Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jun 1927, p. 44

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WILMETTE I, Mrs. Robert Wooden of Davenport, C~ngregat ;onal , '" Iowa, was the guest of Mrs. Thomas Ministers: Moulding, 1004 Greenwood avenue, for Stephen A. poyd-William E. McCormack Northwestern commencement week. Mrs. \Vooden attended the tenth reThe First Congregational, located at union of her c1ass. the point where Lake avenue crosses Wil- LIFE ] une 24, 1927 Churc DR. FRANK B. ERWIN SpeelaUzlnr In the treatDlent ot yon1· best frlendt tile "Dog and Cat" All calls receive my personal attenUon 1000 Rid e ATe. DL Telepllone Wilmette 11·7 . VETERINARIAN mette avenue and Eleventh street, is open to e \·e rybody every da~·. The aim is to mak e it a House of fellowship and prayer to all people. Its ministers count it their greatt-st joy when they may serve . in:lividual needs and its officers are honored when the chure h is n ermitted to assist in promoting tht:' welfare of the community. Twenty-one denominations are already rl-'presented .in it:;~ m ember ship and H. whole-hearted weleonw awaits all who will aect·pt its hospitality. On Friday the Northwt-st Circle, Mrs. rllediate and Senior departments meet togt-ther in Pilgrim hall at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. Mrs. Marguerite Taylor has charge of the program this Sunday 2 P. M. and will speak on "Jane Addams, God's On Sunday morning the early morning Corner in the Slums." Special music will se rviC't- opens at 8 :15 o'clock. Dr. Lloyd be a feature of the progr:;t.m. will preach on "The Demands of the 'l'his church is cooperating with th e Spir·itual Lif~." North Shore Area Council-Boy Scouts or At 9 ::w o'clock Ruhday morning· the AmL"rica in the d ed icatory services for Primary and Begint)t>rs' departments the ('auin-in-the-Woods in the County met·t tugf'tht-r· in the Primary room un- Fon·::.t Pn·~;Pr\"e near Happ road. nooseder tlw direction of :\!iss Bt-rtha "Wht-e- n·lt Tnwp ~o. 2 of this c hurc h will partidpatt· in tht.· ('t·remonh·s. Tht-se serv ices lot· l' and h e r assistants. will lwgin at 2 :::o P. ::\1. on Sunday aft(·rDr. Lloyd will preach on "T he Demands noon, .June 26. of tlw Spiritual Life" nt the 11 o'clod( ~wn·it·t· Sunday morning. J. H. Stackhouse, chairman, will be entertained at the home of l\Irs. Raymond "\\-·. Armstrong, 1001 . Linden avenue, at During- th e sumnwr the Junior. Inter- Presbyterian Church Tlw Fir:-;t Pn·sbytt>rian church is located at th r eornPr wlwrt· ~inth stn.·et crosst.·s (;n·t·nlt-ar an·nu(·. ::\orth shon· and . JB\·anston val's stop at J·:ig-hth and Tenth st J"· ···ts, ju:-:t nnt · blovl\ from thP churrh. ( :t·r ,rg-t· P . 11111 :'lfa~ill. D. I>., past<·r. Lakt · an·nut·. I:, .:-; id t·llt .,. p hont· \\. i lmdt·· 1 R!IS. Pastor's ~tudy-\\. ilnwttt· 1!)75. ~unrla\' mor·ning·: )wop!. ·. st·ltool at ~· :::0 o'rlul'k Sunday ( 'las:-:··!': f11r all a~f·S of youn~ l :ihJ, . ·t·la:-:s for wonwn at 11) ~tH · dal n"tl11ck. ::\lorni11g" w .. 1·ship at 11 o'dol'k . mu:-;it· ],~ · our rt·g·ular quart··t. Lake Geneva Twin Lakes Powers Lake Take North Shore Line trains to Kenosha, and North Shore Line MotorCoachesfrom there on reg· ular schedule. Through tickets. .Junior ··hur<'ll at 11 t~'do<'k in tlw .Junior .\sst·mhh· r<·Oill. Thi :-; will ht> .Junior < 'hurvh i ·a ,. at whkh timt· Wt· will ha v· · a s)w··ial in·ogTalll and spN·i:ll spt·akt·l' . .),,.. ll a ,·,·s. lt ·ad1 ·r. Thi:-: will <·f·ndud~" ·UI' .Junl·n· dturch s.·ni('t 'S until fall. Antioch Channel Lake Loon Lake Round Lake Lake Villa Fox Lake District Grays Lake Volo-McHenry Take North Shore Line trains to Waukegan or Libertyville. North Shore Line Motor Coaches from there on regular schedule to these points. Through tickets. it~ ::\fillnt·haha troop will hold nwl'ting· today lwfort· cti~wontittu ing· for tlw sumllh·r. En>ryOn(· lw ~ur·, . to t ' tlllW atHl all wiH· Wi!4h to lw Scouts ( :irl ~<·out~: la~t art· inYitt·d. .\ Tn·asun·r llunt ts in stur.· for YOU. .\lt-· ·t at ::·::w a t th· · c·hurch ot1it·f:. · Oconomowoc Nashotah Lakes Nehmahin Lakes Silver Lake Delafield Waukesha Beach N agawicka Lake Pewaukee Lake Take North Shore Line to Mil· \taukee-step into T.M.E.R.& L. trains at door of our Milwaukee terminal, for these points. Through tickets. L :1~t Friday aftt"l 'llu"n CJUI" churt ·h and ~und;t~· pit-nk llt'ld :tt Clt·rn-il·w Fon·st l'n·~ t· rn·s was a dt·t·itlt.-d sue<·ess in spilt· of th~' thn·aU·ning- w· ·atlwr. Over 25!J JH ·o plt · att<·mh·d. namt·s and sportH plan nt·d wr·l"t· t·:l jo~· dl lJY all and a IJountiful sup)wl' wa:-; st·rn·d at 6 ::lfl. "Real" hf·ans. sanrlwil'ht·s, c:tkvs . and otht·r "good t·ats"' dt"lightt·cl tlu · folks who Wt ·rl· th(·rt·. 'l'ut ·~<Lt~ · of this W· ·t·k, a .Junior Church part.'· was lwld in tlw :-;undav s<:hool auditm·ium which was dc·c:oratt·d for th(· 0('<':1:-:ion. The !Jo~·s and girls t·njoyecl g-atlH·s and st unls aftt.·r which thc·v werP l· ·d into ~L room wlH·rc· tht· ta.blt·s \\:L·rt· all d· ·cor·att·d in .Junior church colors, and wt:t·L· Sl'l"\'l'd it-<: cn·am and l:ak<·. Special rt·cognition was gin:n those who have a JWrft·c·t r t."cord of attendahce by presenting t1wm with attractive badges which will lH· worn n(·xt Sunday, Junior Church di1y. Tht· Junior church started Octobf·r :l and tho· following· children have been rq~ulat' in att£·ndanc(· or hn.vc an excust:d al>~;~·ncr: Ludington Manistee Hamlin Lake Portage Lake Onekema Take North Shore Line to Mil· waukee: Pere Marquette night steamer from there; arrive Mich· igan next morning. Through tickets. WISCONSIN · Sheboygan Port Washington Elkhart Lake Cedar Lake Crystal Lake . ·T ake North Shore Line to Mil· waukee; connections at door of our Milwaukee terminal with Milwaukee Northern trains for these pointl. Through tickeu. -~ · ILLINOIS - .. :r....,_______ Libertyville Mundelein Spend an enjoyable day in the alluring LaKe County Country· aide. Visit beautiful St. Mary of the Lah, the magnificent, tenmillion· dollar, thousand~ acre Seminary that isattractingpeople from all over the world. Beat reached by the North Shore Line. Billy Morris, )fary Alice Hayel:i, Jot· :\targ-an·t Jones, Hf:'rbt-rt Jones, Frank 1\"(wnen, Dick Hall, Rob<'rt Saville, Franct·s Riley, Junior Stocks, Enid Henderson, .John Bartholomew, Virginia Me~ Connell, Edith Marquardt and Harriett Weld. Ila~·~·s, ~Ir::.. E. A. Christiansen, 627 Eleventh street, accompanied by Mrs. H. D. Long, 815 Park avenue, and Mrs. H. E. Pollard and her daughter Har. of Hubbard \Voods, motored ' nett, to Kalamazoo. Mich .. on Thursday of la st week for the week-end. LOW RATES You can borrow money from us at low rates on well located homes, apartment buildings, and business property. Prompt attention given applications or call On Saturday of this week (June25), the summer Opera season opens at Ravinia Park under the direction of Louis Eckstein, noted Chicago impressario. The 1927 season promises in every way to be even more magnificent than its many splendid predecessors. Among the prominent artists who will appear at Ravinia this summer are Lucrezia Bori, Elisabeth Rethberg, Mary Lewis, Julia Claussen, Ina Bourskaya, Giovanni Martinelli, Edward Johnson, '1ario Chamlee, Chicago North Shore ·& Milwaukee Railroad Co. Tu Road of Service WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmeue 2514 CENTRAL 4565 ~LI 1·123 BRANDT Giuseppe Danise, Virgilio Lazzari. Jose Mojica and Desire Defrere. Don't miss the opportunity which Ravinia affords! Ravinia is most conveniently reached by North Sbore Line Trains. office, ar at Tral/ic Dept.: Chicago, 79 W esc Monroe Street, »~one Central 828o; Milwauku, 408 Secwnc, Building, VB0'1C Grand 990 or Grand 2762. For schedules, BAGGAGB CHECKED fares and other in/omwion, inquir~ at ticket COMPANY, Inc. 30 N. La Salle St. EstabiJsbed 48 Years

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