8 WILMETTE LIFE July 8, 1927 CABIN A BUSY PLACE Cocoanut Marshmallow Layer Cake A delicious confection that everyone likes, especially when it is made of our famous white cake and ·filled with orange cr earn. We will have them Saturday at SOc and $1.00. North Shore Boy Scouts Now Firmly Entrenched in Over-night Hiking Retreat in Woods Standing as the culmination of six years of work to get a stopping place for over-night Boy Scout hikers, The Cabin-in-the-Woods, dedicated on Sunday, June 26, is now ready to reward Scouts of the !'Jorth Shore Area Council for their efforts. It is described as "the over-night hike objective of the North Shore Area extending from Wilmette to Lake Bluff." Three dates stand out in the most recent history of the cabin : February 8, when its establishment was assured by the Cook · County Forest Preserve board; May 21, when twenty-seven troops took part in a fun rally at the cabin; and June 26, the dedication. The Scouts, their leaders, and their parents have officialtv extended their thanks to the Board Forest Preserve Commissioners of Cook County and to Mr. Oscar W. Schmidt in particular, for his untiring energy in making possible that which is the heritage of north shore Coffee Cakes Folks come to the Dutch Oven from far and wide to get coffee cake. Both because of the superb ·quality and the unusually large selection they can choose from. Why not try one Saturday? TWO STORES of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scouts 1129 Central Avenuet Wilmette Phone Wilmette 29 98 1504 Howard Street, Chicago Phone Sheldrake 9638 Cabin-in-the-\Voods. for ntatty years Credit to con1c, is also the given to Ransom Kennicott, Cook county forester, for the location of the cabin, and to Peter M. Hoffman, former sheriff and now connected with the Forest Preserve hoard, for the building of it. In order that ~routs unaccompanied by Scoutmasters may be undrr supervision on' r night. Assistant Scout ExecutiYe Draper ha~ arranged to b1.· present at the cabin cHry vVcdncsday from noon throug-h to Thursday morn ing, he has announced. The dedication on J unc 26 was attended by Commissioner Schmidt, ~I r. Hoffman, ~Lr . Kennicott, and Commisioner:; Louise Xcttlchorts and Franci::Boutell. The speech of acceptance oi the cabin wa:-; tnadc 1)\· Albert P. Snite, president t)f thr ~~rth Short· :\rca Council; the camp flag \\'as prol'nted by L. J. Cahn. ior the north short· American Legion p n ~ts; and the tlag \\"a. raised by Eagk ~cout Fowler of \ \'ilmcttc. I ~ ( ' Ice Crean1 and Our Fountain When ever you stop at ::mr fountain for a Soda, Sundae or just plain dish of Ice Cream you will always receive a fine cold . glass of ice water. that is just . a part of our service. Of course the Soda Water is co1d as ice can make it. 1 Ridge Avenue Pharmacy C. C. RENNECKAR Opposite St. Joseph's Churcl1 · Tel. Wil. 316