24 WILMETTE LIFE July 8.1 1927 Hungarian Smocked Fountain Square-Evanston ·Frocks Sizes 12 to /6 Store Notes Bathing Caps are first of all practical this season . They cling closely to . the head, whatever form they may take otherwise. And the most gorgeous of colors ! See them here! Garden Needs a-plenty in ·the Housewares Section- and 1n the same corner of the store, eight -glass sets for lem onade and iced tea . Surplice Frocks with Snug Bodices and · Full Skirts- $7~95 Fine, sheer voiles, bril liant! y embroidered and smocked in colors. Cool , attractive little frocks that were much higher-priced )riginally , but which we have now redu<"ed for quick clearance. at amazin: price reG There's many a stunning frock in 1 to see priced so low. And mar1'y, i less than half price! of Gay Flower-Sprigged ·Muslin .Prints Nate this list of colors- an Rosewood Black Apple Green Beige Rose Red · Choose several ot t hcsc for your little girls: · Sizes 1 2 · to 1 6. J The Gift Shop displays more lo vely lamps each If you need a day . lamp- sec these before you bu y~ $5.95 Nile Maize Tan Second Floor Lonrs-Second Flu or Georgette crepes, crepes Eliza bet Two Piece and 0 If ~I 'Mil II~ Needs a Comfortable Suit! We've chosen the famous G t1 M suit, which has a patented vertically-elastic strip at the back that makes the bathing suit cling smoothly, but without strain. Sportswear · Street Wear .Pi 1 Tra Afternoo E·m broidered and smocked with inserts of panne vel v ant gold cloth, compose fr crepes, using both sides of -splendid Oriental prin t exquisite lace vestees- seve lent lines--dresses with 1·)1 of the smartest modes of t And their final prices are A feature group for women at $5! Children's wool ribbed suits, $1.50 to $6.95-from · the little one-piece affairs up to 8 year size-to the skirted models from 30 to 36. Terry Cloth Robes in brilliant colorings, sizes 8 to I 6, S5.95 and $6.95. Lord' s-First and Second Floor. $17.50 $22.501i