18 WILMETTE LIFE · July 8, 1927 Mrs. Clara Berger, Who Knew Lincoln, Is Take by Death ).[rs. Clara Corneiia Berge r, wife ni Robert Berger, and daughter of th e late George Schneider, former presi dent of the Commercial National bank. Chicago, died Monday night .at her home at 128 Dupee place, Wilmette. Mrs. Berge r's father was a friend of Abraham Lincoln and she recently presented a collection of relics, given to him by the martyr president, to the Chicago Historical society. Mrs. Berger, who was 71 years of age, often told stories about Abraham Lincoln, who visited in her father's home at 2000 Michigan avenue, Chi- · cago. The relics given to the Historical society include many Lincoln let ter-;. ~f r ~. Berger's father \\'a s ~r ini-.. ter to 0l'nlllark during Lincoln's ad mini;;tration and sold United States hone! :-; in that country. · ~~ rs. Berger is survived by her hush;lnd. Robert Herg-rr. a rlaughter. ~fr ~ . :\rthur Schult/., and l\\'O son:-;, f~t·orgr. and Robert. Jr. The ·Greatest Tire Value Ever Offered W. W. Branigar Dies at Residence in Kenilworth Funeral services were held Tuesday. July 5.' for Wilbur W. Branigar, 219 LeiCe ster road, Kenilworth, who dit!d Saturda\' at his home. The servicec; were he-ld at the home. Burial was at ~femorial Park cemetery, where a Ma sonic . en-ice was held. y{ r. Branigar. who was in the firm of Branigar Brother~. real estate hrokers. wa s prominent in Masonic circles. He i..; sun·ived by hi s widow. ~frs. Etizaheth nranigar. and t\\'0 claughtrrs. ~far y and Katht~ rine . y' rtstottt GUM·DIPPED TIRES Firestones are the greatest tire values today- - the tires that give most mileage and best servicethe tires that surpass all others in quality of ma:erials and workmanship-the tires that come to you WITHOUT HIGH PRICES. Firestones are the only Gum-Dipped Tires. We are headquarters here for these wonderful tires-our big stock includes every size of FullSize Balloons, High Pressure Tires and Truck and Bus Pneumatics. We also carry a complete stock of Firestone Steam-Welded Tubes. J. M. Appel Heads State Association of Bankers Fi~·,t '\'ational Bank of \\' ilmette, wa s electe d president of the Illinoi s J. ~f. .-\ppel, former president of th r fianker-.. association at thr annual 1llt'l'tin~ of that organization h<>ld re Le nt!\' at Danville. He had been \·icepre~iclent IJi the association during the pa!'t year. ~[r. Apprl is prc;-;ident of the Hi. d !land Park State hank and i ~ connected '"ith han king interests in f'hirago. ---..---· --HOSTESS AT LUNCHEON \fi..;.., Tes sie Robins on of 1026 .-\ ..,11 "'"rl - .,.~·n u·· (·n1rrt<tine<l at lunthr n:, \Vednesday in her home in honor of \1 iss ~f iriam Herr of \N as hington. D. C.. and Douglas Stiehl oi Cincin nati. Ohio. \\·hose marriage is to tak e place in the fall in \Vashington. Out of -town ',guests \vere Miss F:velvn vVright of Detroit. Mich .. and Mr. ai1cl ~[ rs . Rert Cline of Kansas City, Mo. Our Tire Service IN WILMETTE Our service is complete in every detail- come in today and take advantage of it. IN WINNETKA IN GLENCOE Wilmette I Jo ·hnson Battery and I Motor Electric Service i Service I ;· KUrschner Garage 666 Vernon Phone Gaencoe 800 and 1\frs. Robert Stoddard of avenue and Rohert. Jr .. Mary, Craig, and Mark. left \Vednes day to drive to their cottage in thr Thousand Islands on the St. Lawrence ri,·er. They planned to make the trip in two days. Ford and Jack Stoddard preceded the familv east to open up the cotta. Q'c. Mr. -Stoddarct and Robert. Jr .. wilt return to Wilmette in the near future and the rest of the family will remain throughout the summer. ~[r. 524 Lake 740 Twelfth Street Phone Wilmette 691 806 ·Oak Street Phone Winnetka 2048 and Mrs. Ross G. Stewart of 1033 GreemYood avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Fa,-e Roberts of Winnetka will return . n-ext week from a two weeks' trip through the Canadian woods . They are near Port Francis. ~f r. -o- -oMr. and Mrs. Elmer ]. Lundin and their· familv. of the Linden Crest. arr "Pending the s.ummer at their ~ttn1111er home ncar Cadillac, Mich .