Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jun 1927, p. 49

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June 24, 1927 : WILMETTE LIFE better known in Europe than in A'meritself at the highest standard· of ex~ cellence, it has almost from the first been recognized as a world center of art. There were years when it was ica outside of its own immediate commu'nit:r, for its fame was carried .aboard by the artists who had been on 1ts ros~ ter, and by music lovers who ha~ .attended its performances. Tradttaon has heretofore not played an important part in American music, but Ravinia. hv reason of its unusualness, invites c~tstoms of the kind that go down in an umnitten his:tory. I ing those who, like himself, had been RAVINIA BECKONS TO drawn hither by the love of music, he the keynote of the situation PATRONS OF THE OPERA sounded when he proclaimed Ravinia opera and World Renowned Summer Opera Season Opens Sixteenth year Saturday Evening, June 25 concerts as an institution which is per~ forming a .wonderful mission by its contribution to the advancement and appreciation of one of the highest arts known to civilized man. Darin~ Institution 'l'he eyf~ of music lovers arc now Ravinia is a daring institution, for, ct·ntercd upon Ravinia. for the sixteenth ~cas on after season, it dares to present tt.·n weeks and three days of grand sea:-.on of Ravinia opera and con- opera, and this by artists of world certs will begin on Saturday night, fame, chosen from the greatest of winJ un c 25, thus again making this cele- tcr opera houses, during three months hratcd spot the capital of the mu s ic of the summer. It is an in stitution that "oriel. From this time until the first dare s to make its home it; this, the ~f Otl(lay of September this sylvan most beautiful suburban section of a <·pera ho'U sc will he a place of pilgrim- ,·ast industrial district. and to invite agr. ' 'isited dailv hv thousands come many of its patrons-perhaps the matu =-.at iate the!r ~thirst for the best in jority -to take a journey of more than 111~1:-il~. Thus. 1t ts e':ery year, and that twenty miles to hear it ~ performance s. tl11:-; 1~1te~c!'t ts growmg constantly and There is an ancient and homely bit . '\tca< llly 1s apparent ~v~n to the mo1t of philosophy regarding a man · who r~-. ~1al observer . . Ravmta holds a place 1 made a mou se trap, hut made it better 01 .1 ts. o~·n ~m~ng the gr~atest of. the I than the lll(lllSe traps of his fellows. art 1.:-ttc mst1tuttOns, for tt functtons The worl<l soon wore a path to his dun~1g t ho~e. summer mo.nths when door. How pertinently this applies llHhtCal actJv.tty elsewhere IS . generally to Ravinia, and it is bound to come to a~ a s.tand sttll, and h~rc. ntght after mind, as one observes the thousands of ntght. 1 ~ presented major ~rand opera music lov ers who flock from Chicago 1>;,. a galaxy nf thr mo." t wutely known and it s suburbs. as indeed they flock ~1nger-actors. from nearly every state in the Union .\rnplt.: proof oi the position Ravinia and from some foreign countries, to the occupies in the regard of those who Ravinia opera hou se, so appropriately rL·rngnize the importance of opera in designated as "The Opera House in the cultural life of th e nation has bern the \Vood :-;. " Thev ronH. ' ln' ~team iurnishcd on many occasions hy those road. by electric fine, bv motor - a "hn may rightly he considered lead- throng of devotees seekiug to pay t' r:-; in this great form of art. Last homage to a st.t blime art at one of its ">l'ason. for in stance. and the season chose n shrines. There is nothing di s- l hdore. Otto H. Kahn, international tinctk oi the middle-west in this - ' J;tnh.t·r. chair!llan oi thl· boa rd (If di - the ~1iddlr - we:-t of ll..'vel fields filled rl'ctors of the Metropolitan Opera com~ with yellowing grain. There is nothing' pany. Nc"· York. and generous patron of Chicago in it-not the Chicago that ui the arts, made a special trip frorf the world knows be st as a bee-hive of x~w York to Chicago that he might, industr~·. the huh of a hundred rail3s the guest of Louis Eck tein, who roads. a city of iron and steel and of ha;) made Ravinia opera possible, at- ,·ast commercial enterprises. tt·nd these performance ~. and addressRavinia brings to light another pha se of life as it is ti'ved· here in Ai11erica. · t is the aesthetic, the artistic, the cultural bent of the people that is reflected, as wrapt in the joy of anticipation they come to drink their fill of music that is soul-satisfying. Mr. Eckstein holds to the opinion that life de\'oid of the artistic things is a sordid and sorry affair; that every man. regardless of ideas born of years of prosaic humdrum, has within him a craving for the finer and better things. That craving may be satisfied at Ravinia. As one beholds the crowds as they make their way through the massive Clifford Latham of New York City Rate s of .tl~e heautiful grou~ds in ":hich spent last week-end \Yith his un.cle and the Ravmta Opera House ts enshnned, aunt. Mr. and 1lrs. Lewis B. Springer as he observes them as they sit spell- of 411 Maple avenue. hound in the prcs enct' of the \rorlcl':-; I greatest singers, and as they listen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . to the master work s of the ages, an- , AWN IN G.S qt her thought comes to mind-and this : that the American people are rapidly I ~Jadf ot fabrics strongest and Colors becoming a musical people. I durable. brilliant In sixteen vears Ravinia has worked :tnd la~ting. so many miracles that one mu's t wonder , Best of Workmanship and how so much could have been accommost improved pliished in so short a time. During the j galvanized hardcomparatively short span , of its life ~vare used. 1 Call us for es· Ravinia has acquired a tradition-an tim a tes n n '""'""'IV'-11" individual tradition, if you will, that booklet. clings to it in a manner which ~ nn R. Hanisch Sons Co. bolizes the tenacity of its purpose. Est. 1861 cause of the fineness of its achien·- 1 12»-127 N. Halsted St. ments, because of its many unique fea- I l,hone l\lonroe 06&4·i tures, because it has always maintained · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 . .JII IIIIII II IIIII ·nc- . · ,,. 1 AT All FOUR JHOPJ GOOD MILKrich ·in cream, fresh andpure choosing milk be certain of i-ts quality. W HEN Make sure you get the best. In Bowman Dairy Company Milk you get fullcream richness, freshness and purity. You get the sweet, natural flavor that has made it famous. Bowman's Milk gives health and energy to young and old. It is a builder of firm muscles and strong bones. Make sure you drink at least a quart a day. THE .COUNTRY CLUB ONE OF RUBYJ NEW PLA-MOR JPORT JHOEf FOR WOMEN ····· JMART, TRIM, AND COM FORTABLE. · Telephone our nearest distributing station or order from one of our courteous milkmen. Sl4iQ THE PAIR. . . + u4Ifred T.-RUB~·~+. 6Q-G2,E;u7ASHINGTON ST. 136~ EAST S3~ST. EDGEWMER..BEACH OJWNGTON HOTEL, HOTEL ~ EVANSTON I Phone Wil. 55 . M_ l lq. · bAIR.V COMPANY' ~ ' "' FOR -. ~ . 51 - YEARS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY

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