Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1927, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE July 8! 19?:7 vited to Arden Shore North Shore -/n. Public Views Work of Arden Shore at Annual Picnic Day Recent Bride Wedding to Take Place Lorna Doone Jaxon at Westmoreland Club · Soloist for First · \Vestmoreland Countr\' club is to be I July 15 Musicale at Skokie Lorna Doone J axon, contralto of thl' Saturday evening, July 23. Miss By JEAN TEN BROECK Chicago Civic Opera company, will Frances Rising, daughter of Mr. and gi,·e the program at the first of thi~ Come to picnic day at Arden Shore ~~ rs. P. A. Rising of £,·anston, is to camp Friday, June 15. Bring your own be the bride and thl' bridt>groom \\'ill sum mer's Sunday a£ ternoon musicale:on ~unday, July 10, at 4:30 o'clock, at picni-c lunch and join other north shore be Arthur Burnam Dur:ham, son of friends in partaking of the coffee the ~~ r. and Mrs. Howard Durham oi 431 the Skokie Countrv club. ~[i ss )axon ha~ a mezzo-soprano camp will serve in its large dining Ahbott sford road, Kenilworth . The ,·oice of great range and exceedingly room promptly at 12:30 o'clock. For service will be read at 8:30 o'clock the pleasure and interest of those and a reception and dancing- \Yill fol- s weet quality, and critics have be en la,·ish in the praise of her voice, .her friends of the encampment who will low the ceremony. unu:-;ually attractive personality an<l . accept this invitation ~ent out by the The wedding party ,,·ill con!;ist of beauty. ~1i ss Jaxon has had ten wceb Arden Shore association, heads of the six members. Miss Iska :Morgan of with the St. Louis Municipal Opera in departments will take some time in the £,·anston, the maid of honor: ~I is s 1922, concerts with the great Calve itl afternoon to explain the work done Emilie Durham of Kenilworth. the Europe. re-engagements with the St. there and describe its progress. bridegroom's sister. the bridesmaid: Louis Civic Opera, and she ,,·as soloist Seldom it is that the entire north the little twin flo\\·er girls. France s for three weeks with the Cincinnati shore is invited to one large picnic, an and Marian Beeler of \\'innetka: Symphony Orchestra in 1924. Among event that serves a purpose two-fold. Jerry Cope of Champaign, the be st other successl's have been cngagt: Arden Shore camp is accessible by a man: and \Vatter Mead oi \Viscon sin menb with th e San Carlo Opera comdelightful motor ride and is in itself Rapids. the groom's hrot her-in-l aw. pany. the Chicago Civic Opera com a spot charming for picnicking. More the usher . pany and concert tours through tlw than that, those who spend the day in A number of luncheons and ~ hmn·r s States. an outing there will be impressed by ha,·e been given in Evan ston ior ~[i, s ~[i ss Jaxnn i~ especially well kn0\\': 1 the success and s-cope of its activity. Rising. Miss Emily Durham \rill be and pl~ai:-;ed for her role of Carmen in The annual picnic is the time prohostess at a kitchen shower at her the opera oi that name. The gloriou :pitious to visit the camp, and the local home in Kenih,·orth \~/ednesday, Jut~· mczzo quality of her voice. her stage committee is urging a large Wilmette 13. in her honor, and the hridal dinner se nse and personal charm have made attendance. Those who have not seen will he given at the Orrington hot r l critics proclaim her Carmen as the the camp for some time will realize at the Friday rn·ninf.! prccedinf.! the .wed- hc::.t heard in many years. The great once ho·w it has grown and how imding. ~fadame Calve, probably the greatc::-t proYed is this spot deep in a wooded R~ick Photo Carmen who ever lived, encourag('d stretch at the edge of a bluff overlooking a wide heach for the sole usc of its ~[is~ ] axon as her most promi s.in ~ In the garden of the William E. Family Wedding Takes campers. pupil · ior that role. Davis home in Hubbard \Voods. on Place at Bride's Home The program Miss Jaxon has chosen N9t many years ago those mothers June 18, the marriage of ~l iss Helen and children brought to Arden Shore Davis and Henry E. Allen took place. A quiet home wedding took place i~H- July 10, gives the audience an op fr.om Gads Hill, one of Chicago's settle- The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and late las·t Frida}r afternoon in the horne portunity to hear her in the many dii ment distr-icts, for a fortnight's outing Mrs. Eli...,ha Hubert Allen of Hubbard of 1-Ir. an·d Mrs. \\Tilliam Gordon Col- ierent types of songs that she doe s s1' such as the camp gives. lived in tent~. \Voods. vin. 709 Elmwood avenue. when th('ir \n·IL If the superlative press notic r, One by one cottages were erected until daughter. Miss Marion Colvin. was gin:n ~li ss )axon in all her appear · now. we are told, all who spend the married to the Rev. Grov.er C. \\.him- ance in opera and concert work so iar summrr there are in -cottage.. Five- Penfield Home Setting sett. pastor of the First Presbvterian arl' a criterion. north short· resident-. hundred at a time, these mothers and church of South Chicag-o. Dr. George are going to feel it a rare and part il..'u · for Charming Wedding children come for their brief respite P. Magill. pastor of the First Presby- lar pri\'ilcgt· to hear her. from tenement living. and in recent One of the most attractive weddings terian church of \\'ilmette. performed years a new phase of activity has de- nf the season \\·as solemnized in the the ceremony> Pastel Shades Prevail in Yelo~ecl in the winter camp for under- char ming home of ~f r. and Mrs. Fred~!iss Etta ).[orris. aunt of the hrid e. Brr"dal Attendants' Gowns nounshecl boys. But '"hat Arden Shore erick \\'adham s Penfi{·ld nf Gl<. · ncol olaycd the wedding mar·ch. and Ta net means in the lives of those much les s Saturday c\·ening, June 23. at 8:30 Ruth Colvin and ~1'artha Whi;nsett (~O \\· necl in the traditional whitL· fortunate than ourselves can he:;t he o'clock. the Re\'. Douglas Cornell of- ;~cted as flower girls. Onlv the mem- :-.a tin. ~[i:-;s Helen Louise 1feart~' re~lizcd by a visit to the camp. a fi-ciating. hers of the familie s were p~esent. Af- dauglner ni ).fr. and ~fr~ . Krnnctl1 pl11lanthropy the north shore's own. The romallCl' l>cgan in l'airo. l·:gypt. ter a wedding trip to the Crane! Canyon .\lt·arth oi 31 \\'arwick road. \\'innl't in the early ~pring. culminated in the and points on the Pacific coa:;t. the ka. " ·as married Wedensday evening oi marriage l)i ).fiss E,·eh·n Pardee young couple witt return the latter part la st week to \\'allace Whitmore \Veld. On Vacation \Voods, nicce of ).Jr. and - ~frs. Pen- of Jut~- tn resicie on the ~outl1 ~irle 0f son of the Herbert Whitmore \Velds of Several memhers of the facultY of fidel. to I. .Roy ).I artin of Cleveland. Chicago. \Vinnetka. The service was read at 8 :3() the ~ational Kindergarten and -Eie- Ohio. before a gathering ni ol d friends Dr. \Vhimsett. who wa~ a nava~ at the Kenilworth Union churrh hy mentar=--: college. left the first of J uiY ancl rrlatin.·:'. chaplain durinrr the World \Yar. wa : ; on D :·. Herbert \Vitlett, pa stor oi tlw fo.r the1r vacat10n=-. Mrs. Louise L. 'fhl' far end of the drawing room the President Lincoln when it was tor- church. Follmving the service. ).[r . KunbaJJ, ~ocial director. will spend the pedoed and was afloat eighteen hour~ and Mrs. Mearn s held a reccption at summt'r in· ~ew Jersrv, her former was banked ,,·ith palms and woodwardia ferns. and the mantel wa s nn a raft before he was picked up . ·their home . h~H.ne . 11: iss Frances Ker~t of the superThe satin hridal gown " ·as made in t·xquisite with large Yascs of Pernd \fiss Colvin held a position as secreVISIOn departmellt has gone to her sumtary in the board of church extension houffant tyle. \vith tight hodice and and Premier roses. arranged with blue m.er home in ~f aine and 1fiss Florence of the Chicago Preslwten· in the iull skirt. and was embroidered in Lmnell. also of the sul)ervision depart- hrkspur and trailing white clematis. office Chicago temple . pearls. The tulle veil was fashioned behind \Vhich \\'hitc candles threw ment, to Chautauqua. N. Y. \\'ith orange blossoms. The bride cartheir reflection in a tall mirror . Mi . ~ ).{_abel Kearns. secretary of the ried lilies of the valley. orchids, an(l The wedding part~y consisted of Mrs. Invite to Beatty Lecture :olleg-e.. and ).fiss May Whitcomb. \rhite sweet peas. JOUrnaltst, are spending a month in Calvin Smith (~[iss Jeanette Reynolds) !\e:·t \Vednesday afternoot.l students Miss Ruth ~[earns. who was maid of Estes Park. Colo. Other members of of Chicago. as matron of honor in a of ~nc National Kindergarten and honor for her sister, wore green and the fa-cu!ty who .are remaining in E\-- French pink chiffon gown: Miss Eliza- Elementary college will hear \\'illard the bridesmaids were in other 1;astcl anston tor the summer session are beth Hilton of Chicago. in orchid chif- S. Beatty. superintendent of schools in shades. Miss Barbara Mearns and making- interesting vacation plans for fon: Russell Swiler of Cleveland, Ohio. Bronxville. N. Y.. formerl\· assistant Miss Helen Lane, of Evanston,' wore and Robert ).[ann of \Vilmette . Tlte the l~tter part of the summer. =-tt 1)erintendent of \Vinnetka school:'. blue, and Miss Frances Weld of Winbride's attendants carried shower houtalk on "The Value of Sex Education." netka and Miss Lucille King of Chica ouets of lavender sweet peas. yellow The lecture. one of the summer ses- go. wore peach. The attendants' gown:-; Announce Marriage .daisies, pink cornflowers and larkspur. sion series on "Experiments in Edu- were made of taffeta and tulle, in Announcement is mach_. oi the marThe bride . was gO\";ned in ivory satin, cation," wilt he given at 2 o'clock ;n bouffant style. The bridesmaids carriag-e of ).fiss Helen Lauhach. daughter with overdress of chiffon trimmed ,,·ith H~ rrison hall. Those interested in ried pink roses and -delphinium · and of ).1 r. and Mrs. J. C. Lauhach of rose-point lace. and wore a three-tier this phase of education are cordiallv the maid of honor carried yellow· roses Glcnvie\v road, to Herbert Becker J t· ivory tulle wedding-veil. which repeat- invited to attend, · and delphinium. son of ~~ r. and Mrs. Herbert B~cke·t: ed the seed pearl girdle in an exquis. i teRoger Low of Wilmette served M r of Hurle>·· \Vis., on J unc 15. at St. ly simole bandeau of pearls around the \Veld as best man, and the usher.· Joseph's church, \Vilmette. Mr. and hearl. Her shower bouquet was of gar- Hospital Bene6t July 14 were Stanley and Herbert W cld of ~fr ... Becker have gone to Hurlev. denias and Yallev lilies. Harold E. The St. Francis hospital auxilian- is \\'innetka, Raymond Roth of Wil\\'is .. to make their home. · · Hammond of Chicago nlayed the f!iving its monthly afternoon affair of mette. and Hubert Sargent of GalesMen~elssohn "\Vedding 'M arch." and h ridge, euchre, five-hundred. and burg. improvised during the arrival of the hun co Thursday, July 14. at 2 o'clock. The Ouihnette Country club is givMr: and. Mrs. Weld are taking a A door prize wilt be gh·en and re- weddmg tnp through Canada and the ing a dance _ Friday evening, July 15, guests. Mr. and Mrs. Martin will be at home ~reshments will be served. The party East, and will be home after the first with the music furnished bv the Herhie Mintz orchestra. The affair is to after September l. at 13805 Shaker '" to take .place at the Nurses' home of August at 810 Forest avenue, Ev319 'Ridge avenue, Evanston. ' anston. boulevard. Cle\·eland. Ohio. he open. '----------~....l the setting for a charming wedding ,, i I ' I I ~

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