Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jun 1927, p. 48

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48 There arc 229 airplane landing fields in ntinois. WILMETTE LIFE June 24, 1927 Ice Pitcher Melts So Y. P. C. w.·ns Ball Game fans witnessed the encounter. The line:.. up : Wilmette Ice (~) AB. ;~ Stomach· Defeat llony a business failure can blame his stomach for his defeat. It's pretty hard to keep your mind ou business wheu you're lu misery from In d I g e s t I on, gas, stomnch pains, heart· buru. B u t n1 u c h stomach n1 I s e r y Is quite unnecessary l'ery often Is cause(} by an excessive acid condition which re· st.onds quickly to p r o }) e r treatment. llouutaln Valley llln· eral Wnter from Hot SI,rlugs, Ark., Is mild· ly alkaline and tends to neutralize excessive acidity and bring rc· lief. It also assists digestion and ellmlnn· tlon and promotes gen. t'ral good health. Don't let your stomach de· ft>at. you. Learn n10re about this fnm· ous health water. Phone us totlny. -WE DELIVER- composed chiefly of former YPC players. The game was nip-and-tuck all the way and not until the sixth inning, when Hod Schildgen, giant Ice pitcher, blew up and allowed six hits and four run :-; , was the le e team melted. :Mo DeHayc and N utch Hoff mat} starred at bat for the losers while the defensive playing of Capt. Phil Bleser and Ben Thalman of the winners sparkleq. Earl Miller, hurling ior the cluh, fanned eleven. A large crowd joined in the parade of the two teams, led by a troop of Scouts, from the YPC -clubroom to the playground immediately before the game. A few. hundred wild, cheering Ask Your Dealer for Ed Hoffmann gan}e of the season in the Wilmette G : 'Valowitz Playground Indoor league~ the boys of J . Sutton W. Schinler the YPC turned back the Wilmette :\[o D eHaye Schildgen Ice aggregation Monday night by a H. l~. Zeutschel score of 6-4. These teams are natural Ray ~I e i er rivals, the Wilmette Ice team being .Art Born· C. Scott In what was probably the most hectic Ray Hoffmann R. 0 0 0 ] H. 2 1 ~ Early Service for Congregationalists Gets Wide Acclaim Mouatain Valley Water Co. 2609 Broadway Greenleaf 4777 Evanston, Ill. 'i39 'V. Jackson Blvd. Eleanor Bird Seed A Song In E116f'JI Seed. Monroe 5460 Chicago, Ill. It's better than what think is best. Y0\1 An article published in ~~~METT~ l , IFE a few weeks ago .concernmg the earl~· :t morning service of the First Congre1 gational church of Wilmette was pick1 3 0 0 2 ed up by the Associated Press with the 0 0 ~ 0 result that practically every newspaper 0 3 1 0 1 in the country served by that organiza4 9 tion has -carried the story in some form. 30 Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor of the Young P('O)Ilc's Club (6) AB. R. H . church, has just returned from a meet.. .l o P Hlest' r ~ ing of the National Council of Congre·:~ Phil BleSt' r ., 1 1 gational churches held in Onuha, Ncb ., ., \\r. Thalmau 3 Earl l\lillt:'r 1 1 and reports that delegates from all se c:~ Bob Evans ~ tions of the country met him with a n lkn Thalman 3 n o inquir~' about the service, notice of :~ F. St'St<' l'hl'lll1 1 0 which they had seen in their lo~al :-»t"t 1'1' .H offm::t n n . .., Paul Dl<· ~t·I· 0 0 paper s. Roger Babson, speaking before 1_ l l\'O. Bkst·r 1_ _ _ 2 ___ · the council, gave a section of hi s a cl_ :.!7 n 7 clrl' ='"' to the discus sion of this sen·ice . Copi~: s of th e announcem ent l:a n· ~1r. a nd ~[r s. ~[erk C. Xutt oi ).l o- 1 been sent to Dr. LloYd lw fric;:,cl s a .~ line, Ill., are spending a \\' eck with far a\\'ay a s· Portlat1d, Me., Sc;tttk . their parent s. \lr. and ~1r s. J ohn D. \Vaslt., Los Angeles, Cal.. and St. P etSmall of -Hl ~fapk a\'CtllH:. \Vhilc ershurg, Fla., as well as from ~ n,· here they attended the wedding of York. Boston, CleYclan(l. Denv er, :-t n<l ).fiss Annamae Hou ston ancl :\nclrew inter111ediate point :'. Sandgren II , Tuesday aft ern oon in th e Tht· ~l'rrice rd errccl t o is held t a ch Fourth Presbyterian church . ).{iss Sunday n1nrni.ng at R:IS and is prar Houst::>n and · ).fr:-:. :t\utt were class- ticalh·- a duplicate ()f th e regular 11 mates at Fnry hall. ~fr. and I\Irs. o\:lot:k !-. t·n ·ice. lt i.; intended to nH: r t Nutt \\·ere abo among th e out-of- the :-.mnnl\:r need ~ n f all . people oi t he town guests at the \\'edding of Mi ss tcn\"11 '"ho ior any reason find it in:~fae Johnston of Cambridge and R o y po;-; ... ihk to attend thC' latl'r :-crviCt'. L. ~felind of Wilmcttl'. I r : <: ~ lit· \1 illar and his daught n , ~1 j , .; \1 i :- ~ Olga Stopka, 153h Lake an·- Elizaheth. retttrnl'd to th eir lwnH. ' at nu e. is !-> ailing for Europt: July 1. o n 510 \\'a.; hinl!"t on a,·enu c Tu r:; da v t'\"t·ning. \f r. ~lillar ldt ior Bo..,tol; a lit the :\lnuma to be gonl' two month s. tl l' ow r a wel' k a go to att cn< l hi s rJa , , rt' uni nn at the .\f assar hu sl'tt s fn-;ti tut t· of T erhn ul()gy. ~[i ,..,s ).fillar. ait t:r completin g her junior vear at \f . Xotk t" is lH: ··c by giv en to eYc ry propH olyok e cClllt'gc. j('i ned her i a th er in erty own er in N ew Trie r tow'nship to Bo.; tclll . haY e his ~ anada thistl e cut on or be:~ 3 1 ., .. 1 1 1 1 1 i i · NO· TICE for< · July 5. .\ny prope rty owne r who dot· ~ not h ee d this warning shall be liabl e to prosecution and a tin e of fr o m $3 to $100. .John Balm<'s, thistle <·ommiss ion E- r of New 'l'rier township, S ::~t Che rry street, \Vinnetl<a. - -0 - 1 an d ~fr .; _ \"i dc1 r \h·tzg l' r 11t -ll \) ~r apk ;1\T llllr arc at th e l hat l'a 11 Fr ontenac at QudH·c, \\·here ~Jr . ~fd i' gcr is attending th(' cc,nn' nti oil oi Gnleral Frt' ight Agent!'. \\.hilc tiH.' \" ar \· then· the _ ,. \\·ill make the Sagttt·n;"t\. river trip . \[r. and ).frs . ~letzger " il l return Yia Boston ancl Kcw York ;t nd will a) ... o \· i ~ i t Atlantic C'itv ancl \\'a:- hington. arri,·ing IH ,nH' ;"th Ci ut July I. ~lr. I ' - o- 1 ·The Taste is the Proof of Goodness We have a long story about Borden's milk. How it is produced on the farm; immediately cooled -kept cool on its trip to our bottling plant- kept cool on our delivery wagon-delivered to you cool and in perfect condition. But all this story is summed up in our phrase at the top, "The taste is the proof of goodness." Only by taking the extreme precautions that we do, can milk be delivered at its best, and the test of ta&te is the proof of goodness. Call in ·the Borden Milkman in your neighbor· hood and arra·nge for service. I 1 1 Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES Jea not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, ies the glow which radiates from them. Unlessiceptalwayscleanandhealthy, EYES lacktthis alluring lustrt. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par.ticles nnd keeps them clear and briiht. Contains no belladonna. 11'1 "E~e .\'[iss Lois C. l.mn'll. dattghtt·r oi .\f r. and ~f rs. GcorgL· C. Lowell of 900 A:: . b land aHnu c. returned last Friday CYCning irom Simmons college, Boston. O n h('r \\·ay home she stopped off to yi :;. it friends in Philad.e lphia, Atlantic Cit ~ · . Flvria and Cle\'C·land. -oFor the last time this summer, the ~cighborhood circle met Tuesday. Thr member s had luncheon at the home nf 'Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake an:nue. The hostess was assisted by Mr s. L. P. Sykes, Mrs. Frank Watt and ~Jr s . \Nilliam F. English, Jr. -o-:\frs. A. E .' H utchi~on, who ha..; bt:( 'l l the g-uest of ').h~. A. H. Hoffmeyer o i t-n8 \ViltnettC" avcntte for th~ pa ~ ~ three weeks, returntd Monday to 1H·r home at Sug-ar Bn~h. \Vis. - 0- BORDEN·s FARM PRODUCTS CO. of Illinois O.r illuh'ated boou on "Eye Ccan" Beauty" are fREE on fCqMal. The Murine Company l">t:pt.. 33, Chicago 'l'wL"Ive gue:-.ts were entertained a! ;, bridg-e luncheon gin~ n by Mrs. ~,f t' rk B. Snyder, 215 \\~oodbine avenue. nn \\' edne:-.day of last week. -oM iss Elizabeth Jones has returned to her home at 1045 Forest avenue from Longpoint, Ill., where she has been tea-ching. Dr. Edna Glover . Wilmette 1545 Service that is 99'ho% Accurate SCIENTIFIC CJIJROPODY Manicuring-, Massaging, Baths Shampooing Dye, Singe and Bleach Hair Scalp Treatment a Specialty · Will Call n t Residence 22 J~routy Anuex Ph. Winnetka 22;;t1

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