0 WILMETTE LIFE July 8, 1927 The Re,·. and Mrs. Charles Hayward and their daughter, Carlon, of Ashfield, Mass., spent a day recently with Mrs. ] ames Brownlee, 1624 Spencer avenue, on their way to the C. E. convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Wilmette GrocerJ' A Market STqVE CAUSES FIRE Only one alarm was turned in at the Wilmette Fire station during the first part of the week, the call being occasioned by a faulty gas stove at Wilmette's fast-stepping baseball 1033 Main street. No damage was inoutfit made it eight victories in a row curred. when the locals smothered the highly touted Washington Park nine of · Evanston on Fourth of July afternoon, 10 to 2. The game was played in Evanston. Monday's game was the last half of a two-game series with the Evanstonians, the locals having trimmed the same aggregation on the Village Green, Sunday afternoon, 5 to 4. WILMETTE. ILL. Hank Boesch essayed the hurling duty for the home boys on Monday Chicago Office - Fiut National Bank Bldg.. and was master of the situation ForYeu Phones Wilmettt 1417- Randolph 1438 throughout. Warm weather is to his liking- and who ever faces his deceptiv~ southpaw slants under present conditions must suffer accordingly. Wilmette's now famous murderers row saw to it that Hank had plenty to work on, too, as the final count indicates. Sunday's game was by no means the push-over that developed in the Fourth For Better Things to Eat of July matinee, but Wilmette bore up nicely after the Washington Parks had 1146 Central Avenue threatened to sew things up in the closing innings. Borre hurled a steady Six Phones: Wilmette 420-421-422-423-424-425 game and bore down effectively whenever undo trouble threatened. WOMEN IN TITLE · .PLAY Wilmette Annexes Brace of Wins in North Shore Golf Club to Be Seene of District Event of Women's Holiday Contests Chicago Western Golf Association The Chicag-o district W om e 11' s Western Golf association, is to have its championship tournament at the North Shore Golf Club from Monday, Tuly 11, to Friday, July 15, inc1usivc. Virginia Van Wie, the district champion, will be title defendant, and ?ther entrants will include many promment women golfers of Chicago and suburbs. Practice opened on the course \V ednesday, with fifteen players trying out the course. Mrs. Fleming of Bever!~· Hills turned in the best score, 93. AN1ong the players who will enter tlH· tournament wi11 be Mrs. Lee M ida of Butterfield, ,~~,·ho holrls the cour!'e with a record of a 90, which Janet Byrnes of the )J()'rth Shore club and a resident of Wilmette, nearly equalled once with a 92. The schedule of events for the fi\'e day tourney has been arranged as follows: ~londay, July 11, at 9 in the morning, 18 holes of medal play; prize for low gross, three additional flights of sixteen to qualify. Tuesday, at 9, first round of match for championship and other flights: 10 o'clock consolation handicap, 18 holes for 'all \vho failed to qualif~· . prizes for low gross, low net: at 2 in the afternoon, driving contest br classes A. B. and C. \Vednesday at 9, second round of match plav and other flight s : fir st round mat.ch play consolation for all flights; at 1 o'clock, four hall foursome handicap, 9 holes, prizes for best ball. low gross and low net. Thursday. at 9, s~mi-final match ph;: for all flight s; second roun(l match play consolation for all flig-hts: at 12. · f or 1 mixed foursome, pnzes ow gr nc , and IO\\' net. Frida~· at 9, final of all flight :- . N®m ~IHKm~ IHicmm k. Builders ·of Better Homes I Keep the Cool Bottle . on Ice When t h e mercury stays as high as it has lately. the full ice box gives t h e most comfort ... Delicious Royal Purple Grape Juice, all kinds o f Gingerale. Root Beer, Sarsaparilla, Near Beer, etc. Buy it by the case and be sure you have it when you want it. RECOVER STOLEN CAR A stolen automobile belonging tt) Thompson Brothers of 7334 N. Clark street, Chicago, was recovered by the. \Vilmette police \\icdnesday. Th e machine wa s found abandoned on Lake avenue. Dr. and ~Ir s . ~. R. Barker ant!' their guests have moved from their home 730 Central avenue to the F. B. Crossley home at 600 \V'ashington avenue for the month of July. - at ~-' ll l ll l lllllllllllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllll lll l llllllllllll llll lllllllllllllll== =-=~ === == Specials - For Hot Weather !~ Ii Lemon II I ~ I~ .lled Fl Butter Sponge Cake ~ ~ 11 I - A Large Assortment j 0 = The new horsr shoc h:agllt' . :--pnn - sorc cl l>Y the \Vilm cttc Pb~· grc,u 11d and Hc,-creation · hoard. startrd Ia : ·= \\"('l' k \\'it h a ha !1)-.:'. Th cy are 1\0\\ .:;ho\\'i ng 11p quite '\Ye ll. and the mntt n they arr employing br thi.:; sr hed ulv is. ":\o Forfeits, \ Ve \\1 ant to Play ... At thr present writing. it \\·o uld hl' quite in 1possibl c to predict the out - C'f'\llle of either league, tlwugh the - Tern1inal .A... C. I ancl tl1c I. 0. 0. F. f. - i11 the 1'1lttr s da~' night league seen1 t" be the class of the field. The results of last week follows: Horseshoe J,f'agne standing - - "No Forfeits" Is Motto of New Horseshoe Leagu~ 0, H Q ffi e .- M a d e - c k ·es 00 1 - ~ 0 ~ Tuesday St. ~ight T ea m ~ ~ ~ .Til~t>ph 2 ~ ~ = Presbyterian Howard P. T. A. . ..... 1 T.O.O. F ............... 1 St.,. Johns 2 ............ 0 K. of C. 2 .............. 0 Congregational ......... 0 ... ... ...·. 1 ........... 1 League Won LoRt p ,.: 11)1 o1 t o ll 0 0 1 Ol lil Il l (JI. ji)(J(t Methodist Thur~day ............. . 0 I Night Leag-tt· · I I l ooo 0(1(1 ()1)0 O(l(t (.) ofr).o (I 0 " (J ur · · Sandwich and Rye Bread - ·rPrmina I A . C . 2 .... ... . 1 St . .John!o;. 1 ............ 0 'f'ertninal A. (,. ~ ~ I. 0. 0 . F . ............. 1 Terminal A . C'. 1 ....... 1 . . . . ... 0 n n 1 1 0 ll I 011(1 I (j fl (I 'jfl()fl ll 1 o.;r. llfi(J ()()(t () ll (1 Y. P. C' ................. 0 T. 0. 0. F . 2 ........ .... 0 _ I. 0 . 0. F. ... · ....... r. ftO (t The . eight weeks. -o'Mr. an(l Mrs. S;-tmpson Dust an Cooper of Detroit. Mich .. wer<> , guest..: Phone Wilmette 503 for the week-end of Mrs. Cooper's ~ ~ · parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Markens I :.unununnmnnnmunnmnnm·mmlmmnnmmmmn·n"u"lllllllllttttu~ of 120 Dupee place. = ~= _I PattJ' James Tenchcr, 924 Green' . ood aw- nue, is leaving Monday to attend the <;ummer school session of Phil1ip~ . Exeter academy at Exeter, N. H .. _ which opens July 12. He will be gone 1153 Wilmette Ave. Sboppe ' L - v - - --- - ~ --