WILMETTE LIFE July 8, 1927 Are You Going Abroad or Away for the Summer? will be tnorc enjoyable if you n1akc adequatt? J.rLl.ngeY en s for get t i g n1 o c conY n ien t and sa cl OUR TR!l) 111 t 11 11 y L ' 1y f y. We can gi\'e you a Letter of. Credit that is, in diect, a tra\·cling bank account , cashable at leading banks throughout the \Vorld. Also it is ~1n introduction and a sure n1cans of identification. · You should have some Travelers Cheques. too. ,_fhey represent . the convenient. safe 1nethod of carrying n1oncy in stnaller an1ounts in this country or abroad. Come in and n1ake these arrangen1cnts before you leave. It \vill take but c.1 fe\\' minutes- it \\'ill save you hours of annoyance. ' THE wILMETTE STATE BANK Central Avenue at Twelfth Stre· et "Your Home Bank"