July 8, 1927 WILMETTE -------~------a-~- ----",..--~--+--,..---aM--D~~-~·-~aiH-~a --a-~a,.--a·-·t) . LIFE . 41 Shore Theaters !:T his and That li on Actors and Plays · News I Movie Menu Saturda,r, July 9 .1 1· -·--·-------·--~~-~ I~·--·-- On~o~~af/;~e;;ns . ·Village Theatre WILIIBTTB, ILL. ·at Varsity July 11 · J. -~ A crew of expert mechanics and ::::·~1e Circus A~~" .. ..... Teatro del Lago electricians have been engaged during I 1me to Love .............. Norshore By Hub "Slide, Kelly, Slide" ............ Village the past week installing the motors "Thf' Frontiersman ............ Varsity Jlon., Tues., .July 11·1! Byrd's in Paris; Lindy is-or at and wiring for the new Vitaphone in TWO DAYS ONLY Sunday, July 10 Tim McCoy In least was-in Canada; the Social ed is the Varsity theater. The initial pre- ":\fcFadden's Flats" . . . . . . . . . Norshore "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary" .. making a ~ocial call; the Golf editor sentation will be made next week if ·~THE ..................... Teatro del Lago is playing golf; the editorial writer is present plans are carried out. This )Jouda)·, Jul:,- 11 ba sking in the sun at some northrrn invention has practically ,r evolution- "The Frontiersman" . . . . . . . . . . . Village resort; and all of the other niembers ized the amusemerit world. Evanston "Convoy" . . . . . . . . . . . . Teatro del Lago With ('lalre Windsor Flats" .. ..... ... Norshore Also of the force are out shooting up what is the only city in the vicinity of Chi- "McFadden's "The Show" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity 2 Rt·.-1 JinC'k Sennett Comedr remains of their kid brother's fire- cago where 'Vitaphone presentations TueSllay, July 12 Pathe News works. As for me I think I shall go will be given for some time to come. "l3eyond tht> Law" ................... . ... .. .. 'Vinnetkn. Community House Wfd., Thur11., July Jl3·U to the movies. Before I go though, In Chicago, but three places of amuse"Th\.· Show" .................. Varsity 1'WO D,\YS OXLY I want to chat briefly upon divers suh- ment have Vitaphone installations. '·Convoy" . . . . . . . . . . . . Teatro del Lago Belle Bennett In "McFadden's Flats" .......... Norshore jects-such as June weddings, and The first Vitaphone program · was "The Frontiersman" . . . . . . . . . . Village Policemen. WetllttS(lay, .Tuly J3 ~iven at Me Vicker~s theat-er in Chi.\l!oou ".\lo,·le. Houndn-comedy "Mother·· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Villag-e Yilma Banky and Rod LaHocque 1 cago scarcely more than a year ago, "The Romantic Age" . . Tt·atro del Lag-o l>atJu· Re\'lfw, Xews cre(\ted a bit of excitement in B~verly and since that time it has steadily ":\{('Fadden's Flats" . . ........ Norshore }'rl., Sat., .July 15·16 'flturstlay, .Tuly H Hills. Cal., the other day, according ~ained in favor all over the United 1'WO DAYS ONLY "Fast and Furious" .... Teatro dP.l Lago to \\'ill Rogers it) a special dispatch to States until at the present time at "Moth e r·· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Village SJtl. ('h8)JIIn as Old Bill In the Chicago Daily News. Of cour~;l', !cast one leading theater in every Friday, July U you all know that Vilma and Rod got city in the country is giving Vita- "Tht~ Rt·Uer Olt-" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Villag-e .. :-;,.norita" . \\·inndka f'ommunity Housf' .\l!'u " " W ho's Afraid"married, hut you . prol,ahl.\· hawn 't ·)hone presentations. Its · success · is due "The Flaming· Forf'R l" ............. . ~ lttl'l Comedy kamed that the.\· were married 111 a 'argely to the type of artists who have ............... Gl·'neof' "Cnion <'hUrC'Il un«l Pathe News church. \\.ill says that Sam Golrlwyu. 1ent their talents to its presentations. "Fal't and Ful'ious" .. 'l'eatro del Lago )(flton Hosking at the who's one of the big boys in ~fPtro - Such grapd opera stars as Martinelli, COMMUNITY HOUSE Wt>lte Hrande Organ (~oldwyn-.Mayer, called him up arH; ~ai d \fary Lewis, Hackett, SchumannKen Maynard in "Beyond the Law" .~~---D-~that he thought it would he a good pub- Heink, Talley and a score of others; Ji · it~· stunt to hold thl' \Hddin~ ! 1~ a noted stars of the vaudeville and re- will be the feature picture shown at the rhurch. \Yilt asked him what dcJiOm- ··ues like At ]olson, George Jesse!, vVinnetka Community House on Tuesination he preferred and Sam i·cpliccl \Villie and Joe Howard and Roy day, July 12. With it \viii also be that any kind \\'Ottld do a:-; long ;,:-, t lw Smeck, and talented musicians number- shown an Aesop's 'Fable and "The 'tl·eple was high enough to he seen ·ng Mischa Elman, Carlos Sendano and Silent Flyer." Two shows will be " A V S 68· COOL in the picture. \\'ill also · ~tated tll ·,t others equally famous have contribu- given; one in the afternoon and the ONLV ICE ~FRIGERATING PlANT OH TN£ NORfNS. . . other in the evening. thc novelty <:verybody experienced at ted to the success of this nc\\' form of ..Pride of rhe North Shore" On Friday, July 15, Be be Daniels in hl'ing in a church \\'a::i the hig kick oi entertainment. "Senorita" will be presented. 1lw wedding. That Vitaphone has come to stay is evidence(! lw the fact tl1at its sr0nFRIDAY f6 SATURDAY I~ th.e past few years .a ntt1~1ber of sor;:; have . r.ecenth· closed contracts Jl.rotosw n s h.a;e been ~wen mterna- \\·ith all of the leading arti:-ts of· the t1·)na ~. rrcognJtton by_l>C'll_ lg pl~ced on tage at1d opera. ami haYe compktf'd 'l1l· llnnnr Holl (lJ Hrg. P1cturc s." \a mammoth stt1clio in Holh·wood de- \ Probably one of the f1rst ot the se \yas voted exclusi\'C·h· t 0 Yit apirone films t hl' n_ewspap..:r .reporter whose de\·~tron and presentati 0 n.:-;. t11 l11.; professron \\"as exampled 1n a in t"ilr11 \\·hose name I am unable to reThose who ha,·e ne\·e r enjoyed a I ctl l hut which was pre se nted sevrral \.itaphone presentation ha,·e a rare .}' l';t r:- :rgo. The mn st r cent prndurtioll treat in store as its . ynchronization i.; -Now Playing11i tlli:-; typt. oi rour:-.c. is "The Fire perfect ancl the tonal quality of each A Thrill for Every Hour 1\ri:.!a(k." pcrfonner i:-; rcnderetl \\'ith a precision and fidclih· that ha ::; been proRAYMOND GRIFFITH .\ couple oi 11 :; \\'ere g-iving the · in '·~':t'-un\ hig-hligllts tlw oncc-O\'l'r the :10t~nccd by n.1_any rritics a::; " uncanny 1 "Time to Love" ' ) f ll'l' eYcning in a "round r()hin" in rts real~:-.nl. :-;rh<:d uled for the purpose 0 f settling Clyde Elliott. 0\\"JH?r oi the Yarsity, ··\YIJrld affairs" ancl the enjoying of an announces that the Vitaphone organrEpic of -On the Stage\'\"l'ning pipe. In passing, it occurred zation has agn:ed to complete the in· the \Vest. 'Ufl~ to u~ tC> ,,·onder why the policeman . ; tallation by \\'Orking night c:. in ord·2r KOKIN and GALETI 11<~'> 1leHr been gi\'en a place 0n this that the first pr e. entation may be givin comedy and novelty surprises A Marvelous "T-lonor Roll." To my mind, no pro- l'll :;..ronclay, Jul.\· 11 . This agreement, il'-..;ion. offers greater possibilities for ., n~ .cour se, i::; . uhjcct to \\'~ather con- · Historical Story :-.plcnc!Jd elrama than this one. Let's chtJOns and to the accoust1cal properKHARAUN for Young and Old. loo k it over. tics of the Yarsit,· theater. In some "The Persian Pianist" ln all probability there is 110 civic or- cases ·.it has . beer; necessary to test. ganization more beset with difficult ~fter mstaltatron, for several days beproblems or a group more interferred fore the cxp~rts can l?catc the scat of ,,·ith by political influence. Reccntlv, in the trouble 111 convcymg the sound t.o -Starting Sundaqnne of our mid-western cities. · the every par~ of the house, and ~1r. Ell_rDrive Your Car The Last Sensation of 19 2 7 l'hief of Police complained that poli- ott has mstructed . the ~ngmeer 111 t icians \rorkinrr to oust him had hired charge to spare nett her tunc nor exCHARLEY MURRAY a c;et of gang~ters to make frequent p_ense in bringing the Varsi~y installaand t~ ext to Theater raid~ upon one place in order to make t1.01~ to a .st.a~e of perfe~tJOn bcfor~ CHESTER CONKLIN hi::; department ·appear inefficient. His grvmg the mrttal presentation. in charges were doubtless true-hut he It is planned to make the opening "McFadden's Flats" couldn't prove them. Vitaphone performance a gala affa1r, Monday Organized crime can be just as ef- many notables in ch·ic, professional it:ctive as poli·c e organization; science ~nd s<;>cial circl~s ha\'ing signified their - On the Stageards the gangster just a-s much as it rntentwn of hcmg present. LIBBY DANCERS does the minion of the law; even naa company of eleven ture seems to side with the felon hv VISIT IN ESCANABA in imposing a blanket of darkness ahoU't John Pappajohn. owner 0f the \Til- l "Sports a Ia Mode" his operations. And an impatient and lage Chocolate shop in the Villagt' I alarmed public, just as easily excited by Theatre building-, went to Escanaba.!' FABER and GREEN { alse reports as by true ones, is ever Mich.; \Veduesclay of this '"eek, to join \ World's Greatest Stars at in ready tq kick the cop for an apparent Mrs. Pappajohn and their small ~0n "Two Dark Knights" I inability to cope with the situation. who have been visiting Mrs. PappaThat seems to contain all of the re- john's parents for several weeks. They expect to return to \Vilmette in about quisites for a good film doesn't it? ten da'y s. And this is that until next week. Yoar Home T'eahlr D. Koppel, Jlaaa,Sar Dtreecor Phoae WU·ette U.U Kvenln_ gs 7:18; Mat. T·et· islt ~aturday Matt., t aad t PROMTIERSMAII" *** ""MOTHER" ""TUB BETTER OLE'" **· 1 i Col. Tim McCoy ~ ~ ()~ "THE An ~ ~() ·~ "~ ~JJ FREE PARKING JOHN GILBERT "T H E S H 0 W" I ,_ VITAPHONE THE VARSITY SOON ,___..._ _._, I __