Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jun 1927, p. 41

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June 24, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 41 Kenilworth Happenings ~Irs. Henry Riggs Rathbone of Sheridan road. K en ilworth is at home ior the s ummer months aft<'r her u sual winter in \Va shingt on and in Florida. For many year s she has made it a practice to spend the sum mert ime in Kenilworth where she enterta in s gen~ro usl y and lavis hl y. Her lun che on s and dinners are a hY ays exa mpl es of the ~· ~.·nial hospitality and ran·fnl t1J, 1 nl!"t. ~Irs. Rathb one is now president of the Illinois branch of the League ui An1c·ric<.1n Pen "Vomen and is ven· busv in t his work and in her writing. A ·new 1>ook of her poems is soon to conH' irom the press. -oTh('re was an f rror in the announcenwnt la st week regarding the new Belnap Hawkes baby. The baby i:-; a boy and i.-> named for his pa tcrnal gra nd~ iather Benjamin Carkton Ha\\'kes. \fn. Hawkes is lcaYing th<' last of June for a three months~ trip to Europe. He will Yi:-it Spaitt , ~orway, :t 11 d Sweden, sailin~ i 1'()111 !\ Y nrk ··ll Tuh· 2. ~fan,· l't·nil\\·orth residents wilt" rememhrr her rln·er and heau: iiul niece, ~fi s Louise H;:nrkes, who ha.- occasional\· ,·i-.ited here. Miss Hawkes will art as hostts:- on the ' tl·amer and has~~·ang,-ed the party. . ~·. ' I ~~ \ I ' Mrs. C. K. Blackwood, formerly of Mrs. Frank Cherry and ·Miss JeanKenilworth, recently - passed through nette · Cherry of ~enilworth are enterChicago on her way from Detroit to taining this afternoon at a tea from 4 Pasadena where she had gone to bury her mother, Mr~. Ann S. Holmes. Mrs. to 6 in honor of Mrs. James Crowell Holmes died after an illnes s resulting Cherry, formerly Miss Frances Dockery of Memphis. Mrs . Virginia Tubbs has closed her from a broken hip. -obridge classes in Kenilworth and is -o~~ rs. H. S. Schroeder who is occup \·Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart enterleaving thi s week for Charlevoix, ing the Spicer hoine in Kenilworth for tained informally last Sunday evening Mich., where she spends each season the summer, entertained Mrs. B. \V. at their home in Kenilworth showing at th e Charlevoix inn. She ha s had Currier of Boston (Brookline) as her moving pictures of their recent Meditabout eighty pupils in KenihYorth and guest for ten day s. Various luncheons terranean trip. and bridge games were given in her -o\Vinn etka and ·has created a great honor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bulley of Kenildeal of enth usiasm ove r the game. The -oworth have gone East to \Ve11esley. latter part of her \York was in con~li:-.s Eleanor Eckhart of Kenih,·ort~l Mass·., for the graduation of Miss Bertract hridgt.;. ~I r-. . Tuhhs is a ,,·orkcr has had Miss 'Elizabeth Crews of New enice Bulley from Wellesley college. with and a protege of Milton Work York as her guest. Last week she en-othe \Y<'ll kn()wn authority on bridge. tertained eight of her friends at InMr. and );[rs. Charles McCloud of -odian Hill Golf club for ~[i ss Cre ws. Los Angeles are in Kenilworth for Mr. and M_rs. Lee E lli s (Virginia -a1 Ridgway) of KenihYorth announce the Mrs. \\.illiam Ta vlor of Kenilworth the summer "·ith ~I r. and ~1 rs. Bentley birth of a son last week. ente rtained her brid ge club last week. McCloud. SINCE l.,,. I 18SS 1 ~f r . and ~Irs . Ed"·in Hedrick oi : 1\: L ·t lih,·,,rth with Phtht· and \farion. l1·i t Thur sda,· for Ltland. ~lich .. \\·here : lw :· han a cottage for the re:-,t of t ht· :-.utnmt·r. \ "irginia HNlrick is just n· ttrn in~ fr11m a trip to Duluth on one '·i· t hr brgt frtight boat=- which ply : l. t· 1;, kes. the gue :-; t of ] ulia Fleming 11i FYan~tnn. who:-;c fathl'r m\·n..; the 1., 1 at . \ ' irl.!ini·a \\'ill attend the -,um:" t·r :-.rh o<;l at '\""rth\\'l' . .tern uni,·t·rsi0- As Little as $120 Per Front Foot is no price penalty in purchasing a homesite THERE in the most talked-about residential developn1ent on the North Shore-with its lake frontage, its marvel ous trees, and its winding streets. $120 to $450 per front foot. Terms to suit your convenience. mile of Ravine and lake front lots, wonderful sand beaches. Lofty shore line. Luxuriant vegetation. All improvements in and paid for. Private par!~. Only 43 minutes from the Loop. Paved streets-artistic lighting system. .The finest lake front opportunity on North Shore. rluh card partio art· provin~ t il L · usual lur e to lllt mhers of the club :u11l a number of Kcnihvorth women vt1tntained last Tuesda\. .\mon g t htse wert.' ~~ rs. E. Tohn Hi cks. 1f r .. (~L·orgc Jones and\[~·.;, George KingsiL·\·. ~f rs. Hicks had a sm a ll dinner o n T u~.·, day en:ning for a fe\\· of her irit nd s \\·ho.;e husbands were hu s,· at t lH· -gc)li clubs that · e ve ning. -0- ~J,;(,ki~.· * :\f rs. Gtorgt· Maya, with hl'r iather, \I r. Brooks. and her niece. ~[i ss Vi olet \\"ild, have return ed from California. Oeere Park is not expensive. Lots n1ay be had as low as \fr~. ~fa\'l'r ts much improved in $120 per front foot. You can finance a home here. hl·a lth . Sht' is '"ith her so n. Phillip \ [ ;~ · er. in Lake Fore st until Thursdav wh e n she lcaYc s for Nrw York to This is the choicest location in the Chicago District. :--:-til on Saturday for Paris. ~fi ss \Vild Bring the family out. They will decide in favor of \\·il l :~ccompany ~f rs . ~[ayer and they Deere Park. "·il l remain abroad indefinitely. -0- of the Kenilworth bcl\'s and ~ir l~ are at h~nne from coll ege . l~ichard Tnhns ton is home from Dartmouth . .::_te<t· IP'an \\'ill ·· rd ;·nd \\' alter ~Ja rx rro111 William s, Boh Prentis s and Bruce H ulhcrt from the Uni,·ersity of M icht~· ~w. Pete Hamm from Dartmouth. Douglass Crook s ha s returned after his graduation at Knox college. Gal<'Shurg. ~r any BAIRD & WARNER Division of Community Development Telephone Superior 1855 646 North Michigan Boulevard -oEnsign and Mrs. Hamilton Howe ( ~fargaret Backus) of Kenilworth are ltappy over the birth of a daughter horn Thursday, June 16. The baby is named in honor of both grandmothers, Teresa, for Mrs. Backus, and Leigh, for Mrs. Howe. Ensign Howe is stationed at San Diego, Cal., where he has just completed a six months' aviation course. ~frs. Sidne:v Ball has just returned DEERE PARK Sheridan Road (Route 4 2) to North . Boundary of Glencoe--at the Lake -o- to Kenilworth from Aurora, N. Y., where she went to attend her class reunion at Wells college. Miss Paisley Ball has just completed her junior year at the same college.

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