Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, p. 43

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June P'. 1927 WILMETTE ·· LIFE 43 from Legion members and in numerous OUTLINE WILMEnE'S \Vilmette stores and shops. ·Residents to buy: tickets in advance JULY FOURTH PROGRAM arc to insure·· good seats, as well urge~ Summer Session ~r Gr~de Child.reQ Starts June 20 R. M. Johnston Announces Real Estate Transactions "' · · ~.s b~n Summer school ·for children of WitR. M. Johnston and -company anefit by a re9uce'd rate on tickets sold mette d~siring to attend classes during nounce the sale of the following: Field Events, Special Entertain- in ach·ance of the celebration. The 109 foot lot at the northwest the summer month s will be opened on ment for Kiddies, and Band Monday, June 20, it was announced corner of Sheridan road and Laurel Two. Wrecked in Concert on Schedule this week. In addition to the regular avenues for A. G. Ferrarinni. Kenilworth Accident school work there will also be a class I The 0. B. Stebbins 100 foot lot on Field <:v<.:nts, a had concnt and :-;peAn ac.cident in which a car owned bv in Kindergarten and primary occupa- Leicester road, Kenilworth, near Oxcial entertainment f(,r th . . children of 1 the Yillagc are on thl· ~chcdule ior George Bowker, 443 ~- Ridge avenue, tional work for children from 4 to 7 ford road. wrecked: anChicago, was completely A 50 foot piece of vacant on Gregyears, at the Central school. The \\.ilnictte's 1927 community Fourth oi machine dri,·en by Charles Kell- classe s \vill be in charge of Mrs. Gil- ory avenue near Thirteenth street for .I uly celebration. acconling to Dr. \V. other er, 820 Greenwood avenue, \Vilmettc. \Y. Ha\\'kins, commandtr ~i \Yilmett c Alma Hansen . was badly damaged and Bowker re - bert and 1Iiss Flentye. Post of the American Lc:gi\lll. which While the regular course will be ior A 45 foot lot on Dobson street. Evceived injuries neces sitating medical a: has the arrangement:- ior th.... day's tention occurred at the intersec tion oi a period of six weeks, · c h ildren will he 1 anston, for J. G. ] ohnstou to M. L. act irities in charge. \\.arwick road and ~1clr ose awnnc admitted to the different classes for Finley at a consideration of ·$9,000. [t is hoped to inauguratl· th{: .Fowth in Kenilworth late Thnrsclay e \·cnin~. any length of time. Providing there are program with a hall gamt· i11 the morn- June 9. a sufficient number sign up for it, 11 r. Georgie Jones, son of Mr. and ing, although this feature is as yet inAt the timt: oi the accid<:nt. the training classes \Vill also be 11rs. George Jones, 318 Oxford road. manual (kfinite. Keller machine \ras proceeding east on conducted. Registration may be effect- Kenilworth, is afflicted with that anoyThe afternoon will find young and :\felrosc avenue, while the Bowker <;ar ed through the regular sc hool offices. ing malady known as the mumps. old of the village assembled on the wa s being driven south on \Varwick Village Green for the field events in road, the two colliding at the intersecwhich there will be race s and contt:-.ts tion oi the streets. Bowker was taken EDITH BIDEAU NORMELLI ior all ages, v.·ith prizes for the \Yin- to the E,·anston hospital where he reConcert Soprano-Teachtt of Voice ners d_onated by \Vilmette business ceived trca tment for minor brui ses and will continue teaching throughout the summer people. 'fhe Legion will have the co- cuts. -SPECIAL INTENSIVE COURSEoperation of the \Vilmette Playground Engagements Secured for Professional Pupils and Recreation board sta ff in this pDENROLL NOW gram. A band concert is to follmr Camp Wilmette to Open and there is planned a !-> lH~c ial enter · Summer Season June 27 Studio Building, 1718 Sherman Avenue t ainment (including rei n.:~ hnH·n t s) for \Vilmctte boys and girls arc anticiEvanston, Ill. the little folks. pating keenly the opening of Camp Photws: ~tudio, Greenleaf 3523 - ~esidt-n('t', lTniYersity 7278 Evanston Invites Us \Vilmettc at Paw Paw lake, ~Iich., for fn the evening \Vilm<:ttc is invited the current season. The bovs \viii go to to join v..·ith Evanston in it s spectacu- camp on June 27 and rc.:ma.in until July lar Fourth of Juy celebration in Dyche II. The girls will enter camp on July Stadium on Central street. where there II and remain until July 25. i..; to be a program of light cntt·rtainThe camp, which is optn to all the ment followed by a prettntious pyro- boys and girls in the· village, is ownccl technic di splay, morl' commonly hv tl1e \Vilm ctte Parish \ll'thodist termed'. firew orb . The \\.ilm cttt Ll'g - church and it s activities arc in charge \ ion post is co-operating \\'ith the E,·_ oi a trained group se lected by a special an:-.ton Legionnaires and the K0rth committee of people in the parish. Apl·:,·anst(Jfl Improvcm<:nt a:--~ociation in plications arc to be made at once at this evening program . Ticket:-. pro\'id - the church ort1ces. \\'ilmctte and Lake ing inr resl'rved seats will ht: a\·ailable a venues. Cars ~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... ,... roo:r...., ·'~~............. -) - Footwear for the Coming Season J{ealth and nerq1J for Thunq and Old T Wilmette 55 HERE is no better, surer way to build and maintain sturdy health than to drink fresh milk. Doctors advise a quart a daf. They say milk is especially eff~c tive in building resistance to dasease. If you want good ~ilk-milk that is always fresh, nch and pure, drink Bowman's Milk. It is the finest health drink of ail. 'THE MAIZE A smart one-strap pattern-that clings tigl1t to the heel. Featured in Black Kid, White Kid, Patent Leather, Grey Kid, and Grey Suede. 4 to I o AAAA to D. Start drinking Bowman'~ Milk to· day. You'll like it with every meal. Telephone o~r nearest distributing station or order from one of our courteous milkmen. flR(}I~!Pfll SHOP Inc. 630 Church St. Evanston FOR 51 Mill\. DAIA.Y COMPANi Y~AR_S ~~_ STANDA~D OF QUALITY

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