Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jul 1927, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE July 8, 1927 St. John's .Lutheran "·ilmette and Park an' nues, Wilmette Herman ,V. Mey'er, :\I. A. pastor ]Garden Club Meets T~day; Hears Jesse Smith Monday The regular meeting of the Kenii\Yorth Home and Garden club will be held at the home of Mrs. C. G. Littell, 322 \Voodstock avenue, today. Dr. Franklin Martin, a former resident of K<~ nihYorth, will speak about the nation-v.·ide campaign against the inYa sion of such vast hordes of mosquitOL'S upon the summer peace. He is ~ repre se ntative from the Gorgas Mem orial societY. which exterminates the mo::; quitoe s -in the Panama district. Charlc:' Howe. a prominent BJ~ Scout. this year is offering his service..; to inYestigate the possible breeding place:' around Kenilworth. RcpresentatiY.es irom other garden clubs '"iJI also he present. FollO\Ying a different trend of horticultural thot~ht the Home and Garden club will listen t::> a talk given b~ · Jesse Smith, on "Wild Flowers and Natural Planting" at the home of ~r r ..;. R. C. Johnston on Melrose avenue. ~ronda)=, June 11. Mr. Smith is the principa l of the Elm Street school 111 Highland Park The members of thL: Kenilworth Garden club are to he inyited as guests. 406 Prairie a,·enue Te lephone l:Hlti Church telephone 3111 ·H ave you ever made good on one job ·· for 39 years? Tbres starts wtth the fact that Dunlop ~E extra mil~age you get from Dunlop 11 :flO ...\. :\f. Secon d Sl'rdct· and ~ermo11, "Tlw Fin;t 'hur<'h ( 'oundl" 1'\ ER H C'Ei'\ Fourth !:;unday aft~r Trinity :1 :30 .A. :\1. !:;unday .·chool and Bib!·· classes :1 : -Ia A. l\L Fir~t ~wrvic e anu sermon ' I EETI:\(iS Friday at i :-Iii-Junior Wa!Uu·r All busine~:-; m eetin g:-; of t·\Jt· t·ungTt ·gatiun ha\·e been ~USJH·nded for tll· · months of July and August. '!'he l'<' g·ular vot er .·' nweting will lot· lwl<1 on TUt·:-;day, Septe mber 1:L On Sunday, .July 17, tilt' pulpit will lw supplied by Danit·l PtJiot, a student at Conco r dia SeminarY, St. Louis, wh o will c·omp!Ptt· his tlwolog-ical cour:::;e at that institution in l!l~H . :\Ir. Polot 's honw if; at Palatine, Ill. The next special ofl't ·ring· fur missiom; will be rcC'e i\'(' <1 on :-Iunday, .luly 31. Tht: memlwrs of St. John's art · r 0 qu c~ t e <l to use tlwir SJIVC'ial ··n\·t·lopt·:> for this purpose. l Pastor l\IeyH HtHl family are lea\'iug for an auto trip to ~t. Louis during tlw coming wt·t·k in ordt·r to att<'nd the con\'t' lltion of tlw w:~llUu: r LPague. They will stay away a week. ln case a pastor's serviees Rhould be twcessary, pleas<· communiC'ate with J>aRUJr ,,.illiam Suhr of Highland Park. bas had thirty-nine years of tire-building experience-more than any other tire· maker. Each part of each Dunlop is built right. Dunlop owns its own cotton mills to spin selected long-fibre c:Ptton into the special Dunlop cable-twist cords. These cords mean extra strenAth- an added factor of safety against constant load and pounding of roads-longer life and greater mileage. They mean extra "stretch"-so the tire carcass will give under blows, and come back to its original shape without the slightest injury. Every Dunlop you buy has extra miles built into it because Dunlop knows each part of its job. That is why we recommend you put Dunlops on your car. Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry H. McDernwt~ of 620 \Vashi ngton avenue and ~fr.; . McDer mott's sister, Miss Li lliam Gilli s I _ of Chicag_o, · left yest erday for a Cirt:t·nl eaf . a nnue and ~ ·. ,· ~"nth stre..t month's or six weeks' t rip through the I \Vest. They wi ll go to Estes, YellowI o·j~<~L~lar ~t·rvkt· Sunday nwrning- at 11 stone and Glacier national parks, and , return by way of Canada. They plan Sunday .sc!HJ~!l at ;· : -t;, .\. :\T. Jo~.· ~ · J~h to meet 1frs. McDermott's nephe"·· J~hnson, SUJH:-1 mtt>IHl! n~ . . - \. D . (1ash Harr'\i· Grallam of ,.~ . Orlea 11 s ·t Will teach the adu lt nll>IP da:-:s. -:'\ l "CV. · c · ' .1. :-:<>hnlar:> nre always wt>kon~t ·. Glaner park. English Lutheran I 1· "· .- . -oJohn Gleason, ~011 t~i ~I r. and ~1 r:- . l.lonl Yost returned Tuesday to his ~-:!. ]. Gl~ason of 910 Chestnut aYentH:. ho111e. at 1016 Greenwood avenue irom · IS spcndmg t\\'o \\'Ceks at camp at a month's business trip' on the wc,t 1 Clearwater, \Vis. coast. I [············· ·· y y y y · y · · ·· · y TIRE SHOP MARGERUMS Vulcanizing and Accessories N Start a Savings Account 621 Main Street Wilmette Phone Wilmette 3243 Savings deposits made on or before July 9th draw interest from ·July l st. Start now to do your banking in Wilmette. .every 2~seconds someone buys a First National Bank of Wilmette FOUNDERS OF THE PNEUMATIC TIRE INDUSTRY -· ·············

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