Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jul 1927, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE July 1, 1927 of nature study, art, and scouting. · of lliss Muriel Denoyer-instructoi handcraft, camp craft, star gazing, and at hletics. . Miss Luella Burrows-instructor of athletics and handcraft. Once more it should be noted that this camp is open to any child in .the community, even though it is under the management of the Methodist Church. A recent bulletin presented certain stateme_nts concerning the new c hurch enterpnse. The names of the members of the Building Committee were announced as well as the name ~t the architectural firm selected to. design t~ ; new building. Among other Items th~l was a series of quotations conc.ermng church buildings. One of these IS one of John Ruskin's, and reads as follo,~-s: "Therefore when we build let us thmk that we build forever. Let it not be for IH"esent delight, nor for present us > alon(·. Let it be such work as our d e~ctmdants will thank us for, and IH u s think, as we lay stone on stone, that . a time is to come whe n those stont's w11l be held sacred because our hands h:L ,. ' touched them, and that men will sa~· as tht-Y look upon the labor and the ·wt·oug-ht sub.stan·cc of the m, '!:;ee! thi::; our f~th1.: r!' did for us.'·· -John Huskm Methodist Church Why we sell the The Methodist church is located where Wilmette avenue crosses .Lake ave~tue. While it is under denominatiOnal auspices, it is in a very real sense a community church. All its services are . open to all who find profit and value in them. ~ts minister and church staff are available for all who are in need of any service that they may render. Like ~11. other protestant churches, it has w.1thm its membership not only Methodists but those reared and trained in other. denominations a~ well. It offers a cordial wel··ome to all who have not a t:hurch home ;lsewhere to bt'<:o me a part of its fellow;hip. . The bullttin of the )Jethodist church for the last !:;unday contained the following parag-raphs: Vacation days are h er e, and the Church schedule is being adjusted to meet the condition::;. The Church school program tta::; been entirely re-organized . A helpful program has been pla~ned. in each department. ~pedal attentiOn IS . called to the series of addresse::; on Chma. t~ be ginn by a rt:turned mi~sionary lrom Chinc. l , Vr. Harry G. Dildme. The ,·a riou~ ~ucieties among the women and the two Epworth Leagues will hold no mel:.'tings until September. '!'he ::\lid-week ]!Jeeting by vote of the Official Board, has l1een 't-~u::;pended. It will be resumed in the autumn under a new name and with a muo!1 more varied pro- , I I ~ DUNLOP TIRE wear longer because Dunlop knows how to build better at each vital point. Take the hidden carcass beneath the tread. Dunlop owns its own cotton mills for no other purpose than to spin the best long-fibre cotton into the famous cable· twist cord that goes into this carcass. The extra strength in these cords means an added factor of safety against constant load and pounding of roads-longer life and greater mileage. The extra "stretch" enables the carcass to give under severe blows, and to come back into its original position without internal injury. The Dunlop tread-the toughest rubber development known-wears slowly and smoothly, making sure that you get out of your Dunlops, all the extra mileage that added care and longer experience have built into them. We recommend that you has been build· F ing the world'sDunlop supreme tire. Dunlops OR 39 YEARS An t>ffort is being mad e to work up n delegation of young nwn and young women to represent the church at th~ Lake Oen(·\'a Conference of the Ep\\'orth leagut·. It will conn: ne at 'onferenn~ Point, \'\'illiams ·Bay, \Vis., on July 11. ~ram. Thf..' st·ssion lasts for one week. :\1auy of L ht· older young folks who haY e att e nded The uwrui·ng ser\'ice during· July and the institute in earlit.·r Yt·arH are k t-e nly August will ue limited to one hour. The rtnxious that otlwrs ~huuld han; thl· ~am·: sermon will be shorter, and some other privil<.·gt.·. portion::; o( the service will be limited or omitted. The <:hoir::;, which have been A group of high school girls with :\li!'s rendering· su<:h fine service all through . Attig enjoyed the Religious Art Exhibit the year. will be di::;continued for the at the First :\fe thodist church, J!;vanston, summ(·r. :ur. Borchers will provide spe- Wednesday evening. H. Augustin e Smith, eial musk t>ach Sunday with the help of professor of religious art, music , and quartets and ::;oloists. pageantry in Boston uniYersity, l.'~tn~ duet ed tht' group through the <·xhib it Dr. \\·. D . ~C'h(·rmerhorn, who is well an<·l interpn·ted the ma~tt.·rpie ee~. known and loved in this church, will occupy the pulpit during the month of Aug·:\iany ar(· <'njoying the ··studit·s 11n · ust. During that month, the pastor and f'hina" direl'l<·d by Dr. H. Dildine, a l'l'~ his family will bt: away on a vacation. turned missionary from China: t-<l<' h The bulletin will l.J (: discontinued during Sunday morning at ~~ :30 in the Hig h July and Augu::it. !:;ehool .department room. OniJ!c J. Borchers, manager of Camp Wilmette, left Monday morning with the boys for the first camp period. A Gri!yhound bus took twenty boys to the camp at Watervli<.·t, .Mich. This group of boys will be there until July 11. In the mans.gement of the boys' camp, Mr. Borchers will be a~sisted by John C. West, Fred Lundberg, and Fowler Walton. On July 11 another bus will take a group of girls to the same <.:amp and will bring back the l,oys who an· there now. The Girls' Camp ~taff is as follows: ~liss Lila P<.·arl Attig-Camp director and in~tructor in C'itiz('n~hip. :\1 i~::: Lillit· ~lae Humphrivs-in~tructor Those who are t eaching in the Italian Sunday school, at Highwood arc enjoyin~ tht-ir work very much. :\lisscs llaz<. l Frank<> ll and Jane 'olvin had chargE! ot the primary group last Saturday, and :\liss )lahel Tt~ al had charge of the Junior gToup. The attcndan<: · is increa~ing-: < ·11 Saturday twenty-fiv e wt>re pres(' nt. ~l(·l't · workt:rs can be used. The sermon this Sunday will b e in kt·t ll· !ng with the true spirit of th e Fourth (·f July. As illustrative material the past(ll' will use The Melting Pot, The Man \\'it 11~ ::>ut a Country, The Three Things, and ThE: Star ~pangled Banner. ·· ·' put Dunlops on your car. MARGERUMS · TIRE SHOP Vulcanizing and Accessories For the 1st Congregatio:!Jal ( Steph('n A. LliJ\'tl )lini:-;t rs < \Villiam E. :\lc( 'orm;wk The Fir~t f'ong-n·g-ation'al, locat<·d ;1t tlw }Joint whert· Lakt · an·nuc <'l'o~:-:f · ~ \\.ilmettt· an:nue and El ·\'<'nth str .. l'l. i:-: ()pen to everybody en: ry day. · TIH· ai111 is to malw it a Hou~<> of ft>llowship and pra~·(' r to all pt>oplP. ltl:; mini~tH·:;; t·roun: in thdr gTNtt<.·Ht joy wlwn tlH'y may sc·rn' in<li\"idual nt·t·ds and its toffil' t- 1' ~ are honorC'd when t·~le church is pt · rmit~ t ed to assist in promoting tlw \n·lfar ... of the . community. Twl"nty-one d<·nPminations are already repreRented in it~ mcmbc· r~hip and a whole-heartNl w~:-1come awaits all who will ace ·pt its h(·~ pitality. The· Early Morning servk-. opens <t ~ 8:15 o'clock on Sunday. It iR a W(·l~ ship st>rvice held during the coole~t pan of tht' dar ancl is open to all. Thi5~ Sun~ day Dr. Lloyd will preach on "A Christian Xation." All departments of the Churo~1 ~cho(·l meet at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. Tht Primary and Beginners' departnwnts met>t in the Primary room unde r the di~ rection of ·Miss Bt!rtha Wheelock; . th6 .Junior, Intermediate and Senior elf ... partments in Pilgrim Hall where :\Ir. Gale :\1. Broo:<s will speak to them (·n "John Joseph Eagan, Cast Iron Pipe ancl the Kingdom." 621 Main Street ·W ilmette Phone Wilmette 3243 every 2~ seconds Flags and .. . someone buys a Flag Holder Sets Be sure to display Old Glory on the 4th. All Sizes-All Prices Ridge Ave. Pharmacy POUNDERS OP THE PNEUMA TIC TIRE INDUS'T Y C. C; Renneckar Opposite St. Joseph's Church T elephooe 3 1 6 "A Christian Nation" is the subject of Dr. Lloyd's sermon at the 11 o'clock ~er~ vice of worship on Sunday morning-. English Lutheran GreE'nleaf avenue and Seventh strPH Regular morning service, July 3, at 1 r. o'clock. Rev. Ralph Helm wilJ preach the ~t-r . . mon. We cordially invite you to come. Sunday school at 9 :45 A. M. Joseph Johnson, superintendent. Gash, teach~r, Adult Bible class. sc·holars are always welcome. A. D, Xt'I\J

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