__ \V I L M E T T E LI FE June 24, 1927 Name .North Shore Chairmen for : Gold and Silper Sale Unique Sale Will Be Held in October I Engaged Kathryn Brooks 'Newey Weds at Home June 25 J. The home of ~fr. and ~{rs. Frederick Newey at 436 Lake avenue will be the s~ene of the wedding of Miss Kathryn Brooks 1\ewey and Thomas Ballantyne tomorrow evening. Dr. Walter A. Morgan of the new First Congregational church of Chicago will officiate, assisted by the Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd of Wilmette. ~Iiss Harriet Newey is _ to be her sister's maid of honor. and Miss Adelaide Tenney of River Forest and ~Iiss Helen Newev will be the bridesmaids. ~-fare B. Gould of Chicago will serve as best man, and Jean Everson and Bobbv BO\·dston of Glen Etlvn will stretch the ribbons. ~ This week has been the occasion ·of a number of parties in honor of 1f i:-.:; ~e\\· ev and ~1r . Ballantyne. Mrs. Charles ~farsh and ~Jiss Doris Woodcock entertained at a bridge and linen sho\,·er at the \rVoodcock home :Mondav afternoon. ~Irs. Andrew R. Dole o( Oak Park gave a luncheon and bridge Tuesday. :\. buffet supper, follo\,·ed hv a sho\Hr for the groom, was _ given it~ Glen Ellyn that evening by Mr. and 1frs. \Yalter Boydston, and \Vednesdav ~[i:;s ~Ian- Stoddard of \Vilmette -\Ya.s hostess ·at a luncheon and handkerchief shower at the Orrington hotel. Thursday afternoon Mrs. G. L. Tenne\- of Ri\·cr Fore:;t ga\'e a. kitchen sho\~· er and thi s evening ~fr. and ~Irs. ~ewey are giving an informal buffet supper at their home for the bridal party. ~~ rs. Donald L. Ballant\·ne of Brookh·n. X. Y.. the bridegroom's mother, has been spending this week as a guest at the Xewey home. · as School Benefit· l..---------- Still Appeal for Flowers, Plants for City's Needy ~ I r '" I · Residents of Wilmette and vicinity By JEAN TEN BROECK who are contributing cut flowers !n The many parish branches of the the Chicago Plant, Flower and. Fruit \Voman's auxiliary of the ChiCago Guild for distribution to the cnppled. diocese of the Episcopal church are sick and needy will be interested in selecting their individual chairmen to an answer to the question, "Are tl1 ;,_· carry on the plans now underway for flowers appreciated?" the Gold and Silver sale to be held in This Guild sees to it that the under the loop in late October. privileged receive the flowers brought At this time of summer departures. in by people who own gardens and summer rentals, and summer changes, that are left with attendants at th·: heads of households constantly · find Guild's booth at the Chicago stati011 the disposal of certain lares and penof the Northwestern railroad near ates a debatable que~tion. To many Gate 16. This booth is open dail _\· this Gold and Silver sale, a benefit for from 7 :30 to 10 :30 in the morning exSt. ~1 a r.(!aret's school in Tokyo. cept on Saturdays and Sundays. Japan which was comple·tely destroyed Mrs. C. D. Ewer, chairman of tlw in the t'arthquake of 1923. v;ill prove: . Guild committee of the \Vilmcttt· a happy :-.olution of their what-shallGarden ·club says: The parish we-do-with-it problems. "Are the flower:; appreciated? Tha t chairmen stand ready to help and w question has been asked many tin1l' " give information. by outsiders but to several of thl' In Evanston the ~eneral chairman earnest workers from the Chicag-1) inr St. Luke's is Mrs. Vance Roberts, Plant Flower and Fruit Guild, which " ·ith ~f rs. ( harles Rees chairman for opendd its booth in the Ch~cago s~;J the Junior auxiliary, and Miss Jane tion of the Northwestern ratlroad, tnr Cluett chairman for the Evening guild. the first time this year, June 1. the ~1rs. Harry \\' ells is chairman for St. ans\\·er has come. Not only have th·· Gibson Casebeer Studio ~fark's , and ~1rs. E. C. Koogle for St. AO\nrs gone regularly into some oi The engagement oi ~!iss ~Iadeline Matthew\:. the darkest corners of our Count~· Truitt .to Willard D. Cunningham was ~{r.-;. Th:>ma!'> llanhrick is chairman hospital to make the last few l10ttr, announced recently at a luncheon and for St. Augustine's church, \Vilmette; and days more bearable for the hopl' bridge.. ~I is:-. Truitt is the dautrhter of ~1 rs. S. }) Flood for the Church .of lessly incurable patients, and intn Dr. and ~:Irs. Theodort \\'. Truitt oi the lluh· Cnmforter. Kenilworth: Mrs. wretchedly poor homes in the centL' r 511 Linden avenue, and her fiance is Harry i.... Street for Christ church, the son of ~Ir. and ).frs. \\.illarcl A, of our big smoky city-where mtr \\'innctka; ~~ rs. C. <..'. l'oldrcn for St. wonderful visiting- nurses report a n Cunningham of St . .Louis. · Elisabeth's, Glencoe; Miss Elizabeth unusual activity of the stork thi~ pa-t Towner for Trinity church, Highland month and \\·here tittle cl1ildrcn follm,Park. The chairman has not yet been Bride and Groom Elect Ate the 'distributor of flowers' . in tltt· decided upon for the Church of the street begging for 'just one ft ::)\\'er' . C l d C Holy Spirit, Lake For~st, where Mrs. Entertained Before Wedding S which they tendedy place in an . old . we di. · ummer tn o ora o .amp Alfred Granger is chairman of the P nor to t 1 1c1r ( mg tomorrow . tin can or a milk bottle and set ngh t auxiliary. evening, ~[iss Yiola Swanson and A g.roup of north shore gtrls are in their front window-also they h an· On Sunday, October 9, and again on Marshall \Vebber of \Vilmette have departtng J tll~e 29, for Ward; Col., gone to many little old crippled anrl ll a~!end Camp ~ewaka. bed-ridden grandmothers and forllln Sunday, October 16, a Gold and Silver been the guests of honor at a number :'·here they wt_ offering will be taken up in each of affairs. :\. miscellaneous shower was tor the summer. I hose who :wtll have grandfathers and cheered them h_ ,. church. The chairman will ·provide a given ior ~fiss Swanson late in July this outing are .Ruth Hinchliff, Jeanne their bright colors and fragrance. and basket into which the collections made by ~{rs. G. G. Pas ton of Chicago. Mr. Cu_lvcr, Ruth ~tng, and Jean Up~on of given to them a feeling of c :mtact with by parishioners and their friends will Wehher's mother, ).[rs. H. ~I. \\reb- \V1lmette; Ellzabeth Freudenretch of the 'g-reat out-of-doors.' her of 1219 Elmwood avenue. and his Kenilworth; ~fary Forrest, Jane Witbe poured. "One beautiful woman, \\·ho i:; g-i,·sister. ~1 i~s BettY, \Yere hostesses at son, Edwina Cadmus, Natalie Hurd, Those pieces of old gold and silver incr of 11l'r best to the children (li th·· a · kitchen shower on June 4. ~1iss and Margaret Stults of Winnetka: particularly desired are old rings, napstreet, told of a group of sixty boys tl? Swanson \Yas guest of honor at a linen Betty and Jane Henning, Laura kin rings, chains, old cuff buttons, sh(!\'rer given by Mrs. A. Rosencrans Luebke, Charlotte \Valtz, and Chris- whom she had taug-ht tl1e Wllllt' tl l watches, bracelets, pins. tea pots, vascheckers to help keep them off tiH· of Chicago June 10. ~Jiss Elizabeth tine Irwin of Glencoe. es, cream and sugar bowls, spoons, ~ilson of Glencoe gave a dinner-dact:e street occasionally. She had , .;orh:r[ forks, badges, and dental gold, which up a spirit of competition anw!1g t IH·~n at the Edgewater Beach for Mr. \Veb- Give Ride for vets is of greater carat than any other. her and promised prizes to the tour h1i-!· and ~[iss s. .vanson June 17, and Any article which its possessor does ~Irs. A. G. J. Rapp of Evanston enThe regular meeting of the \Vilmettc winners. For prizes she chose four not care to have sold. because of past tertained at a miscellaneous shower \Voman's club ·committee for friendly perfect roses, each with a .lov~ly fern. a;-;sociation, may be marked "for the June 20. ~frs. \Vebher gave a surprise co-operation with ex-service men took and checker hoards tlnnkmg tlw Il.t Iting pot o~ly." After the gifts haYc bach~lor party for her son Tuesday place Monday. June 13, at the home of hoards would he f:1irlv d l' , \. our t' d. been gathered at the church they wilt ev<:ning. and Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. 1f rs. A. J. Nystrom, when arrange- hut to her astonishment. the hoy . : he _ent to the ·sorting and appraising Swanson of -Rogers Park, the bride's ments were made for a motor partv for pure joy \vas so great in their rlnwl·r committee, oi which ).frs. Paul Noyes father and mother. are giving the some of the disabled veterans for Tues- th;:~t even the coveted boards were is chairman, and passed upon, before bridal dinner this evening at their day afternoon of this past week. At forgotten! \Vhen sunshine can ht· being sent to the store for a two-day hom~. that time six members of the com- hrmwht into so manv live·s and ·rn'n sale. mittee entertained twenty-one young rotwh ~treet boys can so prize 'ju:-.t The ceremony will be performed at Proc..:eds from the sale are to help 8:15 o'clock at the Unity Evangelical men from Great Lakes hospital at a one flower' shouid not our luxuriou-;1:-· re-build ~t. ~1argaret's. and comfortably housed suhurhan_itt· . Lutheran church of Edgewater, with a ride to 1f unclelein. he th . . nkful that women oi insight recention following at the Admirai have devoted so much of their time t() hotel. M aeries Next Wednesday the rise of so valuable an organizatit)ll Marc ella Mettler Wears Next Wednesday evening at 8:30 ~"' the Chicago Plant, Flower and o'clock, in the Church of the Holy Fruit ~uild, and share with other;-; Heirloom Wedding Lac.e Engagement Announced Comforter. Kenilworth, Miss Winifred their flowers and fruits..;_and bu~y 11r. and Mrs. Frank W. Cherrv of \Vearing an old rose point lace yoke worn by her mother at her wedding, Kenilworth announce the engagement Bilsland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. father<; consider it an non or to carry and the lace veil worn by her grand- of their daughter, .T eannette, to William Benjamin F. Bilsland of 1228 Elmwood into Chicago a bundle of flowers even mother when she was married, M1ss Marshall Branch, son of John W. avenue, will marrv Httrrh Mackellar tl10ugh wrapped in newspaper? "Please do not forget that Tuesda,· Marcella Mettler, daughter of Dr. and Branch of Evanston. Miss Cherry, who Robinson, son of Mrs. William Colin Robinson of Chicago. Following the is the day of each week that w:tmettl' Mrs. L. Harrison Mettler of 1119 attended the University of Wisconsin, ceremony the wedding reception will be is resnonsible for flowers to be disSheridan road, Hubbard Woods, was is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, held at Indian Hill club. · tributed among the needy of Chicagn married to Franklin Curtney Ellis of and ~fr. Branch was a Phi Delta Theta a round Httll house and the NorthRochester, N. Y., son of Dr. and M r-;. at the Cniversity of Illinois. Betrothed western settlement." William T. Ellis of Swarthmore, Pa., on Wednesday, June 22. The wedding ~1 r. and ~f rs. George H. Bird. 1010 Dr. and Mrs. John Birk of Edgetook place at the Mettler home at Chestnut avenue, are giving a dinner water announce the engagement of 5 o'clock, with only the immediate dance at SkokiP rlub t0m~rrr"v f'V"- their daughter, Margaret Helen. to Hostess at Musicale families and a few intimate friends ning in honor of Mr. and :Nirs. E. Jack- Frederick S. Rye, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Adam W. Crawford of 710 attending. Dr. John R. Crosser of son Case who have come from their Frederick A. Rye of 1015 Chestnut Central avenue is to be hostess at a Chicago and Dr. James Austin Rich- home in China for a visit in the United avenue. The wedding will take place musicale and tea this afternoon at the States. ards read the ceremony. in August. Evanston Golf club. ~\. t~ · . . "