July 8, _1927 WILMETTE LIFE 23 1Candy Maker Purchases Rodeo Comes to Soldier Field Week of August 20 Residence in Wilmette Thousands of persons who long to he a part of the color and atmosphere of the western cattle ranges, but who cannot achieve their desire, will go to l 'hicago in August to ·see the third annual world's championship cowboy ;111d cowgirl contests held under tilt· dir_ cction of the Chicago Ass:1cia1 ion of Commerce. These contests, lasting irom August 20 to 28, bring together the winners of other rodeos held all over the we . 1the greatest ropers, riders an<l :-.t<:l'r wre stlers from the Mexican horckr iar into the Canadian Kortln\"(:St. Thi-; year there will b,e $40,000 ih cash, belts and trophie s for the winners. Tex :\mtin of Las Vegas, :K. !\fcx. \\'ill ht: · directly in charge of the contc. t ~. The Chicago Rodeo will be held in the great Soldier Field stadium on the . bore of Lake Michigan where 110.000 persons last fall saw the Army -::\avv football game. The contests are helcl afternoon and evening, the arena being so brilliantly lighted that some of the faste st times in the calf roping contests have been made at niJ,!ht . \\·ilmette Realty company reports the following sales made within the last week: The residence of James E. Tarleton, llY Sixth street. \Vilmettc. sold to Stanley C. Coumbe. Mr. Coumbe is one of the officers of the Curtiss Candy company of Chicago. The firm has also . old the F. B. MacKinnon home at 1125 Ashland an:nue, vVilmette, to James E. Tarleton. The MacKinnons will soon move into their beautiful home in Kenilworth, which is nearing completion. l;raii(cs LcYi oi 730 Forest an: nu~· kit \\'ednc sday to spend two ,,·ccks in ( hhkosh, \\'i ~ .· as the guest oi 11i.; s l~uth Kauin1an. her roommate at ~Jil ""aukcc DO\\"tH:r college. Announcement is made · of. the marriage· oi ~Iiss Margareth Peterson of EYanston to Raymond L. Dahnke, son of ~frs. \\' i 11 i am Dahnke of 736 Twelfth street, which took place July 2, at 5 o'clock. at the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and ~Irs. Peter Luizzo of Kenilworth. The Re\'. Herman :Meyer of the St. John's Lutheran church, \Vilmette, read the se nice. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to every property owner in New Trier township to have his Canada thistle cut on or before July 5. Any property owner who does not heed this warning shall be liable to prosecution and a ftne of from $5 to $100. John Balmes, thistle commissioner of New Trier township, 839 Cherry · street, Winnetka. " .... ~ ....... __ . .... .:;:~x:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"txxxxxxxxxxxxx1X] Universal Decorating Studios Interior Decorations 12 2 3 Ph ADDISON STREET -o\1 r. and ~[r s. Theodore 0. Dtlang ~ oi 1501 Forc ~ t avenue entertained with H dinner and bridge Saturday evening in their garden. There were se,·en tables. .,. r~turned Yi:- it wi~ h __ h_ i s_ r _artn t s ha~ Care,- Orr. = -oH 225 \Yoodbine aYenut. · = from a thr<.'t week,· 1 CHICAGO one 111 Seattle. \\'a :-lL :xxnnnrmxx~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~:x~.x~~xx~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ..c B k' h uc mg am 6o 1 1 ~Irs. H. 0. \Veishaar, 1331 Cht:-.tnut avenue, entertained her bridge club at luncheon \V ednesday. There wtn· t ,., 11 1 tables. -o- I \\'illiam and Jo~rph Lynch. H27 A:,h land avenue. are attending l' a 111 l' I (~emge at Ch:ar\\·at<·r. \\'is. ! Prolltable Training! for the modern girlHE one- year diploma courses and shon intensive courses offered by this school are the mo~t profitable training the modem young woman could seek The facilities for study and actual practice ohheans which are taught are highly complete and modern in every respect, wh1l,. the locatlon · l the school and the living condiuons afforded are ideal. A Crowd at the Curb · Likely Means La Salle When you see people turn to watch a new car in traffic today~ or crowd to the ·curb and _ stand in silent admiration-that car will be a La Salle. Besides its beauty, it has 250,000 Cadillacs behind its pre-proved perforlllance -and under the hood, the latest expression of the fan1ous 90-degree,V-type,8-cylinder engineering principle which is essentially Cadillac FOR A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT-(with the appraisal value of your used car acceptable as cash)-you may possess a La Salle on the liberal term payment plan of the General Motors Acc~ptance Corporation-the famous G. M.A. C. plan T A Happy HomeFor the girl who wishes to prepare :lerself to be the happy. effictent tress of a successful home-there <>re classes in cookery, menu plannml!,, marketing. r "'ilakmg. art neeolework, hot: o·shmg and intenor decoration, c. .. ~ n.any other s-al. ut!· signed to elimmate wast~d tJn·e : nJ effort from the rouutu! of h. n ... making and tum 1t mtu iUI enuh. ... ., round of pleasure. I I, IndependenceFor the g1rl who would be s~lf support;ng, diploma courses m 1ca f'OOm and insutuuonal managemt.nt. dietetics and <".afetena operauon are available. The demand for trained graduatt!S of this school, to fill respons1ble. salaned pot;iuons- far exceeds the supply. This is your opportunity. Why not plan now to ' gc into trainmg" for a richer li/e! Write to rhe addre>J below for a /ree catalog Jully de· 1cribing this school and what it can mean to yo,.. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY EVANSTON BRANCH Dept. Sub. 1810 Ridge Avenue · Evanston Scllool ol Domeatlc ~ te II Scleacea · N. lllclllaaa Bl·d., Dept. z. Cblcaao I~A SALLE Companion Car Cadillac to ~RaNI.,.._.. &Ae Mcartot C4lCGgo'afi,..,, r.,adetattat a ..mwc From $2495 to $2685, C. o. b. Detroit