Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1927, p. 39

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July 8, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 39 First round-Barbara and Helen Holden defeated Helen and Barbara Bersbach, default ; Helen and Marion Fulton d efeate d Barbara and Mrs. Hobart 6-0, G-3; · J eanne and Katherine Street defert.terl Debby and Mrs. F. Butler 6-3, · 8-6 ; Hem·ietta and Mrs. A. Boal defeated Muriel and Charlotte Picher 6-4, 6-2. Semi-final upper bracket-B. and H. Holde n defeated H . and M. Fulton t.i-0, 6-4; Henrietta and Mrs. A. Boal def<>ated J. and K. Street 6-4, 6-8, 6-4 . Final match-Henrietta and 1\lr~ . A . Boal defeated Barbara and Hele n Holden 5-7, 6-4, 6-4. -Summary of father and son or brl)thers· doubl es, June 26 to .July 4 : Second round-Hughes and C. D. Dallas de feat ed Jas;k and U. E. Routh, Jr. 6-4, t)-4; Albert and J. H. Winston defeated 'Villiam and J. Miller 6-2, 6-2; Edwin and F. D. Fulton defeated John and ,~hlliam ::\fcEwen, default: Malcolm and G. M. McConnell defeated Edgar and F. Stanton 6-1, 6-0. St:>mi-finals-Hughes and C. D. Dallas defeated A. and J. H. Winston, default; E. and F. D. Fulton defeated ~lalcolm and G. M. McConnell 6-3. 6-4. Final match-Hughes and C. D. Dallas defeated Edwin and F. D. Fulton 7 -!.\, 6-4, 6-1. Houston, 79-7-72; G. D. Cowin, 88-18-70; 'J . L. Lane, lJ3-23-70; C. F. Pearce, 85-1570. The low gross in the ball sweep~-;takes wa:s won by James 'ornack with 76, with George 1\1ursch's 80 taking se·cond. Clyde Stevenl:i, 81-14-67, won the · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · low n e t prize. J . L. Lane, 70, I. W. 1\lcSummary of m (·n':- :--ingles tennis tourCurdy, 75, G. J. Pope, 71, and G. W. -rracy, 74, took a ~!JO to win the handicap nament, June 26 t o July 4 : Second round-\\.illiam Boyden, Jr. foursome event . J. C. Cornack, 70, W . S. Prt·ston, 'iti, J .' C. Searll', 77, and George defeatt::d George \.PNI<-r li-11, t.i-0 ; Hohert :\Iursch,_ 75, had 2!.18 for second }Jiace. Prentiss defeate d '1'. Griswold ;,.7, 7-5, .J. L . Lane's 36 captured tht· putting ~-6; Hughes Dallas defeat,ed J. Armstrong· 7-5, 8.-6; H. P. ::\Iatthiessen dedmmpionship. f C>ated J. '\Vallace G-2, t.i-1 ; n. :\1. ::\IcWILMETTE C. W. Johnson won the blind boge,v Connell defeated B. Hold e n hy default; prize with 107-25-2. ·Jn the driving· eon- S. Lynde defeated H . Pope by d(·fault; test the following fuur won first prizes: F'. Stanton dt>feated \\.illiam :\[iJI(· r ·· Jr. Class A, Paul Fouk, 27a yards; cla!-!s B, 2-6, 7-5, 6-1; K Fulton dPft·att"Cl .1. H . L. Schipp, 250 yards ; class C, W. ll. Winston by d~fault. Third round- ".illiam nc,yll··n, .Jr. deHdlman, 250 yards: elass D, E. J . _ Ley, :?25 yards. Low gross pri;-.e winners: feat e d R. Prentiss G-4, ti-:~; H. P. :\fatC lass A, W . S. Lol'hridge, 80 : <:lass B, thi esse n defeat E- d H. Dallas 6-1, ' ti-2; B. 11. Jensen, 86; class C, R. Neice, 91; class Holden defeated S. LyndP ti-1, G-0 ; E. v. E. H. Leslie, 100. Top scores for the Fulton d e feated F. Stanton G-0, G-2. Semi-final upper bra<'ket- \\·. Boyd,' n low net honors were : Class A, W. S. \,·ylie (80-6-74); class B, J. Hibben {89-16 d efeat ed R. P . .Matthi e!,;sen 1;-:!, fl-4 ; E . -7:n ; class C, E. F. l\lorgan (93-2:3-70) ; Fulton defeated B. Holflen fi-1, {i-::. Final match-\nlliam Boyden, .Jr. dt·r:lass D, J. Mitche ll (f.l:~-26-67). Tht· Hag co ntest was won by H. W. Brown, who t'('ated Ed. Fulton 3-7, li-4, 8-ti. (thrr·· we r e tWE'ntv-fout· t·ntries iu (·arr ied his flag to the 18th h olt·. Indian Hill Tennis w. to July 4: Sec11nd round-J. Armstrong defeated Katherine Street 6-0, 6-1; Mrs. \\·. G. Hibbard, III defeated V. Hobart 6-3, 6-4 ; Polly King defeated Henrietta Boa l Bouscaren defeate d 8-6, 6-3 ; Evelyn Elizabeth Lamson 6-4, 6-4 ; Mrs. Ayres Rottl d efeated Helen ~ersbach 6-1, 6-0; Mrs. R. C. Hamill defeated Adalaide Ball 6-1, 6-2; Beatrice Ripley defeated Charlotte Picher 6-4, 6-4 ; Barl)ara Hold en d efeated Muriel Picher. 6-0, 6-0. · T·11 ird round-Jean Armstron~ defeated Mrs. W. G. Hibbard, III G-2, fi-:~; Evelyn Bousearen d efeated :M iss Polly King 6-3, 6-0; 1\Irs. Ayres Boal defl·atecl :\frs. R. C. Hamill 1-6, 6-4, G-4; Beatrice H.ipley d efeat ed Barbara Holde n 6-1, 5-7, 6-1. Semi-final upper braclH·t-Jean Armstrong deft'at e d En~lyn Bouscaren 6-~. u-2. In the Lall sweep::~takes, F. :;now, 78-5; ::, was fir s t in c laRs A, followed IJy \V. · r>. Fowler, 85-5-80, and H. H . H arrbwn, Sti-5-8 1. In class B. .H . H. Fr~er was winne r with 84-13-71, and A . .:\1. ~chulz, ~·1-13- 81 , and J. J . Kutlt·n, 10l-17-S4, W(' re NORTH SHORE t hi~ <lh:i~i~~n) Lower bracket-1\lrl-l. Ayres Boa ! d. ·fcated Beatrice Ripley 6-3, 6-2. Final match- J ea n Armstrong flefeated Mrs. Ayres Boa! 6-1, 6-1. (there were twenty-seven ~ntries iu this division) George Judson Higgins , tlw inHtructor of tennis. a<'terl as l'f'fpr(·E> ffJl' all divisions. .July ~ummary of motlwr and daug·htt-1· or 1 1f;i~tt.· rs' doubles, July 1 to .July 4: st·eond and third. N. l'. Flint, 89-18-71, ;\ lid W. H. Wildes, !t2-21- 71, w e r e tied fo r first, with A. S. :\l e rigold, 96-23-73, a nd F . F. Lenzen, ~~~-l!J-76, third and fo urth . S. E . Miner's 9!.1-29-70 won class U, and J . P. Narling, 99-25-7-l, and C. R. .:o;haplro, 98-21-77, were second and third. Low gross scores for 36 holt::s of play wen·: Class A, I". Snow, 166; class B, .\. Schulz, 171 ; class C, G. Briggs, 169 ; class D, E . \V. Eaton, 190. 'l'he following won low net prizts: C lass A, R. C. Roozer (175-22 -Hi3); class B, F. E. Hipp 081-34-14';) ; class C , John :\lortim e r (183:Jti- 147); class D, ~ . J . Conrad (20a-5Rl ti ). The wunwn's putting ('onte::>t was won by Mrs. A. D . ( 'olli ns, who t ook 41 t111' 18 hol e:; . .:\Irs. 11. 11 . Harri~ou was ,.;vl'(llld with 42. SINCE BRIARGATE F. \V. St:xtt·o won th·· <'lass A tournanH·llt whl'll hl· shot an R:{-14-li~'· Harry \\·rig-ht won a similar t'\'\·nt in t:lass 1! on a !t:!-21-71, while < ·· I I. Kraft won in · la~s (' with ~~4- 28-66. E .. J. .\h·.x and(· r won A Beach of Your Own NATURE extends a marvelous welcome when you come to Deere Park. Perhaps one of the lake frontages-perhaps a lot on a wooded ravine; wherever you locate there is a private park for the use of your family-a delightful sand beach. And not prohibitive in price. Lots priced as low as $120 per front ·foot with reasonable terms. tlw holiday tlag ti1UrnanH·nt by twatly l!lauting his bannt·r in tht · nindt···nth gr··t·n . .:\1. 1..... Doty, .Jr. won tlH · ball ~\l't·t·p ntakt·l'i un hi s 81-11-lii . .J. 1:. Jlarr bun .·anw nt>at· tying hint, but his ha ndil-ap ".""' a littlt· gn·att·r, so lw got st·etmd t'ur his 100-:):)-67. J I aJTy \\'ri g ht g"QI SO lilt' morl' honon; for th·· day with a tt:!-:.!1-il fnt· third . Then· \\'t'l't· also :-pt·,·ial a\\'artls fnr low gToss and low llt>t for t lw a II flay play. 'l'h· · 11 intH · t·~ in ··a c h da:-;:-: ,,., ... , . . \ . H. llull ~t·rt. X!-X ·I-IiiX, and.\ . E. l'attt·rson, Ji(i-:):.!-1 t I, in .\ ; .John llalpin. 1 l,.j, and !Jr. Bo,.;tkntan, lS.)--1\.i-1:\!1. in ··lass Jl , a.nd \V. \\·. t:t · ar~·. :!il l , and.\ ..L ·.\11' :\lillan, 21J-(i4-1~,i. in dass 1' . .:\lt-:\lil!an lowt ·n·d his prt ·\·i· ·u,.; s··<·r··s J.~ · ::o 1· ~~ l'llkt· ::-:. play, th· · following- : turnt · 1: Dr. l'. J I. Gallagh·· r, 104-l~l-85; \V. J. Li<tlw, !1!1-I;,.s.t; \\-.11. Liam·, 10:!-18-:-15; H. J . :\lo::;it·r, !11-5-86; H. H.· ·dman, ~~5-11- · 1 ; Hr. E. ~I. Pant"oas t, %-12-84. In tht· hall HW ·t:>pstakt·s . svon·::; w ~n· . \ . I'. In hliud ho~ey ILLIXOIS Ha1~~1~1~sT~t~l~~;~~~~h n-111-l)S. , E. L. Essley and A. '\V. :\ld'urdy Wl' t' t' 1 \·i nners for th e Fellowship tt·ophy, Esslcy with a 78-8-'iO, and Me< 'urdy with 7~-871. A. \V. Bissell, A . C. AkEc·ly, S. 1\I. St:hi£>ble, and C. G. Rupley fonnt>d a combin(' that was invincihl e in the foursom E' putting affair, and won with a total of I :?a. '1'. L. Johnson scor e d a doubl e Yictory in carrying his flag to the ninetee nth holt.~ to cop that event and also turning in the best "choice" scorf' card of 58 on his 54 holes of play. H. A. Zuug of Exmoor won the guest prize, shooting a fi024-66. J. E. W. Oscar was the sweepstakel'i winner on a 76-6-72. l"in· who tied for blind bogey honors were Dr. F. E . Ha \'is, 90-3-87 ; J. 1\leehan, !.15-8 ; A. A. Rogers, 97-10; F. H. Harrison, !li-tn, and \\'. W. T~mpson, 92-5. BAIRD & WARNER 646 North Michigan Boulevard Division of Community Development Telephone Superior 1855 Mr. and Mrs. L. F. English of 1007 Greenwot9d avenue have left for a western trip and a vacation in Colorado. They plan to be gone until August 1. DEERE PARK Sheridan Road (Route 42) to North Boundary of Glencoe at the Lake -o- ~li ss Mary Elizabeth French, 901 Chestnut avenue, and Miss Ethel Ellis, 904 Chestnut avenue, returned \Vednesday- after spending two weeks in Joliet. -oDorothy Jan e Orr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carey Orr of 225 Vvoodhinc avenue, is leaving Monday to spe nd two weeks at Camp Wilmette at \Va tervliet, Mich.

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