July 8, 1927 . ; ~ FfiSTII1(STAKE THE PlACE OF TOWN watldl~ ({)U~T~!l "mar-l countryward. &whelher- it be rOOunlains or sea· in lhe U.S. or ~~~~~.,.... {;va, ~Schatz \abroad .carr <h a .8r-@al deal b.ard it a.,8lorious advenlure. Vacation apparel of dislinclion. maki~ at .popuvprices. Rapping 11 E1mer Gantry:" the Rev. . John T. Brabner Smith of Evanston, "God" ~as the subject of the Less~n- reporting at the annual meeting of Sermon m all Churches of Chnst, I the World Servi-ce Commission of the Scientist, Sunday, July 3. Methodist Episcopal church, held reThe Golden Text was from Isaiah cently in Chicago, said: 43:15 "I am the Lord your Holy One "Some day . church news and church the c~eator of Israel 'your King." ' ~ditors witt be the big t~i~g in jour~al. . ' . . tsm. If a story on a bnlhant and dtrty Among the c1tattons whtch compnsed preacher sells by thousands, how much the Lesson-Sermon was the following more would a serial story of a saint from the Bible: "I will love thee, 0 of God in modern literature intere st Lord, my strength. The Lord is my the readers of the p~blic pr~ss. "' . "The newspaper,' he satd, 1s the rock, and . my fortress-, and my de- best and surest medium of advertising liverer; my God, my strength, in whom and for publicity of the church bel will trust; my buckler, and the horn cause it goes into practically every of my salvation, and my high tower. . . home regardles.s of race or cre~d. For who is God save the Lord? or who Weekly and datly newspapers are glvis a rock save our God?" (Psalms 18:1, ing the churches and churcl~ n~ws 2, 31). much space. Less. of sens~t10nahsm The Lesson-Sermon also included the and more constructive news ts the defollowing passages from the Christian mand of city and country jo~rr:atism. Science textbook, . 41 Science and Health The churches must provtde 1t 111 acwith Key to the Scriptures," by Mary ceptable style ·and form." Baker Eddy: "Unless the harmony and Andrew J. Mouat, 616 Lake avenut, immortality ·of man are becoming more apparent, we are not gaining the true 'returned Tuesday after spending two idea of God; and the body will re- weeks at the American Whist League flect what governs it, whether it be tournament which was held in HanTruth or error, miderstanding or be- over, N. H. Mr. Mouat is an old lief, Spirit or matter. Therefore 4aC-· time member of the league, and during quaint now thyself with Him, and be the recent tournament obtained fin: at peace.'" high scores. Christian Science Visions Church News as Big Thing in Journalism ...... I 1E~ t~WM KARON SCHUR am/ Sportswmr EVANSTON HO JH SHORE HOTEL - 1605 CH ICAOO AVE. Hot Days Cool wooded homesites are the happiest relief in weather that sizzles . . . And w bile you are enjoying the suburbs, let your friends in the city know of the many wonderful chances to buy Fresh, Bottled Milk the.ffnest health drink· ·of all! · I Phone Wit. 55 F YOU have never tasted Bowman's Milk do so now. It will give you a new conception of how delicious pure, sweet milk can be · For health and for genuine pleasure drink at least a quart a day. . .<r ~~ Riparian Homesite with a beautiful wooded bluff on Sheridan Road. · . . -..f{' ~~~-~ _ w:-·---::rcn:..tr::' '·~ · ·· v ............. . rl ('[,_ ~ ; _·_ ... --· _-_ .' _ ' _ _ __ ~J . · X ' ~ ~';\~ l1 ~ -:-.,.>-:( ~· _.., I 00x4 3 8 ft. deep at S 3 25 per front foot, priced for quick sale. / ~·,_ ~ Bowman's Milk is fresh milkquickly brought from farm to you. Just as rich in cream as when taken from the cow. Perfectly pasteurized to assure its purity. A good, rich milk that will please the entire family. \ / ~-;e~- Private Beaches offer many adoantages. ~-. ~ ~· ~Y, ·~ . ~ . .. '-/ Tighe Realty Co. 14 20 Sheridan Road-Wilmette Entrance to "No Man's Land" DAIA.V.COMPANi Phone 2671 FO~ Mill\. 51 YEARS THE STANDAI=1D or OUALITY