Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jun 1927, p. 19

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June 24, 1927 I WILMETTE LIFE battleship linoleum. Cut off from the) ·:·---m-m_m_m ___ a_._......~m---L -·-~-~-~-. NORTH SHORE ADOPTS main compartment in each car is a ················································· + . smoking compartment with flooring ·· + · ,"BUCKET SEAT" CARS of non-inflamable rubber tiling. + · -r- 19 Newest Feature Designed to Add to Comfort of Passengers; Teat Color Schemes An inno,;ation in riding com fort for passengers at regular rates has been introduced on the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee railroad-the North Shore line-with the placing in service of a type of de luxe passenger car new to railroad equipment. The out standing feature of these cars is the in stallation of individual "bucket type" scat s uphol stered in a grey material of plu sh and wool called Byzantine plush. Individual "bucket type" seats have been used previously only in de luxe motor coaches and private pleasure cars. Their adoption on thi s highspec d electrically-operated railroad marks a new d~parture in insuring maximum comiort and convenience for the traveler. The use oi the cars Ill r e~ular service, place s thi s added fa cility at the command of the rider at no additional expense. Several of the se .new tn1e cars arc now in use on the Korth Shore line in regular !> en-ice between Chicago and ).1 il·waukee. Each car has fiftv onc individual scat s. Interio r decor~ ).Irs. G. T. Shuster. 854 Sheridan tions of the cars are in natural mahogany, with white headlining. The main road, entertained at a luncheon and compartment floor is equipped with bridge vVednesday. June 22. Latest Safety Devices All the car,s are equipped with motors and embrace the latest safety devices. Both electric and hot water heating systems are · installed, with thermostatic control for maintaining an even temperature in cold weather. Auxiliar~; hattery lights insure proper illumination at all times. Another feature of the cars now in service ~n the. North Shore line is the painting of the exteriors in lighter shades for the purpose of making visability tests. The predominating color is orange, with green and brown trimmings, largely reversing the present color scheme of green bodies and orange trimmings. Officials of the company are making these tests with a , view to ascertaining the co 1or scheme which wi1l in sure the greatest measure of safety in .operation. "Placing of the se de luxe passenger cars in scn·ice is in keeping v;ith the policy of the !\orth Shore line to giYc its customers the hest possible service." said General ~tanager John F. Egolf. "Our aim is to comhinc speed of operation with the utmost com·enience and comfort for our customers. Our reputation as the 'Road of Service' has been built on continuous efforts to impro,·e the facilities at the command of the traveling puhlic." + + I i + I: 1+ + I + I + + : Frederick E. LeWis ·Co. : + Funeral Directors and M otticians . uwe Understand,_, .. · · : · · + · 1+ + + + : · · + I · I + + 1+ I + I :: I I : . · ; · : : · + + Twenty-three years of careful, scientific research in this field have enabled us to surpass in our profession · the re· quirements of the most exacting public .... qualifying us to render a careful, courteous an~ conscientious service. I ~ ' ·· + ·~ : + + + : Our new fleet of DeLuxe Limousines is the most dignified to be had. : · : .. · + + + + + Ambulance Service DeLuxe, located in Wilmette, is a tribute to the long-felt need, centrally located to all north : shore towns .. .. assuring immediate and moderately priced · · · servace. -+ I · : · · · + + · : + New enlarged Chapel, Parlor and Display Room. n . ·I..J. _L~-1 T .L ~ UeLi{Plu UL .LBLce .LrlpS Va Mo$1-Direct Route to Summer of . l_ ltlmrtl NORTHERN. MICHIO 1 ' SurnmM' Schedule-SDUinll# C.,.trol Stondord Tllne li ! MnA~;.D~,;ewi· + + + + : · :::::~·:: ~~:. Parlor Phone , "·~:::::~/... i : -·=· + + + + ·:·------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy. 5between Sailings Each Week Chicaco and Northem Mlchlcan Su··er Resorts wla our larae, modern steelstea·shlps Steel Steamship "MANITOU" The popular· lake liner will sail from Chicago every Monday at 4 :00 p.m. and Friday at 5 :00 p.m. offering expreaa aervice to Glen Haven, Charlev01x, Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Bay View and Wequetonsing. On Monday sailings service is extended to Northport,TraverseCity, St. lgnace ·.Macki~c Island, Detour and ~ult Ste. Marie - on Fnday sathngs through to Mackmac Island. Sailings (Southbound) from Sault Ste. Marie, Wednesdays 10:00 p.m. and from Mackinac lsl~d, Thursdays 8:00 a.m. and Saturdays 11:00 p.m., amv·ing Chicago Fridays and Mondays 8:00 a.m. To help you catch The Big Ones Chandler's have a complete line of excellent fishing tackle. In anything you could possibly need from a jeweled reel to a sinker you will find a varied assortment to choose from. Most good fishermen have a definite idea as to what tackle they want -that's why we have this large selection for you to choose from. Steel Steamshlp"PURITAN" The fast and commodious lake liner will sail, from Chicago every Mon. Wed. and Sat. at 6_p.m. offering O.ernlaht Direct S.rYice to'Ludington, Hamlin Lake, Epworth Heights, Manist~, Onekama, Por~ge Point and Frankfort. Motor coachconnect1ons for Pentwater, Hart, Shelby, Arcadia and intermediate pointa. Service extended to Harbor SorirutS on Wedn~ay aailinp. Low Round Trip Fares. Summer Sehedule now in Effe('t. Automobile:,; earrit>d ~n all Stt-amers at ~ow ra tt-H. Call or write for folde-r and full lnformat10n. )((('HIG A'S 'fR 1 \ XSIT ('ORPOIL\TJON B. J. KennedY, G.-n'l. Pass. Agt., ~. W. End .Municipal Pier, Chieago. Phone All D'partment:,; Supf'rior 7800: ("ity Tit'kt.~t Offiet>, 116 So. Dearbor~ St. Tickets ~<!~~ and re:,;en·ations made at all principal Railroad ru:ket Offiees, Steamship and Tourist Agencles. Here Are a Few of the Many -Good Buys$1 5.00 Mar hoff Reel .................... $11.25 6.00 Chicago Level Winding . . . . . . . . . . . 3.75 2.50 Black Knight Silk l.,ine . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.90 5.00 Steel Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25 All new baits, plugs and spoOns for all kinds of fish. FISHING TACKLE 2nd. Floor "J Pboae University 1Z3 ·Chandler's 838 Davis S~t

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