Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1927, p. 38

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WILMETTE L.I FE July 8, 1927 · Golfers Revel tn Three-Ply Holiday Feature Program l compete f or honors. T ht.s contest . . ' Mr. and Mrs. \ Villiam Taylor. 1323 , !S scheduled for ThursdaY afternoon and Central avenue, arc leaving Monday I will be r eported next ~week. to spend two weeks on a motor trip The program for next week is as into northern \Visconsin. They plan follows: local contests in horseshoe · to make their destination ncar Lake Tl 1e extreme heat which featured for · boys; local pet shows. and interSuperior. -othe \\·ca ther o f last '"eck caused~ an playground kick ball for girls. Vi ll ageexodus from the J)]a_,·ground to the wide contests in rope jumping and Mr. and ~Irs. G. E. Hogan of 830 poster making \vill be held. As.hland avenue and Mrs. Hogan's beach, but. ne\'erthele ss. the attendsister, Miss Pickrell, returned Tuesday ance on the " ·hole " ·a s up to pat. Yllht~t' Ort·i>n after spending the week-end on a The present week, \\'hich is the (din·etot·, ::\lil:'l:' Lul'y l~ eeser) After JH't·JHtring- for om· Wet·k t u !l ; i , .1:' farm in \Visconsin located about a 'third of the season, finds the children a parade it was deddt·d that th e w eahundred mile s from \ Vi lm ette. busy making posters, preparing for the ther was too warm .for t-:11..' younger c:'hi lvillage-wide poster contests which are dren. The parade ha)o; m ·r ·1:; bet> n ]JOf-'tIIOne d until the latter part '>i next Wf't>k, to be held next w ee.k. and at which and after this e xtra ti;.t·' ftlt' tH'eJ.ara WITHOUT time the three best poster makers \\·ill tion, the parade j)o; t·XJH't'l ·1i to lw mort· COMMISSION be selected on the merits of their than a s uccess. Oa Desirable Homes and Apartmeal Inter-playground bast·ll.t il g·amt>s will work. Thi s week also introduce s local Dalldlngs bt> played hert> "\'t-dnesd,ty, thf' sixth of rope jumping contests for girls in JohD Haacock Mutual Life laaar· .July. The \·illage nret>n has an CX(' t·lpreparation for the village-wide con- lent f'rowd to pick a t eatl· t':om. aace CompaaJ tests to be held next week. · A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loan Areal llt w. Adams St., Chlearo Practice for the Athletic Badge \ 'n ttman Pnrk (din·ctor, :\fisH l\lay " .itl'h ... r: tests is in full swing and great enthus\·attman park g-a \'t' \\' ilmNt .-· :~ :-:UI'iasm is being displayed by the chil ·· prise Friday, .July 1, wit It a paratl e dren . Three tests are 011 the pro- through th e bU)o;itWSS St't ' l i!tl\ of 1h t' Yi]lagl'. · After stn:nuous work Ito~· ~~ \\'t' · I< For the investment grar1L A chi ld may attetnpt to pas:-; <'~lil<lren of \ ·at tman b]o)o;::-;O!lH d c,ut 0 am· one of the three, and, if succe~s- tht· in all tlwit· glor·y. Th~ g·irls ,,.,.,., . ntyour July funds YOU fui. is eligible tO wear the httttOII tracti\·e ly dreS)o;t'd in Iii , 1,· rr·d 111111 ·.dtit" JHqwr a pruns and ,.a p·.;. Tlw ht ·r:-: -,,·m·t· will find no better form \\'hich corresponds to that test. Inter-playground ball games \\'ere on rt>d sasht's and r·at>s. Ea('h (· ltild 1':-\1'a Iittlt> whit· · pPntuwt with a rt·<l of security than First the schedule, t:he hors of v attman ried , . on it a nd largt·l' ballnl'l's wen· tal\t'll of by tht · l) ] fkr boys. .\11 tlw wnrk Mortgage Gold Bonds park playing the Village Green bo~· s <'Hl't' on \\rednesdaY afternoon. \\'hilc at the wa~ done hy tlw ,·hilch·t' ll on t il· )llaysecured by North Shore same time a' team fronl the Beach ground. Th e paradt· passt ·d th1·oug·h t lh · t't·nl ral \\'a s playing at ti1c Laurel part of ,\.ilml'ltt', starting· :ti \ ':tttnun P roperty and Improve- playground school grounds. pa1·k and rt: turning to t ·~ h' p;l rk. ( h ·e r ments. The feature of the week is the \·il- t·ig-hty chil<lrt'n, all t>nthusia:-:tit' lll ··tnb·':·s tlw \ ·attman park play gToU tHl shout vd lage-wide O'Leary contest held at nf tht'msPives hoat·sp as tlwy ~WY·· th· · pi a ~· \·auman park in which the three ground y'11 : champion girls from each playground Two, fout·. six, t~ ig-ht Variety of Play Programs Entice to Playgrounds West land Shatters Course Record at Sunset Ridge Club . The three-ply holiday climaxed by the Fourth was a revel for the golfers of the north shore clubs ,d10, favored b,- the break in the torrid weather, t;od the links in ques t of prizes in the various club ftxtures. There were golf performances galore but the outst~nd ing features turned up at Sunset Rtdge and Indian Hill. Jack \Vest land, who on ly recently annexed the Chicago District championship forgot his Blackstone long enough to burn up the course at Stul~e t Ridge and in doing so shattered the course record. \Vestland regi:;ter erl a 68 and, in addition, by scoring a i-t won first prize in the 36-hole lo,,· gro, . . event. LOANS Veteran T akea Honora George H. Leslie of Indian . H il! sho\\'cd that t\\'enty-five years ·ot golt ha~n't dulled ·his game in the least hy shooting 75'-18-57. This card, thl' gro:\s t_ hree strokes above par. inc.ludc·l three birdies and won for Leshe at~ award for best low net. A quarter ot a century ago Leslie was a semi-fi~1al ist in the national amatt·ur champiOnship. Results of plar at the north ~ \l\)r·· clubs oYer the three-day holida\· iol low: Bandy won tht· prizt· for t h· · t.?,·olfl'r!-l shooting· into tht· ft·W(:St nuntl.... r of traps with a zero S('Or ·. Six tied wtt h low nets of 70 for "Wo n -Tynw" troph~·. hut .A. '1'. Goodman won on th <· dra\\·. 11 i)o; gross was 78. Th(' h·ading· sWt_:t·Pst:tkl'S Sl'OrPr::> wt·n· : H . H. \Valt on. ,.f1-10: E. R Osborn. 82-L..)-( 1 )7 J-ill: F. B. Erm;t, !12-:?4-( GS >-70: A. T. t :orltlman 78-, -70; E. ~. Kt·niwdy, liiiJ-::o-ltJ: 'x. l>. Ih-Innp, S7-16-71; ll·Jnald Crt·t·n, 8~-1:}-71 : < :t·org-t· Ha~·. S:i-1171 ; K . ('. Brown, 101-30--71 ; Holwrt l'h ah·n, R!t-17-7:!: Ralph l'h :tlt·It, ).!::11-i2; E. J. 'Va rn·n, !'l :~-21-73: H. L . ~lril'kh-r, 8 -1:>-7:1: H . D . <'raft. ~~~ ~t-7::; L. 1~. Elli!-:, s::-tll-7:l: ll . 1: . llu szng-h, 87-14-i:{; ]). U. K!'ith . :-.~~ ni-73; C. n . .:\farsh, Sti-1::--'i:t, ;inti 1: . \\"okott, 10~)-·1~-7:\. INDIA~ JI[LL y L . Hoyt, .Jr. won tlw IIHiian !lilt t·up and at tht" ~nnw tinw caJHul't·d t_ll· · low net prize in thf' f·ig-htt>l'fl holt· n_tt ·U;tl. play P\'t:'nt. His nH·dal ··ard. totakd c 1 -t~ -tiS. P. B. Evkhart was I ht· runn l' r-up lim·t <lPft·at<>d for Lh· · Indian Hill t·up. Oti1er kn.ding- m~dal svon·rs in th· · ha 11dirap e\'l·nt wc·re: C. ( ·. Adams, ~li17-G!J; L. H. Gordon, 75-:{-72; K eunl' th ~mith, 82-10-72; R. ('. Biddlt', SH-li72; w. B. l\t e llban e , 76:-4-72; F . B. Butl!.'r, 85-12-73. Other results folio\\' : Thirty-six hol e match play \'(' l'SUS par for th e C. ~ - ~rclnnery tro1lhY was won h.,. R. C. Butler, who was thre e up . Tht· t hirt y-six hole low gross was won hy F . (;. Bernha<.h, who s hot 40-:n-38-46-1::.1. Thirty-six hole low net was won ~~~ neorge R. 'ollins, 138. Low gross was won by H. A. Gardner, who !-~hot a 4~ \V . ::\L :~iJ-78. f SCXSET RIDGE ~y~-,~ 15 64 Sherman Avenue Evanston \Yhat do Wt' apJ)l't?('iH t,.-_· ,~a ttman CJi·~oOI&. i H ;t , .,.. fuulls to 1oau on c halet- tm 51/ 2~ MONEY itf' ·· ,·q1 :"'orth itl.-l~t · ·' ~ I ~ll'tore Suburban res)li'OJH·r t r at :'i ~ IJ'r, intt'l'PRt ·ll i ... .. u:- rt'nt>waJl-1 E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main OZSO park, Yattmall park . Ha h : Tia h : Ha h ~ \ ·attma n park was Ill·· :-;, ·,·n· · .,f thf' ,·illag-t·-will(' O'f.,·;u·y l'nnt ··st nn Th ursd<t\· . .luh· 7. Tl~t· matcht:s stm·tNl at ;! ·P . :\L . J ·:a('h playgT<·IIIHI " ·as l'l·Jlrt')o;t·nt··d hy thri·t· playt·rs . . l.anrPI 1 dit't·t·tor, .\1 iss I lorth· ·a ;.\lullillll;tllf\) Purine: Ill·· pnst \\'"' '1< tlw s<'rnp lJr,.,ks haYI" hf'(' l1 <'O!l1Plt·tt·rl and Jll't·par a tion!-: ha.n· bPt ·n marlt· for P·~:-;t· · r nt;~kin!:!, thi:-; \\'t···k. .-\ lt' atn was pickt·tl f.,r tht· , ·illag·t>-wi<l·· (l'Lt·ar~- t·nntt'!-'1 'l'hur:-;day, .lulr 7, at. ~~attman. park. La:-:t l·rul :t\. :\lt:-:s :\lulholl<tnd t""" tilt · ('hiltln ·n t;> tll ·· h··a<'11 fo1· t·ll·' :iftNnontJ. ft wa:-: most ""l't a iniY 'a W· ·lc·"nt· · ll't':tl lw<'aUst· the· Jwat was ·t,· JTitk . Ont~ of tht'. most intt·r··st in!.!· t't·:t t ur. ·s of tht' playg-round is tht· h· ·lp :Hiss '\fulholla n<l is g-i ,·ing· t lw g iris in dr.·s:-;m:tl'- I I FRONT LOTS A few choice sites available at last year's prices "ne Paradise ofLalte {jenna, ing-. CEDAR POINT PARK ON LAKE GENEVA AT WILLIAMS BAY Shore Clubs Prepare to Inaugurate Beaches Beach acti\'ities oi the t\ro sho:-e clubs in "Ko Man's Land"- Vista del Lago and Breakers lleach-arl' schl'duled to begin within a fe"· weeks. it was learned thi~ week. Vista del Lago has set aside four days-July 27, 28, 29 and 30-for the " Fiesta de Julio" and the pre~opening of th e Club F.splanada to members and guests. Stately trees, expansive lawns, a clean sandy beach and the clear water of beautiful Lake Geneva combine to make Cedar Point Park a truly ideal spot for a summer home. Concrete roads and excellent tr-.!n service facilitate quick transportation to and from Chicago. Here amid restful quiet, abundant fresh air and sunshine are substantial summer homes of excellent folk that you wculd enjoy as neighbors. Bathing, Fishing, Boating, Golf and Tennis are at their best at Cedar Point Park. A few choice lots are yet available. These-the only unsold lots with frontage on Lake Geneva-have att improvements (light, telephones and running W:!ter) in and paid for. People of the better 101t can secure these by acting quickly. SKOKIE In the towns cup play, .T. C . Cornat:l-i: won the G lencoe cup by d e feating \\·. S . Preston, 3 and 2. E. C. Devine took lht· Evanston cup by defeating A. S. Webstt>r, 1 UJ>. Breakers Beach plans to have :.~.ll E. n. C lover, who beat F. I.. Williams. :. its beach facilities read\· for its m em- and ·1. The following seven m e n tied for th(· Way Down East CUI> ; H. T. Smit~ bers and their guests -within anotlwr 81-16-65: C I y d e S t f' v t> n s lH-14-67; week, it was stated . J. T. Corn a c k, 76-7-69; J. B. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Winnetka trophy was won hy CEDAR POINT PARK SUBDIVISION 286S North Clark Street Telephone a GR.Aceland 3110 CHICAGO fl'rit~ tn Jt#~Ofte for fowtkltlill I REAL ESTATE BROKER I ~ ~ ~ ~ Aa I am now a licensed ~ ~ ~ I shall be happy to serve those desiring to either buy or sell im.,. proved or unimproved property and will appreciate both listings and enquiries, particularly from Winnetka people or those desiring to locate in Winnetka. ~ ~ ~ I ~· DUD~!TK~~~~!r~EET 772 Walden Road Phone Winnetka 875 I ~ ~~"""""""""""""""'...J

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