Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1927, p. 36

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36 Stephen Lusted, 921 Thirteenth street, who underwent a serious operation for appendicitis two weeks ago at the Ev~ anston hospital, is reported to be doing nicely although he is not expected to return home for ten days. WILMETTE LIFE July 8, 1927 Ask Your Dealer for Eleanor Bird Seed A Song ln. EV6f'11 Seed. --------------1 It's better than what you think Is best. James Callanan of Des M o i n e s, Mrs. ]. Hugh Foster, 921 Greenleaf avenue, entertained at luncheon in her Iowa, was the guest of his brother-inhome last Friday in honor of Mrs. T. law, George L. Martin, 1046 Elmwood ]. Bevan, Mrs. Charles Cross, and avenue, over the Fourth of July. -oMrs. David Crabb. -oMr. and Mrs. Frank Schnitzen and John Zipprich, son of 1\Ir. and Mrs. their son, Paul, -of Winnepeg, Canada, C. ]. Zipprich, 623 Forest avenue, left are the guests for a short time of Mr. yesterday to spend eight weeks at at1d Mrs. Forest W. Miller, 1027 "Duke" Ohild's camp at · Lake Bani, Greenwood a\·enue. -oCanada. -01\lrs. E. '1'. Runge, her son, Thorn L. H. Sherwin has returned to his ton, and her daughter, Doris, of Clevehome at 1029 Greenwood a\·cnue from land, were guests Sunday oi 1fr. and a week's \·acation at Lak e Geneva, Mrs. C. E. Drayer, 1034 Elmwood avenue. \Vis. ~------------------------------------------------------------ Motor Club Opens Fight Against New State Gasoline Tax Legal attack has been made against the new Illinois gasoline tax. Frederick 0. Mason of the law . firm of Miller Gorham, Wales and Noxon, and Jo;eph H. Braun, counsel for the Chi cago Motor club, have filed a bill in the circuit court -of Sangamon county. drafted for the purpose of testing- thl' validity of the gasoline act and enjoining- it s enforcement. The bill runs against the state treas urer. Omcr N. Custer, director of the department of finance, A. C. llollinger, an d the auditor of public accou.nts, Os1 car Xelson. "It see ks to restratn the :o;e I nt1ic<.:r s from tt ~ing- any of the lllOtH'y ! appropriated hy the lc~islatun: for tht· i purpose of carrying out the prcn·isinn 1 Pi th e act," say·s Charles ~1. HayT~. pn·sident of the Chicago 1lotor rluh . "The hill was not filed ll\· anv in diviclual taxpayer. hut hy the Chicag(l ~rotor dub it elf a~ a resident and taxpayer of this ~tate ()11 the plea that thr organization m\· q~ and operate" a · fkrt oi mnt or n·hirk.., u<;ing ga-.,olim· I a-, lliOtor fuel. Th.r bill for injunction I states tiJat .\ . C. nollingrr. director of thl' department of finance of tht· state. j, about to expend portions of a $50,000 appropriation for the printing of vari ott ~ iorm s in connection with thr en! ! krt ion of thl' tax. a·n<l i~ ·about t o rx P.l'rHI t1tlwr pnrtinns nf thi~ a~)p r op~ia ttnn for tlH· cmploynie nt ol dcncal help and tht· purcha~r of office fmni-.,hillg s. and stmn lie :-. and in fact that j "t.rllt' of the $.:10.000 alrcacl,· ha!' hrrn !'pent. "The hill alkgt' .~ that tht· act i.:; in ,·;-tlid because it \·iolrttes the constitu 1 1 it 111 () f t h state of Til inn i". ,,.hi c h r r quire;; thr purpo:-~r of an act to hr rx ; lltT :--" l' rl in it " tit lr. in that the tit Jc. ; purnorts to impo::;c a tax on the sale and usc of nwtor furl. hut Section One ! ni the act exempts kt:roscnc nil. kero! <;c ttt' oil bring- in fact a motor fuel , and l in c·xtemin· and daih- mr a s such . I Tht·rdtW<'. the purpO,t' rof tJ,,. art :r~ ' t'Xflrt'..;c;r<J in tht· proYisions of the act · i..; twt to tax all motor fuels. hut onh certain motor iuck Furthermore. tlt~t tht· ks:ri-..htttrt· rannot merrh· 1)\· it .. : declaration chan~r the ~harartrristic nf · kcrn sr nr and drrlarc rt not to hr :1 nH.tnr fuel. \rhrn. a<. a mattrr nf fact. i it i..; motor furl. Also that the nro\·i. -..ion . . nf thr art it-.. rlf dn fl(lt attrmnt 1 tc 1 imnr1st ;1 t;~x , 1n rnn1nr f twl. hut nn h· con 111otor f~tc·l u~ecl fo r one particttlar PtJrnn<;t'. Yi7. .. the nnrration nf mnt or ; \'C~liclrs on tl:r public- lli Qil\Ya\·s. and lltr" p u r P rl." <· 1.-:; 11 o t r x n r r;; s Nl in t l1 r Iitie nf thr art; tktt while the title sa,·s lh c· t>ttrnn"<' i~ to impnq· a tax on tl{r I -;tit- and tl'-e of motor iuel. thr art itsrli I rkrlarr;; thr purpmc not to tax motor I iuc l. h11t t(l tax per~nn:-~ using the high, " ·:tv.;; for th e ot·cration of motor Yehicles: and that. th erefore. the rr:-~1 1 '1 ttrpn-.;r of thr act j.., not expressed in thr title. '(The Chiratro ~rotor rluh." conclude" I ~fr . Ha\·rs. "ic; makin~ this ht.rht on hr 1 half of the motorists of the state an<i proposes. to sec the legal battle through I to a fintsh. \\' e feel that it is right and proper that the Chicago Motor· club should file the hill in ·its own name fnr the reason that the Chicago Motor club has fought the gasoline tax fnr the ~ast two sessions of the legislature . Our attornevs belieYe that the hill ul titrlatrh· will he declared invalid and it' enforcement enjoined . 1 I 1 ... I 1 .. 1 1 1 1 Testing Times N a levee at a bend in the Mississippi a thousand mei1 were building with sand- bags a second-line defense against rising waters which threatened hundreds of miles of fertile cropland. Over a telephone, housed in a wooden box nailed to· a tree, an engineer \Vas talking to headquarters -reporting on the progress of the \V or k, a s k i n g f o r reinforcements and additional rna terial~ receiving \Vea ther Bureau forecasts which would be vi tally important to hin1 in planning the strategy of this grin1 battle for lives and property. The telephone had been . put in service but a few minutes before, after a construction crew had I O worked from sunrise to sunset, often \vaist-deep in swamp \Vater, to· string fifteen 1niles of line to this isolated outpost. Such is telephone service in an emergency-service in \vhich telephone men and women do very much the same things they do every day of their lives, but do them under conditions that give ·vivid emphasis to the import of their · efficiency, devotion, and fidelity to public interests. In such crises, when even the most commonplace of calls may become a matter of life or death· , the public realizes its day-by-day dependence upon the telephone and upon the men and women who make of it an instrumentality of human service. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy One System Universal Service . District A ttornr,- .Tames Brownlee Vt .. motored here to spend a \\·ee k reccntlv ,dth his mother M rc; .Tames Brownlee. 1624 Spencer a~enu~: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brownlee haYe also been spending a week with Mr Brownlf'e's mother, Mrs. James Brown~ lee. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee's marriage took place on June 21, at Cheyenne. ot Barton, \Vyo.

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