Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1927, p. 22

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WILMETTE T .. t.. pllone Wilmette IIU LIFE ] uly 8, 1927 DR. FRANK B. ERWIN . 8p·elallslng In tbe treatment o· ' your best fdends t b~t Dr. Edna Glover SCIENTIFIC CHIROPODY ::\Ianlcuring, Massaging, Bathe Shampooing Dye, Singe and Bleach Hair Scalp Treatment a Snecialty Will Call nt Residence 22 Prouty Annex Pb. Winnetka !!68 VETERINARIAN "Dor and {'at·~ All ealls reeehe my atten lion p.-hu""' 111 Completio~1 of t!le 132,000.volt, ~au Iconnection, kegan-to- Wtsconstn electncal mter whereby the Lake side gen- :Link Up Wisconsin With Issue Permi~s for l Chicago "Pool of Power" Three New Houses in Kenilworth A rea . . . tnnn Rt·t .. ,. .\ Y,.. Wl1m"tt" Old enough in the seasoned experience of its organization to know the ·value of instilling accepted fundamentals in -those it instructs: Young enough in its outlook to be shrewdly alert to the progress in the Art of today, and willing to utilize its worth in equip- , ping its students: Wise enough to know that sanity is as necessary as ardour, work as requisite as talent, method as essential · as inspiration: Founded on the assumption that fine people will appreciate a fine school: crating station of the Milwaukee E le ct~ic .Rail~yay and Light company. is tted 1!1 wtth the \Vaukegan generatmg station oi the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, is being widely regarded, as one of tl1e most outstanding and :-.jgnificant recent develop !ne nts of . the elc~t rdic light and pmn·r me1 ustrY m t 1 1e mtl e we st. · . Although the cost of the proJect ha s 1amounted to everal hundred thousand dollars, the estimated cost of providing rc sen ·e generating capacity to equal the amount of electrical energy that may he interchanged over the new transmission line would be approximateh· ten times the cost of the line. . The completion of this project cstablishes a direct connection betwe en the far-famed Chicago "pool of power" and the electrical resource of a considerable portion of the State of \\'i sconsin. directly benefiting all customers served from this vast interconnccted svstem in that it insures a reliable supply of electricity in case any oi the generating units of the companies involved, are temporarily taken out of ~ervicc. 11 Thn:c· pcrn11ts were tssucd thts " ·cck ]),· t lw Yillagc ~f Kenilworth for th e 1 c.onstruction of r~sidences, the total f . . 1 tl $41000 The .. · o " 1 ltC 1 ~\dS more lan _ ,.' . · . first \Yas tss ued to J. \\. ~mdmg tm a :-.olid brick residence with attach': d garag-es to b(' con:-;tructed at o27 \\"; u· wick road. Plans for the hou , t·. · . ..,~ . which is to have two stones anu nme . . . roO IllS, ha V<: been I urnt sll(:d hy I· rt·d V. Prather; the contractor is Carl ( ~l·.rics o;o n. .It is to cost $20.000. The :-ccond permit was issued t(' \\'illia 111 Armstrong- for a brick ven~T r hm~:-.c costing $11,000 to l>t constrnrt cd at 705 Roger avenue. It will ha,·l· a ddached garage. Georg-e \V. Htp p is the architect and Otto H. Schulz is the contractor. The third permit was issuct.l to C. ~~ anchcster for a brick veneer re:-,i de nee costing $10,000 to be erected at 555 Briar street. 'flhe architect is Philip A. Danielson of Evanston and the builder is Eugene Puntcatt of Chi cago. }.fr~. Ed\Yin L. G<:~rgcr ui H2.3 :\- :1land annue has as her gue ,.; ts ior tlH· summer her mother, Mrs. Max Kei~t·r. 1fr. and Mr~. George C. Lowell and and her sister, }.fiss Maxine Kei-.t:r. their daughter. ~fiss 1fary, motored to of Buffalo. )J. Y.. and her cou:-in. Lake Ripley. \Vjs., near Cambridg(·, Adolph Hamburger. of Vienna. Au-. to spend the Fourth of July week-end. tria. .. / I . BLUE SUIT Extra Pair of Light Trousers There you have it. Your desire for good clothes combined with thrift and true economy. We a.re featuring these t'double duty" combination Blue suits with extra pair of light trousers in a beautiful line of fine fabrics at- $45 $55 $65 $75 Cut, Fitted and Tailored · to Your Order n1t EVANSTON ACADEf\N OF FINE ARTS Carlson Building, 636 Church St. Greenleaf 1674 CARL ScHEFFLER, Director Fall Session Sept. 6 CITY SALES-FOURTH FLOOR 319 West ·v an Buren Street Just on the fringe of the High-Rent· Loop Summtr Session July 6 Open from 8 to 5 :Jo, in c' l u ding Saturday

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