Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jul 1927, p. 3

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.. July 1, 1927 I( f· · WILMETTE LIFE . 3 BIG FOURTH OF JULY PROGRAM HERE MONDAY Patriotic Exercises, Field Events, Entertainment, Fireworks on Schedule Don't Spriidde Lawn Between 4 and 7 P. M. Summer arrived with a vengeance this week and with it the customarv request from Village Manager C. C. Schultz that householders go easy on the lawn sprinklers. · Here's the dope: Do not operate . your lawn sprinklers between the hours of 4 and 7 P. M. during the extremely hot weather. f This f request is in the interest smce . fo 1 sa ety, . kl the operatton o h awn h h spnn 'II ers generally f t roug out t e vt age has the e feet of materially reducing the wat th · · er pressure, us creatmg a senous situation in case of fire. The co-operation of all householders in this matter is earnestly solicited by the Village authorities. Again: the Right Way to Display the Flag The Patriotic Landmark committee of the Glencoe chapter, D. A. R., Mrs. KENILWORTH INVITES TO FOURTH FESTIVITY Pat.-iotic Ceremony, P a r ad e, Community Sing and Sports Evenb on Program · .I. John C. Hornung, chairman, has sug\Vilmette residents, young and old, gested that from its observation of will not need to roam afield for their the various ways in which the flag was residents of Kenilworth and thei.r Fourth of July -celebrating this year if displayed by individuals · on the north guests are cordially invited to particithe community pate in celebrat·'on the twenty-fifth wre on Memorial day, it might be of July gt'ven annual by the Fourth Kent'l. d 1 Independence h . day f pro. s1 gram ou tt me >Y t e committee o " ·e 11 t h at the fl ag code be studied and "·orth club. TLe bt'g feat·ures of the . L W1l. me men.can egton, · · · ' w be patr·'ott'c exerct·s. tt e P . os d.t , N t.. o. 46f, Ah . f tts vanous reqUirements o b s e r Y . e d gala occast'on wt'll IS any m 1ca ton o w at 1s m the o h w en our national emblem is displayed es, a parade, community singing, races fing for the pleasure of the villagers. t' 't' '11 b · 1 on Indepe~~.ence day. · attd stunts. Fourth of July t'n Kent'l' egm s tort· .... M on d ay s ac tvt tes wt lr after noon when the intermittent "There are certain fundamental rules worth has always meant a good time explosion of bombs will serve as a sumof heraldry which if understood gen- for both young and old; and the whole mons to the villagers to make for eralty, would indicate the ' proper meth- village is expected to turn out to wit\Vashington park at the lake front od of displaying the flag. The national ness the celebration and join in the where the afternoon's program will flag represents the living country. The fun. take place. . blue field or 'union' is the honor point. .Although the residents of the village Promptly at 1 :30 o'clock the proThe union, therefor should always be wtll probably be roused at an early gram will be inaugurated with patriotic uppermost and at the right, I.e. the hour by the spasmodic sputtering of ex.e rcises. In this there will be music flag right, the observer's left. firecrackers, the official events of the ~y Damante's. band, Community sing"When carried in procession, the flag holiday will not start until 10:30, when mg led by Mtss Adelaide Jone s. readshould be at the marching right and a parade of a brass band, Boy Scouts ing of the Declaration of Independence Postmaster Joseph E. Shantz sur- always in front of any · other flag Camp Fire Girls, school children, citi~ by Lieut. Ralph C. Wessel, and a brief pri~ed most eyerybody, none the least (like a State flag or the flag of another zens, automobiles and vehicles of all address to the children hv a member himself. early this week QY disposing country.) descriptions and patriotically decoratof \Vilmette Legion Post. · of his favorite make of motor car and \Vhen displayed on a walt, with ed floats will start. The parade will Thirty-two Field Events .taking upon himself a brand new con- other flags the flag of The United form at Kenilworth avenue and WarThe patriotic ceremonies concluded vcyancc of different persuasion . State of , America should be displayed wick road, and will proceed via Warthe program of races and games will The genial director general of the on the right and its staff should be wick to Woodstock, west to Essex, start at 2 o'clock, with events listed local postage emporium slipped away in front of the other flags. north to Melrose, west to Abbotsford to attract the intere st of eycn·one as stealthily as an eloping pair last "\Vhen the flag is displayed from a south to Kenilworth avenue, and west whether participant or spectator. ·Thi' Saturday morning and remained staff projecting horizontally or at an to Fountain Square. feature of the day's schedule will in5 among the missing until sometime late angle from the window sill, balcony or At 11 :00, there wilt be singing, led elude thirty-two events of ,·aried na- in the day when · he drove up to the front of building, the union should go by Charles D. Howe. The Kenilworth ture with awards for winners, contrib- Linden Crest apartments, prepared to cle~r to the peak of the staff unless Boy . Scouts will lead the pledge of uted by Wilmette business people- take Mrs. Joe and all the Little J oes the flag is at half mast. If not flown al_legtance t<;> t~e flag, and immediately ,·arying in character from a fine Fourth out for a spin aJong the shore. from a staff, it should be displayed atter the smgmg arid flag ceremony of July cake to a ton of ice. There is There's another angle to this yarn flat, the union uppermost and to the prizes will be awarded for the best to be a special prize for the best decor- that ought to be given to the general flag's right. \Vhen the flag is display- costumes and floats. The judges of a ted bicycle displayed at the park. public but we mustn't kid these gov- ed oyer the middle of the street, the the parade will be: Mrs. Craig B. Immediately following the field ernment men too freely. flag should be suspended vertically Ketcham, Mrs. \Vatter Noble Gillett events, in which the Legion ha s the with the union . to the north, in an east r s. Charles E. Driver, and Mrs: co-operation of Recreation Director_ Conventi"on and Trout and west street or east, in a n "~rth and Clyde P. Ross. sout 1 1 street. Forty Athletic Events Daniel M. Davis and his staff of ex · perts. the children-not to mention the adults-will enjoy a special entertaina r. · p · agi "On a speakers' platform it should In the afternoon, forty athletic me~tt including a Punch and Judy Dr. George P. Magill, pastor of the be displayed above and behind the events will be run off at the New show, · magician and ventriloquist per- First Presbyterian church, is being speaker. in the place of honor at the Trier H.igh school campus, in which fQrmances. sent by the Wilmette Optimist club as speaker's right. there wtll be a race for every one, There will b~ plenty of music by its representative to the Optimist Inter"The flag should be flown only front young or old. Some of the events Damante's hand throughout the after national convention to he held in Den-· sunnse to sunset. It should not be which have been announced are a renoon. - · n~r. Colo., J \'flY 6-9. so hung that it will touch the ground lay race for fathers and sons, and imLots of room for even-hod,· and lot s; Dr. Magill expects to leave for Den- or the floor or trail in water. It should mediately following it, a ball game for and tots of shade. Free transportation is ver next Monday morning, .and has never he used as drapery. It should them. In the relay race, Thomas t? he provided for the youngsters who made plans to spend a few days after ahvavs be carried aloft and free and \Yhite. Sr .. will captain the Dads tn·e in the far west portions of the the convention in the mountains in that never horizon tatty. No one is author- w!1ilc the boys witl be led bv Ton; village. . vicinity, where he will enjoy his favor- ized to add any mark or decoration to \\"hite, Jr. For the ball gam~. John Fourth of July evening should claim ite pastime, trout fishing. He says that the flag, like a· gold border, for that i:; Hick s will captain the fathers, whit~ th e interest of every villager. After ~r.esident Coolidge may get more pub- using the flag to advertise some or- the sons hope to be victorious under dinner time the throngs will proceed hetty when he goes trout fishing, but he ganization and it is not lawful to use Tom Hicks. to Dyche Stadium, Central street. £,·_ can't get more sport. the flag to advertise anything." There will be spe cial events for bovs anston, to witness the elaborate enter"The 't rouble with too much puband girls from the ages of six a~d tainment and Fireworks display to be licity," says Dr. Magill, "is that every- Rev. F. C. Sti"fter Sai·ls under to fourteen, and no age limit is staged there by the Evanston Legion one knows the kind of bait you use and set on the events in which men and Post in co-operation with the North all about your catch." · for Tour of Holy Land ,,·omen will be featured. The followEvanston Bus·iness }.fen's association He uses m11y the most approved Rev. Francis Carr Stifter, pastor of mg are judges for the children's Tickets providing for reserved seats bait. · events: Louis D. Jones, boys and are to be had at all Wilmette drug the \Vilmette Baptist church, left this girls, ages six and under; William stores and from members of Wilmette week an extended tour of the EuroHoty Gl.en non, b oys age seven an d e1g . h t; Land. for He will also v:sit various Legion Post. Those securing tickets Wilmette Girl to Attend \\ alter Knoop. girls age seven and in advance wilt enjoy the benefit of a pean countries in company with a large eight; Wendell Clark,. boys age nine special reduced rate, it is explained. Walther League Sea · SI·ons group church workers. The of tourthe is <til . d ten; Cl ayton B urc ll, gtrls . being of made under auspices age nine The .Fotdtrth of July field events have Miss Adele Wegner is . to represent Church Touring guild. and ten; \Vard Starrett, boys age eleven and twelve; Harold Tideman, b een 1tste as follows (sulijct to slight th changes): e young peop1e of St. John's Lu. 1 1 d Flehl EHnts theran church at the International cong1r s age e even an twelve; Alex JosBicycle procession. ,·en~ion. of the \Valther league, an orTHE COVER lin , boys age thirteen and fourteen; 25-yard dash-girls under s. gamzat1on of 50,000 Lutheran young MONDAY is the day we celeHarold Barnes, girls age thirteen and 25-yard dash-boys under 8. people, united in 1.700 societies to be brate. It is Independence Day, fourteen. ~~:;.:~~ ~~~~ ~~;~ ~ \ 00 1~ . held at St. Louis, Mo., July 17-21. Sev- a day of rejoicing. Years race on, Ribbons for Winners 50-yard wheelbarrow race-glt·Js 10 to eral other members of the local society but the spirit of America remains Special detail blanks will be avait12. are planning to attend the sessions. unchanged. That spirit is a chal- able on the holiday on all the athletic · 50-vard wheelbarrow ra<'e-hoys 10 to lenge to the world, a challenge of events. There will be ribbons given 1275-i-ard dash-boys tol!l. Potato and spoon ra('e-ho:rs under H- loyalty to the flag. The cover defor winners of first , second, and third 13 to 15. 75-yard dash-girls 13 50 yards. sian pictures the loyalty of Young place in each event, and special prizes 50-yard dash-girls 10 to 12. SO-yard dash-stout women. America to the colora. It is the '""ill be awarded to the ht'ghest pot'nt 50-yard dash-fat met~ rwei~ht at least -yar as oys 10 to 12. . , d t h i h f "apirit of '27." Those in the pa'cture winners in each class. For the cham50 d d h b 0 15-yard 16 to 20. poun s legged eac race-girls nc o height.) . lOQ-yard dash-girls dash-single men, and OY"'r. ) Three under lG. are Emma Bickham, Hazel Kn~p· J)ton boy and girl athlete of the day. 21 50-yard dash-single women, ~ Three legged race-boys under 16. v· . . d R b Ph I h . 21 and Tire- rolling contest-men over 21. per, argan1a er en, ut e ps, t ere WI'11 b e a· gold me d al as an award over. Ball throwing contest-women over 21. Bernice Stofer, and Jane Norman for their prowess. All prizes will be 50-yard shoe race-boys under 17. 50-yard r-elay race-husband and wife. of Wilmette Girl Scout Troop 4, a\\·arded immediately after the events. Pick-a-back race. 50-yard sack J ames Ralph Starr is the chairman 100-yard dash-married men. 50-yard sack race-girls race-boys under under 16. and William Sherman, Robert 16 _ 50-yard dash-married wome-n. Three legged race-husband and wife. FueLs, Robert Klenna and William and Charles H. Nelson the field mar..: Potato and spoon race-girls unde-r HTug of war-married men vs. single Horsti·· of Bov Scout Troop 3. shall of the committee which is in me-n. (t en on eac h s ld e.) charge of ~he program for the day. 50 yards. " AI~ p J OStmaster Oe Steals Out And Buys a New car ~[ C II D G M ·11 0 w

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