Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jul 1927, p. 26

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WILMETTE LIFE · July 1, 1927 · ·Society-·- 1s Observing · Fo.urth of ·July tn Usual Manner WalterT.PattisonMarries Former Wilmette Girl Hugh Robinsons to Clubs Celebrating Patricia Colligan in East · Married Last Saturday . Spend Honeymoon on Holiday by Dance~ Miss Patricia Travers Colligan, For her marriage last Saturday eve[ 1 d f B d Dinner_, Firewqrks daughter of Mrs. C. E. Colligan of ning to Miles Gay Seeley, Miss Jane S an 0 etmU a By JEAN TEN BROECK ., i~ 'IK ..· lj The occasional staccato popping of firecrackers. village ordinances against them nohYithstanding, is an early reminder of coming Independence dav. which, e\·ery year is especially marked by village and club celebration. Village events scheduled for the Fourth. as well a!' special golf matches and yacht races, will be chronicled elsewhere in these pages, but a word or two concerning the events cntireh· . c· cial we note here. · West_ moreland is making the Fourth of July a family day. For the children two hours of afternoon entertainment wiJI he provided, commencing at 3 o'clock. Following the five big acts, a 5 o'clock supper wilt be served in the Grill. There will be da-ncing from 5 :30 to 9 and at 9 a display of fireworks will be gh·en. North Shore Golf ch1h observes the holidav with a dinner dance · Saturday eyening. The Vvilmette Golf club is having its usual Saturda~· afternoon hridge game and a dinner dance in the evening. Indian Hill is celebrating socially with a din ner dance Saturday evening as are Sunset Ridge, Skokie. and Briergate. The I1linois Golf club. in addition t0 its dinner dance Saturday evening, has planned for a special dinner and fireworks Monday evening. July 4. To turn to a club whose priman· interest is in things aquatic. we learit that the social season for the Sheridan Shore Yacht cluh opens th.i-. evP·,ing with a dance at 8 :30. with Bert Rammelt and his Yacht cluh o;chestra supplying the music. Front now on until September 2. there will he dancing every Friday evening. Saturday afternoon bridge is scheduled for those memb-ers of the fair sex n0t partit·ipating in the sailing races. Waltham. Mass·., beQame the bride o£ Walter Thomas Pattison, son of .son of pattl Mr. and Mrs. George H . . 204 Golf terrace, on Tuesday, June 21, in Waltham, Mass. Miss Olga Neary, a cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. George H. Pattison. Jr., served as his brother's hest man. The wedding was held at the Colligan residence, and the rooms were decorated with peonies and roses. A reception foltowed the ceremony. The bride wore two-tone blue with a large picture hat to match. and carried larkspur and yellow daisies. Miss Neary wore heige lace and a large black hat and carried pink roses. Mr, Pattison and his hri'dc have been at Cape Cod. and are now visiting .in CkH·Iand. After tlH~ir n'turn to \hicago next week. they will go to Lac du Flambeau, Wis. Thev will be at home in ).fin neapolis after October 1. where 1[ r. Pattison. who is a Harvard g-raduate, teaches in the Universit,· of Minnesota. The bride is a graduate of Boston university. Mr. and Mrs. George H. PattisQn were in Waltham ·for the wedding, and will go on to Lac du Flambeau next '"eek. The,· visited in Boston and were the guests of Mr. and !v[rs. Donal<i- Pattison in Cleveland en route honw . Invite· to Arden Shore Picnic Friday, July 18 The time comes af!ain for the anntFd nirnic day at Arden Shore camp, which this season. is planned· for Frida,· . July 18. commencing promptly at 12 :30 o'clock. From Evanston to Lake Bluff. friends of Arden Shore. those who have contributed to it, anyone interested in it. are invited to come to the camp to see fo·r themselves the work done there. Those attending are requested to hring their own lunches. which wilt be eaten in the Camp dining room where coffee will he served hv the camp. In the afternoon the heads of the various de1;artments will tell of their work. Donations of clothing \Yill .he anpreciated. it is announced. for while the mothers are there this summer. they are taught how to make over clothes for their children. Pardee of Evanston. formerly of Wilmette, wore ivory satin trimmed in · t 1 rosepom ace an d see d pear 1s, an d a tulle veil ornamented with rosepoint lace and seed pearls. She carried a sho\·>er bouquet of lilies of the valle~·. roses, and sweet peas. 'fhe service took place in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and ~1rs. Frank \Yilcox Pardee. Dr. Hubert Carleton oi ~t. Amrustinc\ church oftici 'lling. The maid of honor. Miss Frances Pardee. a sister of the bride, wore a gown of coral and pink taffeta, and th~ bridesmaids. two other sisters of the bride. Mrs . Tames H. Cooke. of Detroit. and ~Iiss Elizabeth Pardee, and \[i . s ~farion LindseY oi D('troit. werL' in gowns of rainl~ow shades, one in lavender. another in green and the third in pale pink. The frocks were fashioned of taffeta \:\.:ith overskirts of matching tulle. Thev carried bonquet::- of sweet peas and roses. Mrs. Pardee was l!owned in orchid crepe trimm<'cl in silk fring-e. A. ).[cKean Carmichael (li Pitt:-hurgh served as best man for ~f r. Seele,· and ushering ""ere Philip Cooke of ·Kalamazoo. Albert \Vagner of Joliet. James H. Cooke of Detr0it. ~cott \\'arthin and Hubert Lyons of Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. Seele~· ha,·e gone to Rermuda 011 their wedding- journe~· and returning will res·idc at 826 \Vashington street. Evanston for several weeks. Thev will move t0 Ann Arbor in the fatl. Among the out-of-town guests who attended the wedding "·ere 11 r. and Mrs. Dana E. Seelev and familv. the .bridegroom's father a;td mother. Roy R. Seeley, ~[iss Virginia Royce. Misses Edith. Oral and Frances Seelev. and Mrs. Halstead Seeley and son. John. all of Ann Arbor. Mich. Bridal satin with lace outlined 111 sil- r. ver, with rhine-stone and pear embroidery, a long court train. and a tulh.~ veil with a Juliette cap of pearls made the charming wedding costume of ~fi.':: \\'inifred Bilsland, daughter of .\I r. and ).[rs. Benjamin F. Bilsland, on the occasion 0t her marriage vVedne sday e\·cning to Hugh }.fackellar Robin s011, son of ~{rs. \\'illiam Colin Robinson ni Chicago. Her houflttet was of Yai In· lilies. sweet peas. and Ac It colorvd ot:chids. \Vater lily green taffeta cmhroidercd in ~iln:- r iashitlned tht' gll\\'11 d ll ll' matron of honor. ~lr:-;.. Harry \'. l> <·:l aldson; the maid of honor, 1fis ;,; \ · i~ginia Croft oi Chicago, \rorc viokt satin embroidered in pastel sltade :-. Orchid s:1tin, lace and silver e111b~·oid l·n· composed the frocks of the hnclc . . maic1 5 · ~1 iss Jane Ridgway oi Kcnil worth. ~[iss ·Laura Emily Slo ~s on ui Huhharcl \\'ood:-;, ~[iss Elizabeth Beck er of ~linneapolis. and ~[iss Doroth~ Shackelford of' Frankfort, Ky. Tilt· matron and maid of honor carried bon quets of butterfly roses, lannder s we :· ~ peas and blue larkspur. Paul Robinson acted as his brother· . . hest man; and Harry V . Donalds 011 · \Yinston 'farbot. Thomas Flack, Kim hatl Burr and Edwin Shoup, the four latter from Chicago, were ushers. 'l'he Church of the · Holy Comforter. where the ceremony was performed at 8:30 o'clock in the evening, the Rev. Leland .Hobart Danforth officiating. was decorated \Yith ferns, palms. and an arch of flowers in front of th\' altar. Pale green candles in tall. · wrought-iron candlesticks lighted the aisle. The fireplace in the lounge 0f Indian Hill club, where the reception was held. was banked with palms. ferns, and garden· flower s, while baskets of garden flo\\'ers were placed about the clubhouse. 1fr. and Mrs. Robins011 haYe left ior Bermuda. where they will remain until the middle 0f July. The~· will make their home 'in Evanston . 1 It ' 1' T l I ! · I Kathryn Newey Bride of Thomas Ballantyne Pastel Shades Predominate in Gowns of Bridal Party Roses and · larkspur were arranged throughout the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ]. Newey at 436 Lake avenue last Saturday evening on the occasion of the wedding of Miss Kathryn Brooks Newey and Thomas Bal lantyne. Dr. Walter A. :Morgan of the First Congregational church of Chicago read the service, assisted 1)\· the Rev. Stephen A. Llovd of \\'iimette. · Duchesse lace :worn bv her mother Eagle River House Party Mr. and Mrs. George D. \Vhite, 1101 at her wedding was used in the vokr of the bride's dress of ivorv satin~ and Greenwood avenue. will have as their on her tulle veil. \Vhitc ·sweet peas guests at Eaflle River, \Vis .. this week.and valley lilies made up her bouquet. end, Mr. <fud Mrs. T. B. Potter, 607 Pink georgette v.7ith an overskirt of Forest avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Charles lace was worn by the maid of honor. ~~nfonl Clarke and son. Sanford. of Miss Harriet Newey. The brides- 526 '\\TashinQ'ton a\·emte. 'and their maids, Miss Adelaide Tennev of River guest. '1frs. E. R. Bovd of Washington. Forest and ~[iss Helen Ne;,·ey. were n . C.. Dr. and Mrs. -Charles N. Reese, i~ frocks of green georgette with lace 829 Ashland avenue, Mr. anci Mrs. overskirts. ~[iss Harriet Ne\". ·e\· car- T nuis Clark of Evanston, and Mr. and ried a bouquet of lavender swee-t pea., Mrs. E . Tackson Case. wh0 are here in two shades and pink roses, while from China. Dr. and Mrs. Reese and the bridesmaids carried lavender and Mr. and )v[ rs. Potter wilt remain for a pink sweet peas. Jean EYerson and two weeks' visit. Bobby Boydston. little flower girl and ribbon stretcher, were clad in white. Hostess for TWo Dinners Mr. Ballant,·ne's best man was Marc . 1f rs . Frank Barrett. 5.5 Abhottsf0rd B. Gould of Chicago. road. \:Vinnetka. i" Pntertaining this Mr. Ballantyne and his bride are Saturda\· a11d next Saturdav evt>n;nQ' taking an eastern wedding journey, for twentv-four guests at the Sunset making several stops on their way to RidfYe dub. The dinners witl precede Brooklyn, N. Y. where they will visit the regular club dances. They wilt Mr. Ballantyne's mother. return hr way of Washington. They Mrs. Robert M. Johnston and her are planning to reside in Evanston. two children, Robert and Marjorie, !>ave returned to their home at 210 Wednesday, June 29, was the occa- r.olf terrace after a stay of several sion of a special day of golf and bridge wf't-k-. at Three Oaks, Mich., the home for women at the Illinois r.olf club. of Mrs. Johnston's father and mother. Pastels shades in frocks and flowers were the predominating color note at the wedding of Miss Viola Swanson of C hi c ago and ).f arshall \Vehher oi \Vilmette, which was solemnized la st Saturday evening at the Unity Evangelical Lutheran church of Edgewater Ouilmette Country Club with a reception following at the AdInstalls New Officers Ill i rat bote l. ~{iss Bett,· \V e h her. the hricleThe Ouilmette Countn· club held ih rrt"OO!ll· !S . SIS . tC :r , ·,rl· - s L')t' l.."l'lso alt(l ittstallat.ion of officer" .\ !:i. [', Z al)etlt !'\ . I1 .TttllC pat·tv .J 1· pf Glencoe and the . other attendants. for the follo,ving year last Satunlay a'l of whom were in>nt Chicago or out- evening. The dinner dance was en of-tmnt, " ·ere in gmvns of yellow. light joyed by 135 guests. g.,-een and orchid, and carried bouquet-; Albert ;\_ Page is the nrw president: of spring flowers. The maid of honor Robert Ricksen. vice-president: F. J. \\' "'S attired in shell pink chiffon trim- ~cheidenhelm. treasurer: Ho"·ard I.. mecl with wide lace. Her bouquet was Fogg. secretary. The list oi directnr:includes new members: ~forgan Ham0f pink roses and blue lark spur. Mr. and Mrs. \V ehher have gone to mers. \Vilford De Berard. C. P. Dubhs. 1 ~ ke Louise. Canada on their \\·eel- Stan lev Redfield. ~lites ).f ac Donald. ding journe~·· After July o they will Don A. Ronan . · he at h.ome tn the apartment they have · The youn )CO )}e's committee i.; taken 111 Rogers Park . · g 1 I · · nlanntng a large summer dance for the evening of Friday. July 15. Tht Marriage Announced rluh is in a ven· s0und condition. Mr. and ~~ rs. Thomas Frank Cook better than in ma-ny years. it is ann' \\'ilmette announce the marriage nounced. ancl the members are lookin g~f their daughter. Helen Bernie. to for"·ard enthusiastically to the c0min!~· ~lerton Edward Jones, son of 1fr. and sea~on. Mrs. John Howard Jones of Evanston, which took place in the spring. The young couple have gone on a belated Open W. W. G. A. Day Tuesday, July 5, is to be open da' ""edding trip and upon their return they witl spend the summer with 'Mrs. at the \Vilmette Golf cltth for the \Voman's \Vestern Golf association. Jones' parents. The morning match will be for lmv Mr. and Mrs. ~nton Wagner of 365 medal. low gross, best score on first Ridge road, Kenilworth. announce the nine. best score on second nine. In marriage of their sister, Dorothy the afternoon the event wilt be the Hirsch. to Frederick C. Champlin. son best ball fursome on the first nine . of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Champlin of Mrs. Tracv Holmes is vice chairman Evanston. for the \\:omen's golf events during

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