Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jul 1927, p. 38

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WILMETTE . LIFE July . 1, 1927 Daily Fee Course to Be Opened Saturday; Cost Over $850,000 A new daily fee course, the Suburban Golf club, will open Saturday. This, the only 36 hole championship. type daily fee course in the Chicago district, is located in a rolling plot of ]and in Glenview, on Shermer avenue, one block north of Glenview road. Over $850,000 has been expended by the owners in building this course and making it better than 75 per cent of the private courses i11: the district. It is the only daily fee course in the United States which has cr·e eping bent tees and grerns ; it is trapped to measurement, has natural water hazards on both courses, and a 36-hole practice putting green. Joe Roseman and George O'Neil, golf When You're Away Soon you'll be going away for the summer to han a good titne-but how about your furs and the mothsare you going to let the moths have a good time too-and at your expense? P r o t e c t your v a I ua b I e furs a g a i 11 s t these pests by letting us h a v e your furs ne-w. Have t h t m dtat:ted, relined: repaired or whatever they may need, and we'll S£ore them free of c b a r !7 e in our Moth, Fire and Burglar Proof V a u I t s until you need them in the fall. course architects and builders, have designed and built the . course. \)th~r courses of their work are : Ilbnots, Westmoreland, · Northmoor, Wilmette, and Glen Acres ; they have remodeled many of the courses i!l the Chicago district. Eighteen holes will be opened on the first day unless the size of the number wishing to play requires the use of both courses. Bus service will be provided if a sufficiently large number ask for it. Cards are available at the course for those who wish the installation of bus service from the Glenaire station of the Chicago North Shore and Milwa).lkee Electric or the St. Paul depot in Glenview. Those who wish transportation from either of these stations before the bus service is· arranged may call the · course from the stations and cars will meet them. A temporary clubhouse has been built and a lunch room wi11 be operated by Willis Brightmire. The course is owned by Albert Pick, Albert Pick, Jr., Robert D. Cunningham, Joe Roseman, and George O'Neil. Assistant Rector SHOW INEQUALmES IN TAX ASSESSMENTS Northweatem University Experts Make Survey of Chicago Realty Property Parcels of Chicago real estate at the end oi 1926 \\'ere assessed for taxation at anvwhere from less than 5% to more .than 100% of their sale value. This inequality in asse ss met~t is P.?}nted out in a report entitled fhe Assessment of Real Estate for Taxation in Chicago, It publi shed by. th e Institute ior Re:-.earch in Land I·.con nomic s and Public Ctilities of !\orthwestern uni\·e rsity. The r epo rt is. th e result of a study which the In !'l tltnt c has · been conducting during th e pa~t year under the directjon of Dr. H. D. Simpson of its staff. In the coitrse o.f this study 6105 properties which ch~nged hand s d~tr ing the last part ot 1924 and dunng1925 were examined. The total salts value these properties in 1926 wa:; $218,688,900. They · were sel.ected cntireh· at random, representmg every towt;ship and district in Chicago. Two hundred eleven propertie s are in Sou~h Town 167 in Rogers Park, 226 111 Nortl; Town, 1145 in Hyde Park, 1672 in \\"est Town 894 in Jefferson, 761 in Lake View, Ss2 in Lake and 147 in Calumet. Forty-nine districts also were represe1· 1ted: the . Loop, . Englewood, Kenwood Lincoln Park, Hyde Park, Edge\\· at~r. Jackson Park, Au. s tin, Lake Vie"·, M.organ Park, Wa shmgt01; Heights, and so 011. Forty-fi~·e or these districts were represented tn the study hy at least ·twelve properties. Comparison of the prices for which these properties actually sold with their assessed values reveals the in equalities of assessment. In 1926, 17+ propertie s were assess~rl at. fron~ 0 . to 5% of their sale value, the mvesttgator discovered; 267 at from 6 to 10%: 457 at from 11 to 15%; 614 at from 16 to 20%: 927 at from 21 to 25%; 1003 at from 26 to 30%: 855 at from 31 t8 35o/c: 59+ at from . 36 to +0%; 403 at from +1 to 45%; 252 at irom +6 to SOo/c- : 139 at from 51 to 55%; 116 at from 51) to m·%: 73 at from (i} to 1)5%; ()2 at from 66 to 70%; 41 at irom 71 to 75 %: 35 at irom 76 to 80%; 29 at from 81 t o 85 % : 21 at from R6 to 90%; 17 at from 91 to 95%: 1.) at from 9() to 100%. an·l 13 "·ere assessed at 101 % or over. The average as essed Yalue of til t: \Yhole group of 6105 properties in 192(· was 31.3 % of sale Yalues, the report disclo:--es. This figure can he taken a:' ·indicatin· oi the general average f(·r Chicago, the Institute states, as a 11\1111 her of tests applied to these 6105 properties prove that they are a represen tativs sample of all properties in Chicago. There is considerable divergence, according to the experts, in the asses=-ments as between townships. In South Town the average assessed value was 48.3% of sale value; in Rogers Park, 33.6%; in North Town, 33.1%: in Hyde Park. 30.3%; in West Town 30.0% ; in Jefferson, 29.9%; in Lake View, 28.5%; in Lake, 28.5%; and in Calumet, 9.9%. The averages in six of the townships, repr~sented by 5501 properties, are below the general a\'erage of 31.3%, and the averages of three of the townships represented by 604 properties are above. In the 45 districts, each of which is represented in the study by at least 12 properties, the average for the district lowest assessed is 12.4% and for the district highest assessed 68%. The averages of twenty-eight. of the districts are below the general average of 31.1% and those of seventeen of the districts. are above. J. WITH LITTLE SYMPHONY Carleton Kaumeycr, owner of \\'ilmette ~1 usic :-; hop, played :Mozart's Concerto in A ~1 ajer for violin and orThe Rev. R. Malcolm Ward arrived chestra with the Chicago Little Sym- on Thursdav to be assistant rector of , phony \Vednesday at the 8th Street Christ church, \\Tinnetka. Mr. and theater, Chicago. Mrs. \Vard wili reside at 554 Chestnut street, \\ 1 innetka. Mr. Ward receiveq his degree of B. D. at the Episcopal ~frs. Ashton Taylor of Eighth street Theological seminary at Cambridge, was hostess at luncheon and four ta- ~!ass .. la st month. He will conduct both bles of bridge Friday, 1une 24. services in Christ church on th· e first Sunday in July, and will preach at the second service at 11 o'clock. FOR SALE-House to be moved, oi all bids must be in by July 10. Key at Wolff-Griffis Biltmore Golf Course Open for Play Sunday Another golf course, the Biltmore Country Estates an d Country Club is open for play on Sunday. The co'!rse which is located just north of Barrmgton is 18 ·holes with a yardage of 6,532. Other features of the Biltmore Country Estates are a clubhouse on Honey Lake. tennis courts, bridle paths, baseball diamonr. football field, rifle range and chlidren 's playground. Frlt;1k S. Young, phone Wilmette 1524, is li!l ting the membership of the club. ~1i ss Josep hine Heffner of 790 · Fox dale a n:nue, \\'innetka, and Miss Margery Banning, 600 Third street, \Vilmette, en t ertained Thursday, J~ne 30, at bridge and afternoon tea m the Pompeian room of the Orrington hotel. LOAHS WITHOUT COMMISSION On Desirable Homes and .ApartJDtlut BulldJngs A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loan .Agenl Ill W. Adams St., Cbl~ago John Hancock Mutual Life luar· ance Company 51/2~MONEY Have funds to Joan on choice Improved North Shore Suburban resIdence property at 5 1h% interest. See us on renewals. I · E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Maia 0250 Okean Furriers 14 Y tars on the N ortb Shore 567 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka Ph. Winnetka 2752. The New Easy Gently, like human hands, the EASY Vacuum Cups move up and down sixty times a minute, flushing air, s o a p and w a t e r through the clot~es and back again. Meanwhile the EASY dryer spins the clothes dry, ready for the line in three minutes. Do not lose the earning power of your July funds. We recommend reinvestment without delay. Our Bond Department IS at your service. l · Call us for free. trial in your home. Easy Payments. 15 64 Sherman Avenue Evanston Adams Electric Shop 521~th St. Tel. Wil. 1040

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