July 1, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 13 ' Conservative July Investment Programs Should Include '"\l - n. '1 <I North Shore 6 and 6Yz% 1st Mortgage Securities You can diversify your list of July investments safely and profitably by including a good share of conservathte bonds and mortgages backed by North Shore properties. The increasing values in this region due to limited area and unprecedented population growth make these securities increas .. i~gly attractive by constantly widening their . margins. · · ' ' ·' _. f . ,, Quinlan ~ Tyson I st Mortgage Real Estate Bond and Mortgage offerings are made with the experience of 4 3 years behind them; Every safeguard is applied which conservative investors demand, with first hand information from an organization that covers the North Shore. Specializing here, and nowhere else, this body of men are at all times close to the trend of this flourishing real estate market. ,;;.._ .... rt ·" ". " C\. ,..:,:'1 ~ : For the second half of 1927, arrange your investment program to take advantage of this high yield and · safety. Make your selections from lists in this office of bonds and 1st Mor~gages on property in the vicinity. Ask for our leaflets describing specific North Shore offerings. .. . j\N~c. CHICAGO OFFICE 40 N. Dearborn St. ·central 0227 EVANSTON OFFICE Fountain Square University 2600 ESTABLISHED 1884 WINNETKA OFFICE 746 Elm St. Winnetka 2199 For 43 years specialists in North Shore residential and business 1tllt1 and rentals. Firat mortg~ge loans and investments-insurance of all typtl.