Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1927, p. 33

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july 8, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE·' for the grand prize of $1,000 which will be awarded later to one. of the seven district winners. Mrs. Buck explains that she and ' her husband have done all the work on the prize winning garden. Wnllmm<e1tft~ ILiilblf&ry Now that vacations are upon us, it is Mrs. Randolph B k f 1290 S tt well that we consider recreational uc 0 word early co avenue, Winnetka, received reading. We all read the things we week that she had been awarded couldn't find time for in the winter. this _ Some read novels, others history, it the first prize for the first district in often amounts to the same thing in the end. Always in front in acquiring equipment to insure its customers the best of service, the North Shore Line recently ( )ne college printed a list of recreaplaced ~n order fo~ two e.lectric trolley-sto~age battery locomotives, the first of their type ever built The tional reading from which we have locom~tives. are bemg eqwp~ t<? operate e1~er from the trolley or from storage batteries. This flexibility in culled a list. OI?tration wall allow of the SWitching of cars mto yards and plants having no trolley connections. The batteries Winnetka woman Annexes Award in Garden Contest I the Chicago Tribune garden contest. T~e seven .district pri~es are awards ot $100 each to the wmners, and the . announcement wt'11 be rna de un day 111 the Tribune. The winning of the district prize makes Mrs. Huck eligible s Fiction _ \therton-Conq ueror Balzac-Pere Gorlot Buchan-John McNab France--Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard <.ialsworthy-Forsyte Saga tribbs-Soundings Hardy-Far From the Madding Crowcl Johnston-To Have and to Hold T.ewls-Babbitt l ,ongstreth-Mac of Placid s.,..dg-wick-Little French Girl Ta.rkington-Magnificent .Amlkr:;< ms Tol~toi-Anna Karenina Turgeni ' f-Fathers and Children '\Yhit P - El Supremo w1U ~ ch~rge_d from the oyerhea~ trolley while the locomotives are at work. These locomotives will be used for s~1tchmg tn the many mdustnal yards and plants which are springiq up along the line especially on the Skok1e Valley Route. ' Non Fiction .-\ustin- Land of Journey's Ending I :et·bc- Jungle Peace Hurroughs-Accepti ng the l:ni\·erse 1 'noJH·r-Grass I Hckinfion-One Thousand TI(·St Bool\f; c :raysonAdvf' ntures in Co11t"ntnwnt Hudson-Far Away and Long- Ag-n l .a~· t·rlof- :\farbaka .\fitt'IH·ll-Trail Life in the Canadian Hoc kiPs I >a rkrnH n- Oregon Trail P. ·a rsnn Books in Black and H f'rl NEW BOOKS Fiction . \ t llt·rl<·n -- Tmmortal Dobrre-Your Cuckoo Sing~ l,y Kin<l Frl'!wh-firPat Detec th·e St01·i":-: t;iJdt t--..:\stounding- Crinw on Torring t"ll Roa.d c ;nwt·n-Sun and Moon .Tt>~!;up-H P prPsentatiY e Ankrit·an Sh"rt Stories La 1\lazif:rP-1'11 HavP a Fin P Fttn Pr;tl :\Iorand--,East India Compan;.· \\"harton-Twilig-ht Sler p Ra \\"l<'n<'P- Th··ir Tradition no!vaag--Giants in the Eartlt I :nyd-~farching On I li\·t'!·- Hut Yt·sterday l\farriat:··· Philosophy and Religion of Truth James- Psychology, Briefer· C'our:-:t' Paget-Proteus EYeryday Et·~1ics Fnt7.t>r- Folklnre in the Old Tt>!'ta tn1·nt Jam(·s-- ~Jt.aning NEW faster time to Fine Arts and Literature r; ·. hrkt ·ns-Fundamf'ntals of 1\Iusk Spal'th-Rt'ad'<'m and Wec·p T:ur(·h(·nal-Folk Dance atHl S i 11 g i 11 g<:ames Fro~t-( 'log Dance Book r'lark--:\fo<lern Drama Hostwirk-Earmarks of Litt-raturf· Parrington- Main CurrPnts in Anwri<'an Thoug-ht Abell--Etc·rnal Springtinw Hohi nsnn-Tri stram (~oodrich-r.a nonsacch f tkins-f'h icago lkooks-C'himney-pot Papers Firda u!'d-Epic of King-s LAKE GENEVA via North Shore Line trains and Mo.;or Coaches ,,.a History and Travel F.aldC'n;ton-H<'rC? is Bng-land LuC':u;-Wanderrr in London Halliburton-Glorious Advt-nturP Kent-Voyaging Strachey-Popc ('utts--Scf'nes an(] f'haracters of tlw ":\Jiddlro Ages Paxsn-Last Anwriran Frontier 1ri!lin-South Africans J·'r·:.·all-Phyl'iog-raphy of tlw ncgion of ('hir·ag·o \fr ~. T HE North Shore Line has placed in effect a new "Limited" Motor Coach Service between Kenosha and Lake Geneva. Limited Motor Coaches, at convenient hours, operate on the new direct route from Kenosha to Lake Geneva, making the run in 68 minutes. TWIN LAKES, POWERS LAKE: Convenient motor service la maintained between Kenosha, Twin Lakes and Powers Lake. The best way to reach any of these popular vacation centers -Lake Geneva, Twin Lakes or Powers Lake-is by North Shore Line train and motor coach. Motor coaches make convenient connections with North Shore Line trains at Kenosha. A pleasant, scenic, comfortable ride in luxurious North Shore Line Motor Coaches. \\' . A. Tucker, 1214 Lake are- nttt'. left 1fondav morning- with Mr. and 1[ r~. Ren B-lodg-ett to spend t\\·o \';e\.'ks a:-; ).{ aclison. Tucker's ~f adison, northern tl1cir guest in their home in \Vis. Mrs. Blodgett is Mr s. daughter. After her visit in Mrs. Tucker will vacation in \Visconsin at the cottage of ).f r. and Mrs. Lucc D. Bonci. 1210 l.akc an:·nue. For schedules, fares and other in/onnation, inquire at .North Shore Line ticket office. -o\[is s Frances Baker of 518 \Vashing ton avenue is spending the summer in Yellowstone Park with a group of college people who are employed hy the park hoard. She will stay in the \Vest until Septemher 1, when she will return hy v.ray of Cheyenne, Wyo. Miss Baker will be a senior at Nortil\\'Cstcrn university next year. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. The Road of Sen~ice WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2514

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