Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jun 1927, p. 1

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THIS ISSUE~North Shore, Championship Golf Course-P~ge-ilj WILMETTE \'OX. XVI, NO . .39 WILMETTE. ILLINOIS, JCNE 24, 1927 LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 l'nbtisltefl weeldu by Lloyd TJolliste,·, Inc., l!U Central Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered a3 second class matter !tlarch 13, 1911,, at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, under the Act of March .!, 1879. Subscription price U.OO a 21ec:r. RUSH PLANS FOR BIG I RESURFACING PROGRAM Several Important Streets Included in Plans Mapped Out by Village Board Rev. Francia Carr Stifter in Last Sermon Sunday Prior to Extended Tour --------------------------------~ of Foreign Countries Camp Manager TO TOUR HOLY LAND BOAT RACES FEATURE OF FOURTH FESTIVAL Sheridan Shore Yacht Club Events ... ! l ~ ' I Re\'. Francis Carr Stifler, pastor of to Be Viewed aa Part of the \Vilmette Baptist church will Big Program preach his final sermon prior to an extended tour of .the Holy Land, at the \Vilmette Village officials nwn·d services of that church Sundav morn\Yilmette's annual Fourth of July nearer to the perfection of a compr~.: ing-, ] nnt· 2tJ. ~r r. Stifler ""ill s-ail ironl celebration this year will be staged. in hen~iv.e street improvement prograttl )J'ew York 011 the steamship Homeric \\'ashington Park on the lake front at at the Village hoard session Tue~da,· in company with a large group of the foot of \Vashington avenue, it w.a~ evening of this wet.'k when Village E1~ church workers from various parts of announced this week by Command~~r ~inccr Roberts wa:-; instruct eel to subthe country. Following a tour of the \\'. \V. Hawkins of Wilmette Post of mit estimates on the cost of rc~urfac Holy Lands, the party will visit Lon- the American Legion which again ha!! ing several of the more important don, Paris, Egypt, Constantinople, hccn assigned tite task of making arthoroughfar~ts in the conununay. Greece and Italy. rangements for the Independence Day Tncluded in the suggested program, Arriving at Southampton, the travel- celebration. .A feature spectacle will a... outlined originally hy Trmtt't' crs will spend four days in England, he the Sheridan Shore Yacht club DraH·r and amplified hy Trustee making an automobile tour of London. boat races. I h.tTman, are Lake avennt.·, fr'om the Shakespeare country, and other The holiday day events arc sche\f ichigan av<'lltH' to Ridge road; Forplaces within easy reach of the capital. duled to begin shortly after noon of t·,t avenue, from ~fichigan an·nue to Three days will be spent in Paris and the big day- and will continue at the JSth street; Park avenue, from Lake the departure for Palestine will be park until du~k. There are to be field :tYenue to \Vilmettc avenue; 15th ,..made from Marseilles on July 19.events of varied character with par'>tn:et, from Elmwood an·ntH.' to \YilAfter a voyage through the ~fedi- t icular emphasis placed 'o n activities mt.:tte avenue: Prairie avenue, from terrancan. arri,·ing in Alexandria 011 ior the children. Among the features Spencer avenue to Isabella street. I fuly 2-l. tht.· part,· \\"ill vi:-;it Cairo, and on the afternoon's program will be Found Highly Serviceable l the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen, and prize awards for effectively decorated Trustee Dra!·cr spoke concerning spend one afternoon gazing- at the bicycles and other child conveyances, On·ilk Borchers, iormer ~orthwest Pyramids and the Sphinx. Jerusalem including baby and doll carriages. The the Lake and Forl':,t avenue resurfacing projects. while Trustee Hoffman ern university athlete, has heen retain- will be reached on ] uly 26 and the fol- t·ntire program will be staged at the offered the suggestion that t hr other ed as general manager of Camp \Vil- lowing \H'ek ,,-jJJ he spent in the Holy lake front park. -.treets mentioned in the list h(' in- mcttt, located on the banks of the Paw Land. :\ug-ust 3 and 4 will be made Prizes for the contests arc to be rlurlcd in a general program of rcsur · Pa\\' riHr ncar \Vatcrvliet, ).Jich., to hy sea to Piraeus and Athens and I contributed. bv the httsincss people in iacing-. It j, proposed to :-;ecurr cost which will go a large group of \\'it- t~trough the Straits of Messina. to the village. · t·stimatrs on ~heet a~phalt suriacing. mctte hoys next ~ionday. A girls' camp ~aples. ~nd thence hack to Marsetlles Augmenting the program of sports This. Trustee Hoffman declared. has will opt.·tJ there later in the season. Mr. LliHl Pans. ,,·ill be a band concert and a special been found to h(' entirch· :-.en·ic('ahk Borcher-; has had considerable cxperiThe tour is to be made under entertainment for the kiddies, the excnct.' in summer camp supervision. He and satisfactory in the ln;sitH:ss rt>ntcr :lll:-:pice . . . of the Church Touring guild. act· nature of which has not been c f ?\f ilwaukec ;111d in other large citit·.;. is a mL·mhcr of the staff of the \Vildi,·ulg-ccl by the committees in charge. mettt Pari~h ::\.fetlwc\ist church \Yhich Tt has with:-.tood the con:-;tant drilling ~JHlliSCtt'.., l'a111p \\"ihlll'i.te . View Boat Races ni heavv traffic in ~filwaukce for a Since the events are to be held on period eig-ht years, he assrrtecl. the la~c. front, the vill.agers will have 1 he Main street widening ancl p;w · · · the pnnlcge of obsernng an unpreceing prnject abo Jnovcd a :-;tt.'P nea-rer Register 680 Pupils in dented spectacle in local Indepenrealization wht·n the ordinance pr.p:d'(1New Trier Summer School dence programs. that of the races to be 1 ing i ::>r that urgent improYcment ·.,diS Thrt.·t· a< <iitional patrol111t"n f,)r the Thl' :'ltlllllller St.'s~i :m at ~ew Trier staged that afternoon hy the Sheridan re:1d and referred tn the Strl'ds ~tnd lligh :;chool is nmY in full s\\·ing, ac- \\"ilmettc Police department and pay These will start :\tit·,·~ committee oi the hoard and or- cording to \ \" e:-;lt·y I.. j~rown, principal increases all along the line in the de- ~horc Yacht club. dL·n:d advcrtizt.·cl as required by Jaw. oi tht :;ummtr :-.chon!. and since the partment. with the exception of the from the \\"ilmette harhor nearby and Fin a 1 act ion on the imprm·c·m<:n t is completiun ni prl'limi11ary adjustments chiei. will ht.' ·authorized in an ordi- at least one leg of each race will anticipated at the tlll'cting oi the i()und tH· ce~:-;an· \dH'n t·la~ses convened nance \\"hich tht.· \.illage board has in- bring the boats into full view of the })(lard on Tm's\lay n ·ening. Jnly 5. iur t lw first ti;ne on ).Jon day. is opL' r- structc.·cl Village .\ttorney Jackson to asscJt.l>lccl villagers. The evening of Fourth of July will prt.>pare for prt·sentation at the nt.'xt ating snw:::>thly. find a throng of \Vilmette residents meeting of the board. The action was Zibble Learns Latest 1\t' gi~~rat\qn nu\\· total.; (lHO pupil:-;: comfortably seated in Dyche Stadium suggested by Trustee Hans vonRein5~c\·t·nt\·-ftYC in a<h·;mcc oi la st vear's Fire Fighting Tricks cnrolh;H·nt. \\'hich con stitutes a- 12 1 ~ pcrg. chairman of the board's Polie<' to enjoy the entertainment and pyrotechnic display to be staged there by Firt· Chid \\"altt'r Zibhk kit ior peret·nt mcrea~e. An attitude of committee . l'rhana. Ill.. last ~fonda~· enning to gt:nulnt· interest in the classes on the By ,·irtuc oi the propost·d ordinance the Evanston Post of the American attend the state school ior ftre chids part of the ~ttldLnt.; is to be noticed. the salarie~ 1>er month in the depart- Legion in cooperation with the North which is conducted carh n·ar at ~he accnrding tP ~f r. Brmn1, due particu- ment would he as follow:-.: chief. $300; Evanston Business Men's association. Cnin·rsit\' of Tltinni-- hY . ~tate Fire larly ft) the fact that most of thr pu- one captain, $215: one lieutenant, $195: \\"ilmettc is es.pccially invited to this C\'l'llt and tickets providing reserved ~r ar~hal -Gam her. · pils enrolled arl' attending on their three sergeants. $1R5: t\\·o lllotorTht school continued ior four da~· ~. own Yolition and an· eag·t·r t() get into cycle JIH:n. $182.50: nine patrolmen, seats are to be placed on sale in local during which period the rhids were the \\'ork. $180. The police payroll nm,· tntal'i stores this \nel<. Tickets may also he obtained from members of the \Vilput -through a regular series (ti ks~on:; $39.000 annually. mette Legion. Reservations made in in fire prevention and fighting. .\ - - - - - --- --REZONE RIDGE CORNER advance will he at a reduced rate. practice tower was er('ctcd and tlh. ' \'~tlagl· A.ttorney Jackson was inLegion lfficials explain. "fire raters" climhed, strung a lead Fire Destroys Residence of hose or jumped according to din·t·- ~tructecl by the \"illage hoard Tue:-;day at 16th and Gregory Ave. tions from a drill crew irom tlw Chi- eYening to prepart.· an ordinance to SPEND SUMMER ON COAST <tlllt'IHI tht· pre~ent zoning ordinance to Fire oi unknO\\·n origin. completely rag::> Fire clcpartmen t. Thty \\-ere abo ~Irs. Arthur E. HuH of 1320 llill permit the rezoning ()f the ~outheast dc~troyl'd the resich.' nce nf \\'illialll put throug-h a course in first aid. ronstreet and small son and daughh·!·, curner oi \\"ilmette an'nue ancl Ridge Langiord at ~ixteenth street atlll cluctrd hv an e~p0rt from thL· Cincin rt)~Ld tl) l'Ja.;.; B Commercial. The \Varren and Carol, arc leaving soon Gregory a\'enne and occasioned d;tnlnati, Ol,fo, fire · <lepa.rtment. t l1 rt' e :)t h l' r cn rIll' r s at this in t c r scc t ion age estintatc:cl at $500 tn the hnllll' to spend the smmne :· on the Pacific arl· no\\' u.;ed fur cnmlllrrcial purposes. adjoining on the !->OUth. late la .~t Fri- coast. ~~ r. Ru!T is to join them later . AWARD STOP-GO CONTRACT day eYCning. Several hundred people They expect to Yisit various points The contract to in~tall stop and g:1 SET PAVING HEARING attractnl by the smoke and alarms from Los Angeles to Vancouver, relights at the \Vilmette-Central a\'cnue gathered from all over the Village as turnii.!_g in September by way of the The \'illage hoard oi local improve~trrrt intersection wa.;; awarded ll\· the Villag-e board 'l'uesclay evening t~~ the m~nts has set Tuesday evening, July the firemen, responding to a belated Canadian Rockies, stopping at Banff Esco Electric company. The hid was 2. at 7 :30 o'clock as the time of a alarm. battled with the flames in an and Lake Louise. Gordon and How$1 ,798.80. The work will ht.· done im- puiJlic hearing on the proposition to 'endeavor to get the blaze under con - ard Ruff will ~pend the summer in camp at Korth :Manitou island, N[ich. pave Canterhury court and 18th st-reet. trol and to sa ,·e nearhy residence:,. mediately. 1 of Th ree ew ops; . More Pay A long I Ltne, tn 0/Jtng N C

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