34 WILMETTE LIFE July 1, 1927 courses were given, seventy-six of them being general courses in real estate business fundamentals. Eleven of them were special courses in real' estate appraisal methods ; eight were courses in real estate law; six were courses in the technique of real estate conveyancing; six were courses in specialized real estate selling methods; three were studies of modern methods in real estate finance, and two were technical courses in property management. Dr. Edna Glover SCIENTIFIC CHIROPODY Manicuring, Massaging, Bathe Shampooing Dye, Singe and Bleach Hair Scalp Treatment a Specialty ·wm Call at Residence 2! Prouty Annex Ph. Winnetka !251 DR. PRANK B. ERWIN 8peelaU..·· Ia tile treataeat ot :rou HI& fl'lea41 &lle ~ aad cat" .All e&DI neei'Ye a7 ,_Ma&l at&eaUoa Teletloae woae&&e an VBTERINAitLUI 52 Colleges Plan Realty Courses in Next School Year When the first national conference to outline an educational prep'aratio~ for the vocation of real estate was called, at Madison, \Vis., in April of 1923, courses in real estate or in land economics were un kno\Yil in all but three or four institutions of learning in the United States. In September of this year fifty-two universities and colleges will be offering one or more of these courses, . according to a tabulation \Yhich has just heen issued by the National Association of Heal Estate hoards. The tabulation \\·as made by the association's department of education and research through direct correspondence with cleans of thr departments of commerce and corre:-ponding administrati,·e officials of the colleges and tmiversities. Paralleling the introduction of land economics and real estate into the cnrriculi of colleges and universtttes. courses in these subjects ha YC come to take a prominent place also in the adult educatioit . movement, according to a further tabulation made hY the association from special reports by its member boards. Since last September 89 local real estate hoards in cities throug-hout the lJ nited States conducted courses in real estate either under their own aus-. pices or in co-operation with )'. 11. C.. A. schools, universit\· extension di,·isions. or similar .institutions: 117 Christian Fell ow ship Church Pari:-;h Hllu~ e- ·Oak stree t, '\\.innt- lka Pastor-A. J·j, Rohrbach Hours of '\\·orship Sunday .. .' ................... .. R P. ~f. He\'. Jot;eph H . Taylor. . Subject : "Tht> Drawing Pow r of tlHCruss." Wednesday . .. . . . .... . .. . . .. . .. S P. ~r. Hev. ·carl Andrews. Swedish set'\'i('e. "They t ell us that prayer is a piou~ whi<'h has no influence t-X('t·pt the mind t>ngaged i1 it. \\"e know hl'tter. One experience gi\·es the lie a thousand time!:> o\'er to this infidel a:-;s,·rtion. Lt·t us f'all upon Him agaiu . and admit no doubt upon the question of His hearing and answf'ring no. He that made the ear, shall He not hPar? Ht· that ga\'(' parents a lo\'t' to tlwir children, will HP not listen to t-nt- rrit·s or Hi:-; own som; and da ughtf'rs ?" ext'r<'isP Planning to Build? See the State Bank and Trust Company for your first mortgage construction loan. ~ We have assisted many thousands of home owners. Bring your problem to us-large or smalland possibly we can arrange a constructive money-saving plan for you. Prompt and efficient service. Telephones University 5 l Briargate 5000 REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT upon STATE and BANK TRUST COMPANY Prolltable Trainlag! for the modem girlHE one- year diploma courses and short intensive courses offered by this echool are the most profitable training the modem young woman aruld seek. The facilities for study and actual practice of the arts which are taught are highly complete and modem in every respect, whilt; the location oi the school and the living conditions afforded are ideal. Orrington at Davis. Evanston Miss Edith Adkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Adkins. 1112 Central avenue. who graduated from the University oi Illinois in June. has accept eel the position of organist at the Church of the Holv Comforter in Kenilworth for the mot-tths of July and August. Tn October she will enter a musical col le~_r to study pipe organ. -oRohcrt Kcn\'on has ret unll'd to hi:home at 1011 .Greenwood a\·emH.' irotn Kenyon collegt. T Copeland Manor Where A Happy HomeFor the girl who wishes to prepare herself to be the happy, efficient ··· stress of a successful home-there :tre clasees in cookery, menu planning, marketing, d·--~king, art needle· work, hous.. nishing and interior decoration, and many others-all de· signed to eliminate wasted time and effort from the routine of home· making and tum it into an endless round of pleasure. "Dreams Come True" Lying in the hearr of beautiful Lake County. in Libutyville. we have discovered in "Copeland Manor" the ideal setting for your "dream home." Copeland Manor is a high grade home center with all improvewents going in and a place where you will be proud to live. for with the new Skokie Valley Line and Sr. Paul Road furnishing direct service to Chicago in less than an hour. Libertyville is a North Shore suburb more accessible than nearer row.ns years ago. Deep lots provide for spacious lawns. dur to all home lovers. and here you are noise and congestion of the city. though Libertyville has splendid schools. churches lent stores and banking facilities. flower beds and gardens so assured of freedom from the lacking no convenience for of all denominations. excel- II IndependenceFor tbe girl who would be selfsupporting, diploma courses in tea room and institutional management, dietetics and cafeteria operation are available. The demand for trained graduates of this echool, to fill responsible, salaried po1itions- far exceeds the supply. This is your opportunity. Why not plan now to · gc into training" for a richer life! Write to the address below for a frn catalog fully de· scribins this school and what il can mean to you. Dt:pt. 2 Sut; oiD···tlo Artefl . .leaoee FOURTH OF JULY The most attractive and nourishing Fourth of July dishes are n1ade largely of dairy products. They're always welcome. t With all these advantages we can s.t ill offer choice lots Class A as low as $950. Class B $1450 anJ business lots as low ;;as $150 per front foot. We can also assist you in financing your new home. · If you will call at either of our offices, we will supply full information with prices. etc., regarding this beautiful subdivision. ;·N.IIIell. . . . aiYd.,Difl.Z.C:Ialoa·o ··ool BBINSBN REALTY CO. Exclusive North Shore Agents Wilmette Office Fourth St. Phone Wilmette 2760 or 6 76 411 · Winnttka Office 720 Elm Street Pbont Winnetka 254