \Vis- another year. The following year he 620, \vhich corrected for 1uly 1, 1927, consin. attended art school, Academe Andre would be 841,700 or about 50,000 less - oLhote, in Paris, where he enjoyed the than the estimate compiled through the Mi ss 1Iargaret Hamm oi 11ilwauke t. most enjoyable period of his study co-operation of public officials. \Vis., is vi siting her cousin, Miss J ant' abroad. Movement Out from City Yost of 1016 Greenwood avenue, for Though his principal aim throughout The survey points out that it is prac- three weeks. his work has been to study art, ~nd to tically impossible to say what per- odirect his efforts toward painting, he centage of the suburban growth has More than 8.000 different kind s of did not fail to take advantage of the been caused throt~gh loss of population finishes, including paint s, varnishes, opportunity to study both the social in the city, but it may be ass umed that lacquers, dyes, etc., are manufactured and political · conditions in th~ .Euroa considerable part o f the suburban, in Illinois. I pt:an countriP.s which he has vtstted. growth has been at the e:xpetise of I .~ Chicago. ' §IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII It ha s been pointed out also as an = interesting commentary on the local population estimate that the census _ figure s (not post office figures) are less _ = than the present pri,·ate estimate. This ° = lati o n fig-ure s furnished hy public of- is probably natural enough, but from ficials ~ uch as tl1c may ur s or chairmen 1 confidentia~ sources it has be ctl lear11ed - = --= = = v · IJeliu_Atful Lalce Jrips t ~) Va Most Direct Route to Summer RuoriJ - = of NORTHERN. MICH~9,~~ !i 5 Sailings Each Week /!'!?=·v:~:.. ; I = between Chicaco and Northern Michican Summer Resorts via our larae, modern steel steamships Summer Schedule--Saillnlls Central Standard Time I ~ A . CATION. SALE Now ts your best opportunity to fill Summer requiremenh. Manufacturers are working only on fall styles. Our present stock therefore represents final selections of Feminine Apparel for summer and vacations Steel Steamship "MANITOU" The popular lake liner will sail from Chicago every Monday at 4 1 00 p.m. and ·Friday at 5:00p.m. offering express service to Glen Haven, Charlevoix, Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Bay View and Wequetonsing. On Monday sailings service is extended to Northport.TraverseCity, St. Ignace, Mackinac Island, Detour and Sault Ste. Marie - on Friday sailings through to :Mackinac Island. Sailings (Southbound) from Sault Ste. Marie, Wednesdays 10 :00 p.m. and from !v1ackinac Isla\'d, Thursdays 8 :00a.m. and Saturdays 11:00 p.m., arnving Chicago Fridays and Mondays 8:00 a.m. I~ - = Steel Steamship "PURITAN" The fast and commodious lake liner will sail, from Chicago every Mon., Wed. and Sat. at 6 _p.m. offering Overnight Direct Service to Ludington, Hamlin Lake, Epworth Heights, Manistee, Onekama, Portage Point and Frankfort. Motor coach connections for Pentwater, Hart, Shelby, Arcadia and intermediate points. Service extended to Harbor Springs on Wednesday sailings. Lor» Round Trip Fares. Summer Schedule noco In E.ffect. .AUiomoblles carrllul on aU steamer_. at low ratu. Call or write for folder and full Information. - at greatly reduced prices. Included in present store-wide sale, are charming frocks as low as $9.50. - , :II I &I. DNN&DY, Gen'l P···· AP., N.W. &nd M·nlei~N~I Pa.r, Chlcalle Phone All De..-rtmente Superior 7800 City Ticket Office, 118 South o..rborn Street Michigan Transit Corporation Tlclteta 1old and reaervationa made at all prineipal Railroed Ticket Offi.ee11, Steamship and Touri1t Areoeiel. JLJE \\VJIS CS!B~en~. !ftu a ... coa..·oa.ATa· - 1606 CHICAGO AVENUE AT DAVIS STREET EVANSTON ~11111111111111111111111111111fllt1111111111111111111tlltllllllllllllllllllllll111111111111llt11111111111111tlllllllllllllllllltlllllllllijlllliUIIIUI"tiiiiiHIIIItlltiiiiiiiiii'UtiHUIIfi. 1 ~.ttllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllllltllllllllllllllllllltlltltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllttllllllllltlllltllltllllllllllllttlltllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltttttiiiiiiiH!t:

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