Jul~ 8, 1.927 WILMETTE LIFE 19 Repeal Federal Estate Bills Realty Has Tax, Says National Body Active jlf onth of Repeal uf the fede ral estate tax ami Transfers in June allocation of this source of revenue Bill~ Realty, Inc., reports the following- transactions during June from their respective offices. FrL)lll th e Indian Hill Estate office, the ~a le at Indian Hill Estates include l1: t 1i ;t cr l' .; t () l' a c h of t 11 e i o II o \\' i 11 g : F . V. Brown of vVinnctka, by Jirah D. l' ole: ;..1 r. Paul Phi llip of \V'innetka, by F. W. Bills; Edward D. Weis:::.enberg of \Vinnetka, by Jirah D. Cole; A. E. Sch uyler of Chicago, by Gerald \Vicke-Mr. Schuy ler purchased two three-quarter acre parcels; Charles Thoma of ·Evanston, hy F. \V. Bill s; Arthur G. Hansen of Chicago. hy Ralph Silvenvood; \Valter I. Beam, 1),. ]. Fuqu a and II. Bald,,·in ; E;trl \ \ ' ein~tock oi \Vinndka. by (~eorge Engleha rt ; \Villiam E. Ramcke of Chicago, hy Martin T. Obnn. From the Sheridan roa d ofti cc: Fi itet·n ~nd a half acre adjoining the Sunset Ridge Golf club for Samuel ( ~rl·ba~ t o a sy i1dicate. by Howard M. Sloan; two acres on Locust road south of I .akc avenue for Frank H. Biderer t r) John Hartnett, by B. H. Barnett; 11itlt' and one-half acres on Lake avenue, west of Glenview for Jacob Rein\\ald to ~irs. Joseph E. Joyce of Kenil\\'ort h, bY Martin L. Olson; corner of \\'innetka· avenue and \Varwick and Essex roads for Northern Trust company to ~irs. Frank Stover of Huh hard \\'oods. by ~Iartin L. Olsoil and I fn" anl ~1. Sloan. Frt)fll tht- Loop oftice:-; 15R \\.r.;t ] ,akc street is being syndicated: ltt India n .Hill Estates cle\'Cn ~35.000 w ~.iO,OOO residences are now heii1g rapid ly brought to completion for ;nit um n occupancy-all of wl1ic~1 will hl' ucc upit·d by October 1. The se,,·cr ;uu! \\'atcr iacilitirs arc being rapidly r· ltllp lettd. (' oncluit s ior underground tt·kphont a1Hl electric wiring. 'ga.;; and '-trvl't lil!ht ing arc nm,· being laid . Twenty-seven members and friends of the Gage family held a. reunion picnic on the la~n of the Gage home at 1134 Elmwood avenue Monday afternoon, July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Ney entirely to the various states is advo- Lamb and P. S. Gage of Vineland, c:J.ted by the Chamber of Commerce N. J ., were out-of-town guests for of the United States in a statement of the occasion. -oits stand on tax adjustment which has just been made to it:; member · orMr. and 1<Irs. ~Tilliam H. Ellis and ga nization s. Such a se paration of their family returned to their home at .;n urce s of tax funds as between the 823 Greenwood avenue \Vednesda\· afFederal goycrnntent and the states ha s ter spending a week at the ir stt1;1mer ior some time been a part of the plat- home at \Vaupaca, \\'i ~. They plan f :1r111 for tax adjustment advocated by to return to \\·aupaca thl' last oi July the National Association of Real Es- to spend about a month. t at c boards. The general principles of taxation t tttpha sizcd hy the. ~ational Chamhcr are as follows : Learn to charm and attract 1. General reduction of tax rate s. others, how to eliminate self2. \\"ide di :- trilnttion oi personal inconsciousness and fear ; to . discome tax levie s. cover your hidden power and its 3. Differentiation hchYeen earned function. a lld unearned income. Speak convincingly; learn selfmasterv. J. Porcius Gage has lea se d 100 feet PERSONALITY STUDIO of vacant property on the west side LILAH OLDER BELL of Sheridan road in "No !\fan's Land," 715 Lyon & Healy Bldg. just -north of the new Teatro del Lago 64 E. Jacluon Blvd. shopping center, to the Roxanna Oil Harrison 0460 company for a filling station sitt.'. Tile \Vl-UTI.: FOR I<"'REE CIRCULAH st ation has sta rted operations. Your Stomach Forbids You mustn't eat this, don't dare cat that-or you will sutter. The dread or heartburn, belching, bloating, pains after eating, haunts the lives of many people. But often t.helr suf· ferlng might be easily relieved. Stomach mls· ery caused by acidity will respond to treat· ment with Mountain Valley Mlne\'al Water from Hot Springs, Ark. The mild atka· Unity of this famous mineral water tends to neutralize the ex· cess of acid and It also assists dlgesth'e and eliminative proc· f'sses. Put your stomach back In con· ·lltlon. Phone us tor a ease today. -WE DELIVER- Personality Developed Mountain Valley Water Co. ~t.iO!· Kroadway Evanston. 111. Greenleaf 4777 j::!· W . .Jackson Blvd. Monroe 6460 Chicago, Ill. y Northeast Winnetka 7 Bedrooms 4 Baths Add Four New Courses to North Shore Colony Xorth ~hore's g-olf club colony was gi\·cn a big increase in the last week, \\'hen three.- new courses were opened. Snburhan in Glenvi ew. a fee co ur :-~e, ).f i5s ion Hills just so uth of Dundee road to the west of Glencoe: Baltilllorr. west of Lake Zurich. and CountrY;; ide. two miles west of Mundelein ar-t' the new golf organizations. $65,000 A CORRECTION In an article appearing in last week's is:--ue of WrtMr:TTE LIFE Miss Adelaide Jones wa~ announced as the president oi. the North Shore Musical society. This was incorrect. Mrs. F. W. Fuermann is president of the society, while Miss Jone s holds the office of vicepresident. Phone Wilmette 2418 EDWARD BUCK For Painting and Decorating Owner. about to live in California. has decided to sell this superb brick on holtow tile resi dence. with a fine slue roof. There are 4 master bedrooms and 3 baths on 2nd floor. and a fine large finished bedroom and 2 servants' rooms and bath on 3 rd floor. There is a large recreation room in the basement. There is an excellent bucler's pantry ; a charming sun roo~. Gutters, valleys. downspouts. etc. are of. copper. and the beams are of steel, the construction being superfine throughout. The grounds are wonderfully landscaped and shrubbed and have an east frontage of 2 2; feet . There is a large, heated 2car garage and a double drive way. at Sensible Prices 1405 Central Ave. Wilmette - BEINSEM REALTY CO. 720 Elm Street,' Winnetka - Phone Winnetka 254 -~11111 111111 11111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 11111111111111111~