)uly 8, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE t I Going To · Carnp? Wist Ia The Girl-Camper Who Stopa At Rosenberg'a Fint! OS ENBERG'S Davis Street-.. Downtown Evanston THE INQUIRING VA(ATIONIJT A Complete Array of Va cation Apparel "BREATHE dee pi" A n d a hundred young nostrils draw in the swut country air~ It's great to go to camp, and tht girls whQ art lradus prtpart at Rosenberg's! FOI~ FULLY half of the vacation joy of a woman is in the beauty o.f her wardrobe. Hence: Stop first at Rosenberg's! THE hiker chooses a linen hiking shirt ( $3.9 5) and a pair of knickers to match, ($2.95). Swimming Suits The chofce of the fashion-wise swimmer: the Jantzen. For Women: ........ $6 and $7 For Men: ......... $6 and $7 For Children: at .......... $4 For Youths: at ............ $5 I SPLASH Mary in Tbeu goes a buutiful swan din 1 Doesn't she look trim? You know she's wearing a Jantzen Swimming Suit, and she bought it at Rosenbug's. FO R evening · vacation functions, a beflowered frock of filmy chiffon. radiant with beauty, may cost but $15. "WebFoot" Suits Swin1ming suits of highest quality at low prices: For Women: Only ...... $4.95' For Men: Priced ........ $4.95 Misses? Youths~ ........ $3.95 Children? ... $3; Tots, ... $1.95 Bathing Suits, Acceuorits- T0 M-M-MI Roasted marshmallows I Made over a blazing little fire l Jo and Ann feel great, for they' rr wearing Wb\tr Jean Middies ($1.65) and Black Satun Bloomus ($1.69). First Floor U and from the beach vvear a cape of brocaded rayon with rubberized I i n i n g $5.95. FOR the afternoon a frock of georgette in the complimentary shade of navy is quite indispensible to the v a c a t i on wardrobe, $19.75. P F I R E tales! CA M Evtr-to-be-rrmem-: brrtd! And don't Rose and Dot look like a million in their Navy Blue Serge Bloomers ( $ 3.-4 5) a n d Khaki M i d d i r s ($1.95)? I'll say! Camp AppuelSteond Floor THE golf dress is made of Rajah or Yo-San silk creperough of weave, to suggest the out-of-doors, $12.95. Oneand two-piece models. Fa·hiom-Steond Floor COATS that travel the way to smartness by distinctive f~brics and individual designing, $35 -$50. Each with a summery touch of color. Fahioni--Stcond Floor