34 WILMETTE LIFE July 8, 1927 l~UBYS SHOE SAl[ AT ALL .FOUR, SHOPS HERE's ·yoUR CHANCE TO PURCHASERUBY~ SHOE-S . FOR YOURSELF AND CHILDREN AT SALE-' PRICES Kenilworth Happenings Several of the younger girls arc leaving Kenilworth this week to sprnd their vacation at girls' camps in the north. Among them are Jane Dement Betty Seen·. Beatrice Driver, and Jane barling; all of whom will attend Camp Bryn :\i<.·n. uear Rhin~ land er, \Vi s. -oM iss Ethel Berger, 30< , Kt:nilworth avenue , Kenilworth. wa:' the maid of honor at the wedding oi her cousin, Miss Elizabeth Vimmermann, to James Keating, which took place \Yednesday, June 29. Babcock herself entertained them ~t luncheon and bridge yesterday. Both guests are from Minneapolis and \\'ill be with Mrs. Babcock for a short visit. -o.1\l'r. and ~ rs. Charles \Vare, 25 Abbottsford road, returned to Kenil worth last week from a northern 1110 tor trip. With them is their nephew. a young man from St. Louis, who ha " been vi siting the \'v'ar es for a :--hnrt time. Douglas Flood, 13.) Kenilwnrt h avenue, left this week for Charlevoi:x. Mich .. where she will be the guest ol her brother's family, the Bowc:-, 111 their summer cotta.ge. -o~t r. and Mrs. Frank Ketcham ,, t Kenilworth arc receiving the congrat ulations oi their friends upon til~ · birth of a daughter, last week. -o~t r~. Charlt:s Howard Bent of \\'in netka is entertaining her sister-in-law at a luncheon and bridge in her honll· today. -oMrs. P . ~. Cutler of 1016 Ashland a venue a1id her · cousin, Miss Elcan<.·:· Gillespie of Pittsburgh, sailed yeste rday for Europe from New York. TlH·y wiil ht· gotH' until sometime in ~L· ptemher. -o~tis~ Ella Shuette ,who wa:> tht· guest la:--t w~ek of :\1 iss Betty Alder ;: 1 her homt· at <J31 Crcenwood a\'Cil1tc. left Thur . . day ior her home in ~fani tO\\'OC, \\'is. ~1 rs. NOW IN EFFECT -o- -aBruce Hulbert, 528 Abbott:;iord roa,J, Kenilworth returned from Ann Arbor, Mich., where he is attending summer school, to spend the Fourth of July with his parents. -0- :\trs. Saniord Holden, 527 \Varwick road, Kenilworth. entertained the hvins at a large surprise party in honor of their birthday, at the Indian Hill Golf club the Fourth of July. -0- ~\lfRID J. RUBXc. Mrs. Alfred ~lacDougall, 325 Ahbottsford road. Kenilworth, left this week to visit her sister. Mrs. Everett Brown, in Decatur, Ttl. Sht will be gone about ten day . · -0 - GO EAST WASHINGTON ST ~ EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL 1363 EAST 53~ST.,HYDf PARK~ ORRINGTON; OTfl EVANSTON Among the t·ntertainment~ provided for the t\vo siste rs of 11 rs. Irving Babcock, 229 E~sex road. Kcnil\\'orth, was the party given hy ~~ r:'. Thomas vVhite, 310 Richond road, July 6. ~1 r~. Simplicity is the subtle charm of this shoe for day or evening-to be had in patent or satin ..CoD....teTourstoEurope· It's not too late to go abroad. Sail any week untO August 1 7, with a jolly crowd on a Canadian Pacific Ship. See Europe after the summer tourist rush. Visit England, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Fran.ce-39 Days, All Expenses, $395. Economy piU. travel comfort far mrpauin1 your expectations. Round trip fares from $170 to $190. From Montreal or Quebec you wiD lail down the beautiful St. Law· rence-dae mighr, wczter boulec1ard to Europe -then only .f daye open eea. Direct services to Liverpool, Southampton, Glasgow, Belfast, Cherboura, Antwerp, HambUJ'I. Snclfor trM holdd $10.00 East, South and West the North Shore Woman's trunks are being shipped to vacati~n ports-and gayly tucked away are shoes from the North Shore Bootery to fill her every vacation need-sport shoes, shoes for day and evening wear, each pair with smart, youthful line~ combined with a last made for comfort. Fill your vacation trunk with shoes from the shop which for ten years has been so successfully satis. fying the shoe tastes of the ever-so-particular North Shore Woman! E..U Ua/onncadcna ·"" dcaaa lrorn loccd lke&nuhip qcnc., or R. S. Elworthy, Steamship General Agent, 71 E. Jackson Blvd., Telephone Wabash 1904, Chicago, Ill. For Freight, Apply to W. A. Klttermaster, General Western Freight Agent, 940 The Rookery, Chicago, 111lno1s. ·cdli· Canadian Pacific· World'· Createat TravelS~ C.,C.·M=P. . . . . . T....a..~cMWorWOwr