Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIFE June 17, 1927 MAIN ST. ORDINANCE VOTE AGAIN DELAYED Lutheran Leader ·Visits English Lutheran Church Considerable interest attaches to the visit to the Wilmette Eng~ish Lutheran church of Rev. M. L. Sttrc\valt, D. D., professor of missions. at the Maywood Lutheran Theol<?g1cal seminary, Maywood, Ill., who ts. to preach the sermon Sunday mornmg. June 19. Special music has been ranged. A large attendaq.ce is . expected. t o hear Dr. Stirewalt, ·w ho ts recogmz~d ;tS one of the leading pulpit orators 111 Lutheran circles. · Dr. Stirewalt is a nati\'c of Virginia. He comes of a family of Lutheran pastors who served for three gencrat ion :' in his native state. BARGES BROS. Offer Wonderful Phones Wilmette 159 Wilmette 2306 (Continued from page 1) FOOD VALUES Sc c~~~:~ ~~~-~~s._ ....................... Sc . s~~~tc_~: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 29c NEW POTATOES, 99C T~~~!J~~~: .......................... ISc 'r;!!c~~~:.~:~~~· .................. 25c R~~~~:~~: ............................. Sc ~~)~~!~?~~·......................... 25c L~!~!~~Y.· Hk ...................... Sc L~~~~~· ............... ... . .......... 29c swEET cANTALouPEs, Oc 1 p~~~~E~.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c APRICOTS, 39c s~!!~ ~-~~-~.s,_ .: ................... 39c s':a~!~ ~~~~RI~s,_ .................. 39c R~~xR~.S~~~~~IE~, .............. . . . 29c B~!~~~~~~~.~~: ..................... 29c s~~!i".~~~~~~~·..................... 23c RADISHEs, bttllCh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ..... · · · SJ>ccial sale. fir111, \vhite, 1)eck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 1sr. the Public Service committee and the Village Attorney for consideration and report. The hoard voted to retain Arthur Young and company, accountant s, to audit the books of the Villag-e at a cost of approximately $400. Authorization was given to the granting of a permit to the Standard Amusement company to conduct a -carnival early in July on Ridge a\·enue, near Lake avenue, under auspices of Peter ]. Huerter Post of the American Legion. Specifications for resurfacing of Ya- "Dream Star"· Wins Race rious streets in the village were reat Sheridan Shore Club quested in a motion presented by Earl T. De~foe's "Dream Star" won Trustee Ernest C. Cazel, chairman of fir st place in the Sheridan Shore the Streets and Alleys committee. Yacht club Star class race held from Would Boost Dog Tax the \Vilmette harbor Saturday, June Trustee Hans vonReinsperg, ch~ir 11. \h/. C. Danforth's "Katy Did:: man of the Public Service committee, came in second, .while '·No:th ~~ar, Anintroduced an ordinance . e s tabli ~ hing owned by Sam Goss. was thtrd. the fee for dog licenses at $5. Action cona." owned by William Bauer, too.k on the ordinance was delayed until the the Pup class race. Another race 1s next meeting of the board. scheduled for Saturday, June 18, at 3 Bids for the redecorating ui tht· up- o'clock. · per floor of thL· Village hall \n:rc n.·~ 1 ceivcd and action in the matti.'r (It . ~fr:'. ~.!ollie K. Foreman and Mtss a\Yarcling thL' \\·ork deferred . 1 ).[. Louise Robinson of the fa.culty of Fire Chid Zibblt· was authorized to ! tht· .foseph St:··rs .school, will _lca.~·l attend the annual sc hool L)i in stru c- shortly for Cahforma wher.e the ) "1l tion·nf fire chiefs. held annually a t thi s 1 visit with friends and relatives. I season ni thenar at the lni\'crsit,· of ' - - - - - - - - - - : - -- j Illinoi s. . The pay of the regular firemen \\'a.-. lh action oi tilt· board. at the s u .~..:·- increased $5 a month . I gc~tion oi Trustee Jnlp1 F. \Vicdlin, Bid ~ for the installati~n of St~p and chair111an oi the Fin.· committee. t\\'o Go signal s at the \VJlmett e.-Cc ntral fire captaincir~. one for each oi the hu:--inc::ss intersection ,,·ere rcc e1v cd and I , tm, ~hiits of thl.· dt·partmt·nt. \\'tT C au- act ion on the award dd err c'l tc, tht· j thorizl'd \\·ith P <~Y :-.et at $17S a nwn th . llL'Xt !11t"l'ting oi th e hoa rd. 1 *- 2()c, lSc .......................... . I· . l)asket ' - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . ·. Vacation Time \\.iII il "(.' Ya ('a t i () 11 t i Ill e fur y () l1 ? tr i till' i () r n. "' t. time to sprncl at the hrach. time f(lr plca ~ ttr l' trip~. time for uther thing- ~. all are po~~il>lc i i yon " ·ill rely on th fur your baking-. Th(.' jqJ ]n,,·ing are httt a few of the g-ood things "(' . h<~\·c to place hcion· yutt during the sttmilllT 11lOllth:--. Home Made Bread--rich and creamy in texture. color and fla vor-heca usc it i :-; made f r.om on] v the hcst of matcriab. BEVERAGE SPECIALS CANADA DRY GINGERALE, dozen ...... $2.13 MORAND DRY GINGERALE, 'dozen .... $1.43 WHITE ROCK, dozen .................. $2.13 Dainty Cakes-Lady Finger:-;, . \lmond 1\[aca rouns. Angel Food, Butter Sponge Cake. and Heal I lome ~laue Layer Cakes 111 a variety of Sill'S. Free Deliveries on All Orders. Picnic Specials S a n d w i c h J~read, \\'hole \\'h 'c at. Bran, Rye. and a variety of fruit and nut hreads, Sandwich Rolls, as well as a large ,·arid,. of other rolls for your lunch at home. BARGES BROS. 635 Main Street Wilmette West across the tracks from the Wiltnette Station. The Wilson Bakery Phones Wilmette 159 Wilmette 2306 1162 WILMETTE AVENUE PHONE 414

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