Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jul 1927, p. 35

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July l, 1927· WILMETTE LIFE 35 With High I _________________ Club Champ Takes \ Yacht Club Races Low Gross Honors _ New Title Holder _Feature Program \Valdo Thorsen, Sunset Ridge's ' - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ . for July Fourth Sco~ing Thorsen Victor in Sunset Ridge Country Club "Stampede" _____.:__:_:_,_-----~--- Y. P. CLUB LEADS WAY IN PLAYGROUND LEAGUE St. Joaeph'a No. 1 'Team Suffers Firat Defeat Since Entering League champion, trampled the course of his home club Tuesday to come hom.e winner of low gross prize for 3. 6 holes in the fourth annual "Stampede," a rollicking, invitation eYent. Thorsen's score was 79-84-163. Scores were high. R. L. Williams a home clubber, grahbed 1ht low nt>t prize hy ten strokes, hi s ~cort being 92-97-189 (56) -133. James Gillit!-, Sunset Ridge, was second in the- 3(·-lwlc low gross with 164. Other prizb \Hre won lH' L. T. Ellis, L. E . Btcktr. Howard · Jenkins and Ch;-trle : Schwartz. The 'tow net foursome wa~ \\'On ln· Charles Schwartz, Sun:-tt Ridge. 1bt-97-(30)168: Frank Fulton. Indian Hill. 10597-(48)-154; Rohert Bruce, 103-102-(48)157. and C. A. Chanct]](lr. (}f,-9i-(44)149. T otaJ-S()K l WESTMORELAND Tht ~uuncl annual . FatlH·r and ~on tournament resulted in a tie between E. A. Kalkhurst and Jack Kalkhurst and \V. F. Drexmit and R. \\·. Drexmit in the low gr::>ss division. For low net the winner~ were A. \\'. Lammers and Edward LamnH·rs. In this division there was a tie for second place hetweer. Vv. M. Bond and Samuel Bond and \V. ]. Lang and Howard Lang. · The Fellowship trophy C(·mpetition resulted in a victon· for Donald L. DeGolyer, 86-15-71.. The Aberdeen Cup '"·as won by E. A. Kalkhurst who defeated H. E. Heick. 4 and 2. In the women's open day event Miss Virginia Ingram, Sunset Ridge champion, was the winner after a playoff with :Mrs. Lee M ida. Other. winners were: Low . net-Miss Merctdes Bush: puttingMrs. Charles Stewart. A field of 120 entered the women's events. I A Fourth of July holiday feature of the Sheridan Shore Yacht club will be elimination race with Columbia stars. ln the series of club races which are being run off, there will be a special feature relay race on July 2, and on July 3. an elimination race. There will be special prizc:s for each race in the series, which began on June 4 and will continue until September 5. There will he a special cup awarded for the winner of each of the three series. and a grand prize for the ,~~,·inner of the entire serit . . The men who compo. e the. committe-e in charge of the ra·ces are Kingsley L. Rice and Sam G. Goss, while the regatta will be managtd by Jay JL Twitchell and Charltc: H . Pajt-atl. Tht rae<: (lll thr Fourth oi July. which "tart!' fr::>m the \\'ilmttte harbor. \\'ill he witntssed ll\· thou ands of resicltnt ... cd tht ,· iJlag~. who will be gathered r~t \\'a~hington park on the 1 Jake fH·nt fc ·r the Fonrti1 l·i luh· celehr<~tion. · · Jack \Ve s tlan~ . 22 ~·e.ar old goti phe·nom of the ~unset. ~1dge Co.unt.n· clu 1 >, captured tht . l h1~ago dtstnct am~teu~ gol_f __cl:a1:1PI_?11S~1ll: last s.aturda~ by dettatmg Eld~tdge Robmson nf Flo~smc. ·.or. ~ and 2 l11 the finals at Olympta Ftt>ld .... I --------------------------------Westland Brings Home the Bacon to Sunset Ridge Club Out at the Sunset Ridge Country club they're not waiting for the Fourth to touch off the firtworks. They started celebrating la:'lt Saturday when Jack \Vestland qeppt-d out and won thc Chicago cli~trirt amattur championship by a grand di~play of golf \\.t:stland deftated Eldridge Robinson of Flossmoor. 3 and 2 at Olympia Fil·lds in the 18 holt final. BRIARGATE Briargate announces plans tor their "big day" of the year. It is Bra,·es Day to be held on July 21. There ,,·ill be many prizes and only men may trample the course that da,·. In the evening ti1ere wiH he a din~er ior the members and their guests when the prizes will be awarded. Resen·ations must be in by July 11. · Place in Women' · T oumey Mrs. A. T. Goodman and ~fiss Virginia Ingram of Sunset Ridge. and Mrs. John Arends of the \Vilmette Golf club were prize winners in the open event of the \Vomen's \Vestern Golf association held at Beverh· Hills Tuesday of this week. Other. north shore women who participated in thi3 event were Mrs. E. Rardel, Il1inoi:;: Mrs. F. D. Coambs. Sunset Rid~e. and Mrs. C. C. Kendrick. Indian Hill. \\'estland was in great form and achirvcc! his trimnp_ h hy }~laying t::> par 11~0~t ot !he. way. <JCCasJOn~lly d~op I pmg a .h1rd1t: . ~ha~ fre:~ k1~h tl11n~s happen 111 go11 1.- mdtcattd hy the fact that \Vestland \\'(·11 all l:i~ matches in I the .tournamtnt at the :-txttenth green 1 and by the :Oamt figure~. 3 and 2. The new champic·n i!' only 22 years old. He graduattd from a law school 1 a y<·ar ago last Junt· and came to Chica~o last S}Jring, f r ::>111 the far west, immediatelv joining Sunst't Ridge. though ·young. championships arr nothing ne\\' to \Ve=-tland. His golf exploits incluclt tht winning of the v\y ashington ~tatt championship, the Pacific Northwt'it Inttrc·<~llegiate title, the \Yashington ~tate amateur title four times ii1 :-ucc<·ssj<,n iind the Seattle city champiomhip. DINNER-DANCE A dinnrr and dane<, in ctlehration of .T he usual Fourth of) uly programs the F0urth of Tuly season is to he held wtll be held a~ the vanous clubs . over · at the Sunset ·Ridlle Country club this the week-end. Saturdav evening. Dancing will he on the club's new (IUtside floor. Cope Han-ey's orch<·!'tra will furnish the :VILLAGE GREEN music. (Director, Miss Lucy Reeser) Preparations are under way for a VATTMAN PARK parade today. D e c o r a t e d bi(Director, Miss May \iVitcher) cycles. wagons and floats will be the main features. The parade wi11 start · Vattman wiJJ ha:vc a parade today at the Village Green ai1d follow a through the village and east Wilmette. course through west Wilmette and Most of the week's work will he deGross Point. Some people may be in- voted to the preparations for the terested in the fact that there is a parade. The attendance has been exproficient playground instructor at the cellent so far this summer and good work is certain. Vi11age Green. On Frday night, the two teams leading the playground ball league conducted ·by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board, took a tumble. The St. Joseph II team took a defeat from the hands .of the fast Y. P. C. team in the last inning of the game. The Kids started the scoring in the third inning when Red Phillips crossed the plate. In the fourth, \V. Thalmann tied the score for the Y. P. C., and ag{lin in the sixth. This tally and the one brought home by ]. Bleser made the score 3 to 1 in favor of the Y. P. C. St. Joseph sent Joe Hoffman across in the seventh, but failed to get any more runs. leaving the score 3 to 2 in favor of the Y. P. C. The St. Joseph I and the Wilmette Ice game was very close dear through the. agreed nine innings. The ice toters started the game with two runs and held the lead till the fifth inning, then the St. Joseph I got a. run in the third and broke into the lead in the fifth w1.th two more runs. The eighth inning saw the score tied when the icemen The Horseshoe Ieagut-s that have annexed five tallies and the churchbeen uncl(·r way for the past scve11 men sent four men across the plate. week..; have finished with I. 0. 0. F. The icemen evid~ntly figured on win] and 2. 'vinning in each ltague respec- ning the game, for they scored one tiYely. The I. 0 . 0. F . .?nd team lost run in the ninth and held the e.nemy the only game and in this respect tied to a non-run innin~. This finished the for honor . with the Terminal 1st game and bestowed on the St. Joseph team. 1\Ciw the \Yilmette Plavground I team the first defeat they have sufand Recreation hoard is start.ing t\VO fered since the Playground and Remere leagues this week. The Tuesday creation board starte~ the leagues last Night league will consist of teams in summer. the lower division of the past leagues. The team standings and last week's and will be madr up of the St. John's 2. results follow: Preshyteriam. Howard P. T. A., League Stanclinc 'I t. d · Won Lost PHcentage ·' et110 tsts. 1. 0 . 0 . F . 4. ( ongrega- Y.Tf'am P. ,..... 1 9 90 o tiona I. K. <·i C. 2. and St. Joseph 2. <;;t · .rn~t>nh I 8 1 888 The Timrsday Kight league consists of s·. Jo:-.enh II 7 1 875 the upptr di,·ision of the former Wilmtttt' let' 6 !? 750 ieallue~. and is composed of the I. 0. ~~r~~n~i .'\. r·. ~ ~ ~:: 0. F. 1. 2 and 3: Terminal A. C. 1, 2, R~pfist 5 4 4-44 anrl 3: St. John's 1. and Y. P. C. · St. John's ·3 6 333 There have als~ been requests from ro~:a~~ :: T. A. ~ ~ ~~~ more teams wishmg to enter leagues. )fethodist 0 9 000 so. beginning- July 6. an additional Am. Legion 0 10 000 leagut will be conducted with as manv PlayiJ'Ound Ball team-. comp t'n(J' t t E · St. Joseph II. 2 Y. P. c., 3 . . . e 1 ':" as care o en e.r. ·n- A. Hoffman ss J. Bleser f tnes must be m by the mornmg of F. Feigan f P. Bleser 3b 8S July 5 at the Playground office, Tenth J. Ho~man P W. Thalmann p 2b E. Mlller street and Central avenue. Four teams J. S~·~tller lb · 'fi . . R. Khnge f B. Thalmann I1a\·e a 1rea dy stgm ed the1r desJTe to v. Deinlein f M. Braun f S8 participate in this league. Joe Hoffman 3b R. Evans c l..ea~ue Standings L. Wel~s . lb P. Hoffman f < TuE:sday ~ight Leagu .. ) E. Philhps c ~- Sesterhenn 2b Tt-am "~on Lost P<·l J . Bleser T. 0. 0. F., J .. ........ t; 0 1 ono Karl Yo!'<t .H. 0. vonder Hoff Terminnl A. C'., l ...... ti l ~!i1 Terminal A. C'., I. 0. 0. 1<~.. 1 Terminal A. C'., 3 ...... 4 2 G77 Score : Score : Y. P. C. . .......... : .... ~ 4~ 1 1st Game-21 1st Game-14 Rt. Joseph, 2 ........... 3 4~1 2nd Game-18 2nd Game-21 Hc.ward P. T. A ......... 2 :i 2!1~ 3rd Game-17 3rd Game-21 I. 0. 0. F., 4 .......... 2 .1 2!\~ Bob Blasdell Fred Radner Congregational ......... 1 3 !!riO Harry Moldenhauer Harry Trego c Thursday Night Leag-tw) (Thursday Night League) T. 0. 0. F., 2 . . . . . . . . G 1 June 23, 192i T. 0. 0. F., 3 .......... !'i 2 ~t. John's 2 Presbyterians St . .John's, 1 ............ 4 :l Scort' : · Score : 1'f\rminal A. r., 2 ...... 4 ~ 1st Game-21 lst Game-17 Presbyterians .......... ~; 4 2nd Came-!l 2nd Game-21 Rt. John's, 2 . . .. . ....... :l 4 :lrd Game-21 3rd Game-7 K. of C'. . .............. 2 :1 Ed. Cramer James Du~ham Methodists ............. 1 6 Geo. Cramer Tom Thursby St. John's, 1 I. 0. 0. F., 2 Horseshoe Result~ Score: Score: (Tuesday Night Leagut:) 1st t.ame-1 R 1st Game-21 Jnne 21, l 927 2nd r.ame-20 2nd Game-21 Tf>rminal A. C., 3 Y. P. C. Fred Prochnow Dick Burns &on: ~on: Henry Mf'ver~wff Dan Franco 1st Oame-21 l~t Gnme-·14 K. C.· 2 Methodists 2nd Qnme-21 2nd Game-15 Score: Score: noh Mr>LP::tn Bob Evans 1st r:ame-21 1st Game-l fi C::rant Rla!'<de>ll Bim Thalman 2nd Game-21 2nd Game-20 Rt . .Tost'nh. 2 l. 0. 0. F., 4 Art Braun L. F. Todd w·on hv forfeit PE>te l\llller B. 0. Stalling nn lph Kline-e T. 0. 0. F., :1 Terminal A. C., 2 ViC' Deinlein Score: Score: Howard P. T. A. C'ongregat ional 1st name-21 lst Game-10 Score: Score: 2nd Game-21 2nd Game-11 1st Game-18 1~t C:ame-21 W. L. Rll-lnkshE>im Mannin~ Power!'! 2nrl C:ame-1S 2nd Game-2L Edgar Polley Howard Winberg M. E. J...ynch Rollin Simonds Horseshoe Leagues

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