WILMETTE LIFE July st 1927 .. ·.---------·:·..... Reviews ~·--~-·---.-·---·-~~--·---·--··--·- Teatro 'l del La go Sheridan Road rn uNo Man's Land" Between Wilmette and Kenilworth Ph. Kenilworth 3980-3981 ·:··-~~--·-·-·-·---·-- ·:··--·---~~-·-·~--·-·-~-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·-·-·-··-··-~ I A t I . I Village the North So;,e of Season's Highlights Listed T p on eattO rogram On St1nday, July lOth, "The Rrjtn- cnation of Aunt ~1ary," with Harri :-on Ford, Phyllis Haver and ~fay l~ob~on. will be shown at Tcatro del Lago. This picture is an adaptatil) n of a. play that ran inr more t i1at1 30 vears on the stage. The story deals with an old woman who thinks her self reactv for the tomb. but who is rejuvenated by her nephew ,rith thl' aiel of her up -to-da te nur:;e . The nephew is in a distant ci ty, prc:;umably studying to become a physician. all expenses being paid by his Aunt Mary. Most of the mon e\·, howcn' r. he devotes to the perfection oi an au tomobile motor. In order to rai . . e nece ssa ry funds to perfect hi:- motor .. the nephew writes Aunt Mary that be has opened a sanitarium, and nam ed it after her. She sends the money , anrl announces her intention to vi sit tlw hospital. Then the fun begins! "Convoy" On Monday and Tue sday, Jul y 11th and 12th, one of the most widcJ,· IH' ralded pictures of th e season. "( ·nnvoy," will he prcsented. This pirturt·. with a ra~t composed of D (·rothy Mack;till. La\\T cncc Crav. \\"i lli am ( 'oilier, Jr .. an d Low ell ~herman, and direc ted I>Y Hobert T. T..::ane, has been c:udorscd .,)\. :l';av,· offic ial s as the ·r,r-.,t auth enti c. film ·h istory of tht \:l\·~ · ·.., particip at ion in th e \\'orld \\·ar. In ad clitio n to this picture's hi . torical Y;tlttt', there is ,a romantic thl·me ba :; cd 1111 J ohn Tainter Foote':- dramatic '- llllrt story. "The Song oi the Dragon." which tel1~ in an ah:-urbing manner hu\\· a girl uncoverl'cl the na·thods oi ~- ~, 1\l munication between the Gerrnan ~ern 1 SenirL· ~igent s in .\ mcrica durin~..: tilt· war. and a id ed in the arrl'-.t , , j t ll v chief, at the expethc oi hvr 0\\' 11 r ql\ t tation and ]o,·c ui her ::i\\ cdhear t. "The Romantic Age" On \\ \~ clnc;;day, July 13th, Tedt r" ck i Lag() presents F.ugt' IH: O'Brien in "T h ~ · Homantil· Age." Th e ~ ton· ren :n:-; about a li ttl e flapptr and hrr bachciur guardia n. wit h the Black Bottom, nit! h t club s. motor cars, and other mo(k rn pleas ur c drv ices, \\' h ich provide a cc ·I< 11·ful background and s\rift action. T he fla pper and the bachelor love ~· ar h ot hf'r and arc to be married, but priC~t~ to th e announcement of thL ir engagement. th e man' s younger nephew c< 1111t· home, and com plications arise. Tilt' older man decides to sacrifice hi s , ""n happine ss to what the girl thinb is her happine ss. How the flapper finally awakens to the knowledg·c of tl1e onr that she really loves, is succcssfulh· developed in the picture. Eug~·ne O'Brien and Alberta Yaughan mak r an entreating new pair o f screen toYers. well chosen for their roles . On Thursday and Friday, July 14th and .15th, Teatro del Lago pre se nts Regmald Denny in his late st success. "Fast and Furious." You will nen .' r know what trouble s are until you se e some of the scrapes that Denn\' uets into in this picture. There isn 't · a ~I nil moment in it. The action is fast ·atHI the fun is furious. Dcnnv comes tn grips with a situation that calb for ::111 exhibition of nerve. finesse and adroitness, and comes out on top with his customary sang froid . It is a stor\' of a spred maniac who meet s hi s \Va.terloo when he finds him . elf flat on his hack ~midst .the wreckage of his car, gazmg up mto .the eves of what he knows ~o be the on.ly girl i.n. the world. Playmg the leadmg femmme role is lm·e ly Barhara Vvorth. Offers One of Season's Best Programs MATINEES SATURDAY, SUNDAY SATURDAY 8 SUNDAY Doors Optn 1 : 3 o Show Starts ~ p. m., Continuous Eveninga During Week Doors Open 6 : 3 o Show Start· 7 p. m. FOR WEEK BEGINNING SATURDAY, JULY 9 Saturcloy, Jul)· 9 ' 61 TRE CIRCUS ACE" with Tom :\Ilx a'ncl "Tony" the Horse "LoTc )ly Dog," Our Gang Comecly Sally O'Neil, the vivacious little heroine in Slide, Kelly, Slide,· which has been making the rounds of most all of the theaters in this and every other vicini,ty, at one timt· re sided in \\'ilmette-which may or may not be Sally was known as news to you. Virginia Noonan here on the north shore and wa s the daughter of a supreme judge of the stat e of New ] ersey. She ·was first laun ched to fame in "Mike," when a director saw her dancing at a tea dan ce in a Los Angeles hotel and decided that s he was the one and onl\' for th e titl e role in that picture, Upon \Vhich he \-\'aS work ing at the time. Three pictures of unusually high calibre, to be included all in Otl e week's program, are sc heduled for appearance at the Village next \reek. Accompanied by spcc i;1] mu sical programs to be presentcd by Milton Hosking at the Welte Grand organ and by news reels and comedies of a corresponding quality, the week' ~ en terta inment promises to be QlH' of the best c\·er presented at a north side th ea ter. The lirst of the three pictures, "The Frontier sman." is rt. chronicle of Genera! Andr<:\\' Ta-cbon·~ dramatic and colorful war against the Creek lndians in IR12. The film is a st irrin g drama produced by Metro-GoldwynMayer and featuring Tim McCoy and Claire \Vindsor. It will be shown on ~f ondaY and Tuesclav. Perh ;1 ps th e grea~test of the three prrsluctions. both irom the standpoint 0 1 pre se nta · :on and casting, is Belle Bennet's "~fother. " which will he shown on \~' t'dnesclay and Thursday. It is another of her "Stella Datla s" achievements and is a picture comparitivdy new to this vicinity. Tt should ·warrant unu sual attendance. F,or the third of the series what could he neater than Sid Chaplin's "The Better 'Ole." Someone may haYe had the idea that Sid's brother Charlie had cornered cYcrything in slapstick hut Old Bill . hmrs a lot of things that Charlie nerer once thought of. It is onr of the biggest pieces of comedy e\·er thro\\'n on .th e s-creen and. anyone who lik es comedy at all should ne,·er miss se eing it. "So This Is Lonclou:· ~oHIO· "Ft'llx Full ol Fight," Cut (.'artooll ~nn~lny ··Tuly 10 ··THE REJUVENATION OF AUNT MARY" "ith }'orcl, Phylll..; Jltrn·r, .\lur no "HolJoken to Hollywood," Jfarri~Oil St'nnett Comedy "PJonHr Instinct," Spcelnltr "}'ox Xews," Xews Jteel )[em .. Tu(·l'., ,Jul)· 11·1:! "CONVOY" All Star ('u . t "The Ht-tf(·t· Role," "·lsHrn(·ker Comedy "Kinograms," News Reel Wednf~day, for the Smart Set of the North Shore f July 13 ~~raE ROMANTIC AGE" " ·Jth l:ugt'ne O'Brien and Alberta Vaughan THE GEORGIAN exquisite appointments in the dining rooms of THE G~<?RGIAN . . . . as gratifying to the eye as t~e .cutstne to .the taste . . . . perfection in every detatl tf preparation assures success for your parties. C~me to the DI~NE~ DANC£ EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Dmner and Dancmg S1x to Twelve $1.50. No cotJer charge Dancing Nine to TweltJe $1.0 o. . "Bigger and Better Blondes," Charlie Chase Comedy ;·Around Old Jleldelberg," Speelalty "Fox Xews? Xews Re~ Thur11., Fri., July H·ld ' 61 FAST AND FURIOUS" wltb Reginald Denny IDhe Gleorgian "An Address of Distinction" Davis at Hinman-Evanston Phone Reservations Now-Greenleaf 4100 "Cupid and the Clock," 0. Henr) ·comedy "Died In t.he wool," Fable "KJnogram," News Reel