Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1927, p. 31

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July 8, 1927 w ·I LMETTE LIFE 31 ' Dr. and ~Irs. George A. Stone of NEW TELEPHONE BOOK ISSV£ OUT THIS WEEK ., located is de~onstr~ted in th~ set-up., All branches of busmess are hsted under their respective headings and sup-' plcmcnted by s ub-hcadin~s . In many cases, these are cross-mdexed and Material Improvements Noted in cross-referenced. '·', Valuable Cl~s Ustin~s . Arrangements of Volume! 1 he new se~-up IS of parttcular 11.1Classified Section ! ttrcst because tt has been arranged 111 1 ~ form to rende~ a ~10re compl.ete servThe nc\,. issue of the telephone dir - , t·ce ~ 0 the puhltc . 111 the fi!ldmg of a ecton· of the Illinois Bell Telephone parttcula.r suhscrtber. destred. The C0111p.any is being di stributed this \\'eek ~enera) ll~tprovement tnclL~des pro~ucts in \Vilmette and Kenilworth. <~nc! se n ·tces . sold at:d mformat10nal The classified business section has l!sttngs be~rmg parttc~larly on the heen re-arranged to retider a more . class of busmes s. The cltsplay has been -complete telephone number and buy- ] so arranged as ll?t to !)r~ak up the ing service, and new methods of index- sequence of subscnbers' ltsttngs on any ing and classifying arc used to aid the · 01 ~~ ,p~ge. . . . user 1 nts form of classtfied sectton will · Buaineu Supplement be put into general circulation \\'ith the new directories that arc being i::.med "The new telephone director~· is a O\'er the entire stat~?. and is the result very great improvement over any pre- of -contact and conicrence \\'ith th~ ,·ions issue," Manager H. B. Gates as- communities the'm:-;eln~. that thl'\' who scrts. "This new arrangelllent will fa- use telephone ·sen·ice shall ha\:e the cilitate easy refcr~nces . It really pro- hest general direct~ry set up in the vide;; a supplemental telephone listing most cotwenient form possiule." inr all business users of service. and will be a greater conYeniencc to the .\I r. and ~{ r:;. \\'. A. Richard~ rt·genera l public. "The .first tv.·o pages of this classi- t urned to their home at 1233 Lake fied business section sets out in rletail \ l'lltll' Tuesday after spending the the methods of indexing and the \\ u:k-l'ml with the Eitner \Villiams :tt grouping of listings and shows how all their farlll ncar 'Hartford. ).[ich. this information is segregated and -otr~ats the display matter with an im- ~ ~I r. and ~Irs. Rudolph F. \Volff and prqved type setting. .\I i:'~ Helen \\'olff of 634 Park avenue "The ease with which a telephone I "JH:nt the week-end ,·isiting rl·lati,·es number of a business subscriber can be :mel fril'IHI:' in Davenport. lowa. This Beachmaster Shows Prowess in Journalism 726 Ete,·enth street spent t·he Fourth of July near Cadillac, Mich., as the \Ve sleyan university, Bloomington, Ill., turned to \Vilmette Tuesday, but Mrs. was rece'ntly awarded a gold fob for Stone remain there for two or th e best feature and news article pub- three weeks. lished in the \Vesleyan paper The Argus. ·' The a\\'ard was made by a committee of Bloomington newspaper men, who · re\'iewed all press Work done through- ' Jn 0WD out the previous · college year. Mr. I Brabner-Smith also was in charge of , the organization of the vVesleyan col-I lege year book. He is beachmaster and at. Wilmet~e and will return to Illinoi!? \\' esleyan m the Fall. V. Joyce Brabner Smith, 2027 Ridge guc~ts of :!\'lr. and ~frs. Elmer ]. Lun avenue, Evanston, of class '28, Illinois din of 500 Fifth street. Dr. Stone re- '"ill About MOVIES your home easy to take yourself I show AUTOMA'DO PROJBCTOB may remain \iotion Picture Camera I · you entertain at home you · will find that FILMO Movies add I a welcome variety to the unusual routine. The movies can be those you take yourself, or t~e many interesting subjects you can choose from FILMO Library at little more cost than raw film. Taking movies with FILMO CAMERA is simpler t h a n taking Only two snapshots. easy operations required: ( 1) Look through spyRlass viewfinder; ( z) Press the button-and "What You See, You Get" FILMO PROJECTOR shows the pictures just as easily. Come in for a demonstration I When Hot Weather Specials Our menus will solve your eating problems this warm weather. Cold meats and salads are always ready to be servedthey're stimulating and refreshing . I I "UTOMATIC I PROJECTOR S!r9 The I Macldnaclald. Par17 ScL Can. Cameras and Projectors Convenient Terms Detroit Cle.eland Chicaao Buffalowith a fall day at NiaaiU'aP.U. Michigan, Huron, St. Claire and Erie-plenty of amust'ment, new experiences, and enchanting scenery en route. interesting trip of over 2200 miles of beauAJOYFUL, tiful waterway-the entire length and return of Lakes SHORE TALKING Wilmette Cafe !NORTH MACHINE CO. Opposite Village ·Hall The Great Oil-Buming White Liners Meals that satisfy ~ ~Tc:E~~cH ~ 1, · Evanaton Open Evening· large comfortable staterooms and parlor rooms--all outaide with windowa or port holea. Excellent ·w..;~=--- meals. Deck Games, Entertainments, Music and I' Dancing. Our social hostess will get you acquainted. JflfU 25111 to Autust JOt It, inclusitJt. R. R. Ticlttts HI...,. ChktltD, Detroil, Clneland and Buffalo rn'U N llono-rtd for lransil upon additional payrtUnt. For 1Uuetrate4 paapblet apply aa:r R. R. Ticket Olllce or Toudat A·eacy or write St~ilintsfrom CIJktlfD ttJny Tuuday and Saturday. North American ei South American are comparable with the finest Atlantic Steamers-- I I ~---------------------------------------------------~ : Established 1854 : I C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 72 Years Wilmette Office Phone Wilmette 3354 W. H. BLACK, C. P. A. 110 W. Adam· St. Chicaco, Duluth A Georgian Bay Transit Company Phone Ran. 0226 CHICAGO 200 E. Erie St. Phone Superior 7709-7710 ~~---------------------------········--·-··········-~

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