June 24, 1'lt.l WILMETTE LIFE I . T eatro del Lago Three Attractive Presents Nicely Films Booked for Varied Program Village ·Next Week A diversifi~d program, reachi11g almost every preference in pictures that fandom may have, has been arranged by Teatro del Lago for the coming week. · uNo Contrnl" On Saturday, j ui·.e 25, another ccmedy hit is to be shmvn. "No Control" with Harrison Furd and Phyllis Haver. Here is the ston· .1f ~~ trick horse that wins a race wheil rigged up with a radio receiving apparatus and runs like the "man o' war" when he hears his enemy, the circus lion, broadcasting. "Broadway Nights" On Sunday, June 26, "Broad~ay ~ights" gives Loi \Vilson an entirely different · type of part in which to earn her stardom. As a shrinking amateur night performer who suddenly becomes the idol of Broadway, she is given the choice of her career or her husband. :llld child. Unusual twists in this pic~ure make it one of the strongest and iJt'St films of the ,-ear. 11 iss \Vilson is ..;upported hy Sam Hardy. "Three Hours" ~~on day and Tuesday, 1une 27 and 2R. Corinnr Griffith is :-.tarred in "Three Hours." ~fiss Griffith plays the role oi the estranged wife \\·ho is destitute owing to the tyranny of a · despotic husband. She . teals from a man who. in turn. threatens her \\'ith arrest, and what happens in the three hours temnnrary respite that he grants her, and the rcsult of the horrowerl hours, makes ior thr finest of all the pictures Miss \.riffith ha s donr. John Bowers and Hnhart Roswort h support ~[iss Grif- Dorothy Gish, Will Rogers and Nelson Keyes, three of the funniest people in this funny world are all at the Village theatre Monday and Tuesday. Cont. Daily 2 to 1 2 P. M. "Tip-Toes," a Broadway stage hit of FRIDAY ~ SATURDAY last season is their 'Screen v~l)i~le. The picture was produced in toildpn hy British National Pictures, Ltd. and imported by Paramount. "Tip-Toes" is the story of "The Three Kayes," dead-broke American Vaudeville team in London. After their tryout AI ruefully remarks. "\Vell, an Englishman's face ~as never made to laugh with," to which Hen replies. 4'Righto, but mine \\·as made ·t o eat with-and how?" To which the answer appears in the iorm of one "Special Delivery" With Lord William Montgomery, titled inEddie Cantor at Norshore with nocent, and very nice too- who immediately falls in lo\'e v.-ith dainty, dancEddie Cantor in "Special Delivery." ing. "Tip-Toes." his second comedy, which comes to the Now London is an awful foggy Norshore theater Sunday, is said to town to be hungry in-so who can have brought to the screen a wholly blame AI and Hen for plotting to new style of comedy that, while packed REALISTIC drama of marry "Tip-Toes" to Lord William and to the brim with excruciatingly funny the glorious era when his fortune? An im·itation to ~Iont situations, has at the same time a most America dominated the sea~omery Castle lands the three adven- pleasing sincerity. tttrers plump into the lap of aristo"Special Delivery," like his previous a picture packed with rocracy, where dining is a holy rite and film success, is described as a laugh mance, drama-moving to a com·ersation a fine art-while the from start to finish. Briefly, it is the gripping climax of tempestu"Three Kaye~" had always knm\·n that adventure and romance of one of ous emotion. . grub is to eat, the quicker the better. Uncle Sam's letter carriers. A rather and table talk a nuisance unless it he pathetic postman that has the unhappy loud and funnv. Oi course their true faculty of always doing the wmng ~tatus i . .; soon. discovered. thing at the wrong time. It is only "Mr. Wu" when his best girl is stolen from him Lon Cham·y-man of a thousand I by William Powell that he rises to faccs-ha :; gi,·en the screen a new di s- great heights and foils his rival. Howg-uise. He has disguised a human soul ever, he does not accomplish this Saturday Drive Your instead oi a human face-this is the without first having many adventures fith. Matinee Car "Slaves of Beauty" secret of "~fr . Wu." that prove extremely funny. : BARREL "Slaves of Rcautv." "·ith a cast ~haney tr.ansformcd himself into a The leading feminine role of }..fadge, I llea~lrd hv Olin:- Tell. is presented on Chmaman tn the stupendous ne,~~,· waitress in the Dutch Lunch and holdOF FUN PARKING \\' rdnesda ,., Tnne 29. The story " ·as drama pla~·ing on \V cdnesday and er of Eddie's affections, is in the Bring the Next to ~nit ten hv ~.ina. \Yiicox ~utnam. It · 'f!mrsday; he used his uncanny .tri~ks capable hands of Jobyna Ralston, for Children Theatre ts a ston· latd 111 ~e\\' ) ork beaut~· ot make-up, of course-;-but the st~lllfi- three years Harold Lloyd's leading narlors. a ston: nf a wealthy· "grand cant fact was not hts face, pa111te<l woman. William Powell adds his suave flappc;" dr!ermincd to lind love amid to por_tray one. of another race. . polish as the get-rich-quick artist who MONDAY ~he .hn!:!ht ltght. .wlH·t~ in reality. she has . I~ t:-i a tmg.hty . ch~racter ----: thts sells beautifully engraved stock cerGilda Gray _ "Cabaret" 1t. nght at. her stele. 1 he story ts spen .:. lhmese manda;m. w1se m t~e w:1sdom tificates in chimaeric enterprises, and r]ldlv rnotn·ated throughout and the of age s of Chmese lore; wtse 111 the : these nefarious activities furnish WEDNESDAY high suspense. h_umC'r. and pathos. arc nt\H: wisdom ?f a Eur?pean ~olle~e: enough excitement to keep everybody Lon Chaney- "Mr. Wu" the result of logtcally constructed situ- I a gr1n1 tletllests pursuing. ~1th 1111- ~it~l~t~h~e~c~a~sbt~b~u~sy~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ations. placable hatred and the certainty of "Cabaret" doom, the English family from ":hich "Cabaret" is a story peculiarly he had suffered wrong. Walker \Vhitc- 1 acloptcd to Gilda Grav. She is able, side gave the world the character on through her practicaf knowledge of the stage-but Chaney goes much night clubs. to give extraordinary depth further in his delineation. He seems the :tnd feeling to each situation that con- living embodiment of the whole m\'Sfronts her as a -cabaret dancer. Loved terious Orient. l>y a detective, but enmeshed in the unRenee Adoree plays a Chinese girldrnvorld crowd found in even· cabaret, his daughter. Her make-up is no less 1 she is confronted with the p;ohlem of complicated than Chaney's. The big shielding a weak brother from the scene is between Chanev and Louise :tccusing finger of the law and of work- Dresser. playing the English mother, ing out her own happiness. This is a in the desperate duel of wits wherein ...;tory full of intri~ue, romance, and she pits a woman's intuition against night life as it is. ~Iiss Gray has the the ancient wisdom of China to saye I opportunity to sho~ her inimitable her son's life. rlancing and proves herself worthv of "Tracked by the Police" the big part entrusted to her. Tom The many admirers of Rin-Tin- Tin, 'Moore as the detective is at. excellent Friday and Saturday's presentation, "uoport for ~{iss Gray. ~ill find "Tracked by the Police" a real pleasing . film. The w9nder dog acts in the same intelligent manner that he has always acted and certainly more than fulfills the demands of his part. In one situation he limps like a genuine .~.r:jpple ~hen the villain shoots him in the leg. In another he is shown desperately trying to spring from a deep pit in an effort to carry a message with which his master has entrusted him. · The plot follo~s along familiar lines and deals ~ith the attempts of the villain to wreck a dam, which the hero, a young engineer, had almost completed. Hi§ hopes of winning the heroine are founded on the successful completion of the dam. With the help of the faithful dog, he wins out. Ahoy! CLIPPER" "THE YANKEE William Boyd Junior Coghlan A Latest Comedy and News Events. 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