Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, 40a

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June li, 1927 WILME'FTE LIFE J 40a . . 1\ohert :Mas~n, formerly of Chicago. past year, increasing the company's Five additional appointments of note ~:-- .now occupymg the new se\re n-room \Yith \\'ilmette's annual comnnmi:Y I to the facu1ty of Northwestern unilmck house, with tile roof, at 491 Oak- total to 359,672, ac-cording to the 1927 dale an~nne, Glencoe, which he pur- P.uj)l~c Service Year Book, now . being holiday-known as \Vilmette Dav_:_ I versity 1fedica1 srlwol are announced dtstrtbuted to investors . in the com- (l!)OUt two !nonths in the offing, the by D~an Ir.'·ing- ~- c.uttcr. Intensive cha .~ed recently of Albert Kloepfer. pau.,v's lhamber ot Commerce ha launched work 111 vannus sctenttfic fields hencetllmugh Frank A. Reid, of 954 Lindtn . persons.securities and other interesttd upon elaborate plans for the festive forth . \\'ill he redoubled with the aiel an·nue. Hubbard \Voods. ~he book contains thirty pages Oil occasion \\'ith an intere st and deter- of these tncn. it is stated. Dr. Arthur ::\! r._ Reid also reports the sale of wluch appear numerous photographs mination that bodes well for the most T. Kendall, professor of bacteriology t IH· t·tght-room stucco and frame resiof th.e .company's properties, concise a~spicious program ever arranged for at vyashington university. has heen <_lence at 475 Oakdale annue, Glencoe. descrtptton of expansion projects in- stmtlar cYCnts in the village. apl?omtecl research professor of bactormerly owned by Karl ?\L Becca. to ~erconnection developments and b~ildGeneral Chairman Dr. Charles B. ~enology at_~ ~orthwestern Medical Jo_l m J. Klauke, who took possession tng programs completed during 1~26. Blake summoned his committee chair- ::.choo.t. Dr. ~encl~ll. for so many year~ t 111:' \\·eek., A map of the 6,000 square miles of men .into conference ~{onday evening ~ssfcdated \\'!th Northwestern as medOthtr recent sa le s by 1\1 r. Reid were Illinois territory served by ?f thts \\'eek at \Yhich time the various !ca .. can. to take up. work the: northwest corner of Oakdale an'- ~bts company, together with a list of teature s of the day of jollification Hl lu!:i. chosct.l field-:-the behavJOr of IIltl' and Randolph street. Glencoe. tts 286 customer-communities, is a fea- were discus sed and the actual program bfcte:ta,l stu~lted pfart.Jcularlv frKom the 0 ~4 h~· 1~0 feet . sold 'for Karl 1f. Be cca ture of the publication. of preparations put into OI) e r a t'ton. c ~ctmca pomt VIC\\'. Dr. endall Th Will ha,·e an adequate staff for intento Chn s Chns~en . who ,,·ill impro,·c e cover of the book is attracti~ely \\·e.~lnesday, August 17, has been se t sh·e research in this fi,eld. thl'_ property_ w1th a seven-room brick t co ored and of a ~h~ckerboard destgn, as \\ tlmette Day this Year. The Viiresidence, wtth two baths; a Spa 11 ist't each s.quare contammg a figure repre . . lage Green \\'CSt of the -HO\\·ard school Dr. \Y. T. 1 Bo\'ie, associate professor :'-tyk hou se which he will hnild for ~entatt.v~. of the company or some of . will be the sce ne of considerable ac- of hio-pll\·sics at Harvard university, tht market. tivity during the day, what with hall come; to Xorthwestern Medical school 1ts ;ct1y1hes. . Full .mformalt?n :\!so, the south\\'tst corner oi Drexel officers, games and field events on the pro- a:; professor of bio-physics: Dr. ancl Vernon avenues. Clcncnl·. 100 IJ\· executrye. orgamzatiOns and financial gram. \Yhile the American I l'"ion nll\·ie's researches in physics, chemisf k . ' r-. · tr~· and physios applied to biology 140 ~eet, for Dan DeY elin. of Chicag 1;, status IS tncluded · grove on ,a ·e avenue, JUSt west ot han' opened up an entirely new aveto <.. harles H . Dunlap, oi \\'innetka. the Ridge, \vill. as usual. attract the nue of approach to many pressing ~I r. Dnt1lap has already broken ground iun- ~cc kers to the various concc:;;sinns medical problems. An institute of tor the erection of an English ty·)e Open Children's School and the dance pavilion. phy:'iothcrapy probabh· will be devel~tucco house of six room s and i,~·o at Kindergarten College Onc of the outstanding ieat ures of oped under Dr. Bovie's direction . baths, which he is huilclin~ inr th,_. Dr. Hamilton R. Fishback, for many ..}he Children's school of the National the day will be the dog and wagt) n 111ark t. ~~ndergarten and Elementary college race. To this contest the childreti are year~ patholog-ist at Wesley hospital, ..\!bert llus. chc:r l1a~ purchased wtll open Monday. June 20, for a four- urged to bring their favorite canin~ ·come:' to Xorthwestern on a full time ~~·o !n ·Ralph M. Taylor. through ~fr. week summer term. The larrre cool pets .(wagon attached). A fine prize basis as associate professor of path1u·td, a 50 by 1-W font l·1t on the north rooms of Harrison hall, ai1d tl~e 'shadv a\\'aits the \\'inner. Those \Yi shing to ology. Dr. Fishback's eminent quali~idl' of D rcxel aventtL', Ckncot.:. 200 playground, afford an ideal cnviron·- cntcr this event \\'ill be a sked to regi:;- fications are well known to many of IL'tt west of GreCil\YOn<l. on "·hich he m.ent. ior this summer sess ion, which ter at the Chamber of Commerce the alumni and his appointment \ll.'ill '"ill crec~ a six-room l·:ngli sh typ~ ~nil. mclude the nurscr.v school and offices prior to the day of the race. add greatly to the strength of the house, With two baths. 'l'hi:-; improY c- Jllt110r department. E. A. Dannemark of the Danncmark pathological department. Electric shop t~ to have chan~l' oi Dr. Harry Culver, who has achieved m~'nt will also he ior the n1arkct. this feature. · considerable distinction in the field of }.fr. R eid has al~o leased the re siurology join~ that department at <_kncc at 780 Locust street. \\'innctka. WINS LINTHICUM AWARD North\\'estern universitv as assistant 1or ~fr s . C. ]. Knapp t o I. Schu 111 an: . T.he Linthicum Prize A\\'ard. conprofessor of urology. Dr. Culver and tilL· store ro om in the.: new Linden ~htmg of a purse of $1.000 and a Dr. Louis F.. Schmidt wilt co-operate l·ourt apartment tn Mis s Frances Carl- hronz~ medal. wa s announced Thur sin clinical clerk instruction on the "'111 . ior a beauty parlor. and a four- day mght. June 1(i. at the annual banwards oi St. Luke's hospital. r,·nnl apartment in the :-ame building qu~t 0 ~ the alumni oi :\'L1rthwestern Dr. G. L. Foster comes from the Unit·· :\ . l'. Jnn·ll. ~f r. J e\\·c ll recent)~· unt\'er.tty La"· sc hool at the Furniversity of California as associate pro:-lt!(l his residence at 809 Locu st street . ture 1fart club. Clucago. The winner To\\'11 and Go\\·n " ·ill mingle this \\as Stephen Da,·i;;;, solicitor to the defessm~ oi bio-chemistry with the deSaturday when former ;.;tttdenb a:;~cm 1 partment of bi o-chemistry. of the l !)~r.tmct~t. of commerce at \Vashington. hle for Alumni Day. one oi the fea"Don't Hog the Road," ).fedical school. He has done considerl. hts pnzc wa s fottt~decl in memory of tures of the commt·ncl'ment prngram able Wllrk in blood =-ugar and in harC harlcs Clarence Lmthicum. an alumPlea to Motoring Folk litis of thl' La\\' . ~chool of the class of of Xorth\\'l'Stern uniYersit,·. mones and vitamin:' . During- the war From the time that the annual Phi he :'l'nl'd \Yith the chemi-cal warfare " l> 0~1 ·t lwg- tht· road." The a\·erage l~R2, who dice!' in 1917. He was coun . Beta Kappa meeting is held at 9:30 in .,llllt on~t na:c.ts plenty of physical hazdi,·i:'ion. s~·l t~ tl.H~ Cnited State~ Steel corporaarr!:- '.vh·n trawling- without haYing ltlm 111 tt s patent affairs. and had be r n the morning at Annie 'May Swift hall, t~ he on sha rp look-out for the pcr- president of the Patent T.aw A:' soria- until Ia te at night when evening festivities have concluded a day crowded Driver Gets Fine as . . t~tvnr "r1·ad ho;r" ac('ording to a hul- ti< n of Chicago. with celebration and reunion: the Gmvn le_tin just is ~ ued b\· Si ).faYCr. president Result of Motor Crash \Yill haYe possession of the Town. ·I! the :\utomohile Club of Illinois. MAKE GARDEN POOLS \\'hen C. Y. Farmer, of 315 Oakwood The general alumni dintier will be Thi_~ practice which is prevalent by The interest of ~orth Short:' home held at the Orrington hotel at 6 in the aHnuc. Highland Park, driving a car "l·lhsh ancl though ties~ motorists and in emhelli:dunent~ for evening. Alumni oi the School of r'n '"hich \\'. \\·. Ralev, of 611 Deerfield tlJL·ir :-tuhhornne:-.s in refu:'ing to pull to beautifier:' ~rrounds and gardens has aroused con- Music will cline together ·a t that hour awnttl'. also of Highland Park, was a tllt' right on hearing a signal from a _t::I r approaching inyariahh· leads to si1lcrable enthu sia . 111 for the work of at the North Shore hotel. while the. pass.e nger. crashed into a towing the M. and M. Construction company. School of Speech alumni · will have truck from the Richardson's g:trat!e ~f mi:;haps. · · The violators should he punished in ThP. firm specializes in garden pools, their reunion supper at that time a1 ?24 Elm street, \Vinnetka, Mr. R~ley wa-s thrown through the windshield of l·wry in:-.tance; a fine penalized so that smoothly ·oted . or asphalted · and has Annie May Swift hall. facilities for fitting out the pools with thQ' iormer machine. carefulness would he dis,Piayed by \Yater lilies and other aquatic flowers., The attnual meeting of the board of The wreck ·occurred at Sheridan t ht:~l' same fi~.:nclish drivers who satisSwimming pools are also a feature trustees will be held at 10 o'clock in and Tower roacts, \Vinnetka, Sunday j~· their own desire at the cost of othHarris hall. · At 12 :30 the annual t:rs. Everv automobile owner is en- of .the M. and 1f. sen·ice. The unique Alumni Day Parade will be in order on evening at 8:50 o'clock. Ra.ley wa~ character of the ~en·ice offered ma ~ rut about the face and head.. His t itlecl to the same consideration of the he inspected in many local grounds oJ r the campus. At 1 o'clock the alumni \\'Ounds were treated by Dr. ~ J a)· M . public hig-hway, aud in no event is luncheon and business meeting will "road hogging" or pulling in or out of through representatives of ·the com- he held in the Uni,·ersity gymnasium, Garner at the police station in Winpany at 522 Davis str~et. Evanston. . t r:1 fti<' lanes permissible. the baseball game · will be played at 4 netka. Farmer was held by the police and o'c_lock. and class and fraternity re.\ meeting of the North Shore Real ENTERTAIN FOR BRIDE uniOns be in order in the early evening. on the following afternoon at 4 o·clock . Estate board will he held at the Lake· Miss J eanctte \Yeis of 1529 ElmThe meeting of the School of Speech was fined $35 .and costs by: Police ·S hore Terrace next. Monday evening, wood avenue, \Vho i~ · t o be married on alumni will take place at 5, and the 1la~istrate C. T. Northrup on ia charge ·June 20. The QuestiOn of whether or June 22 to Lester Carroll of \Vinnetka an~ual alumni reading at 7:30. Presi- of disorderly conduct. : t. not July and August meetings should was guest of honor at a luncheot; dent Scott and Mrs. Scott will give he held, will he discussed. It is ex bridge and sih·er sho\\'er giYen at the their · annual reception at the gymTO WED NEXT WEEK I pected also that the proposed. new Nort~ Shore hotel Saturday by a ·group· nasium between 9 and 11, and the garThe marriage of Miss Eliza: Ritten·-: :members for the orga111zatton ,,..,,11 he of fncncls. Miss Weis was also enter- den party,. which the Associate Aluml1ause, daughter of Mr. a~d Mrs. :yotcd upon. t~im:~~l at a miscellaneous shower by nae will give to all friends of the ··uni-· \Va~ne' Rittehhause of Bourb(>n. Ind .. ·her · stsler, Mrs. \\'illiam Seigel of 305 versity, will be held in the Shakesto Robert H. \Vienecke. son of Henrr ~eventeenth street Monday evening. : \[embers of the Wilmette Opera peare garden between 4 and 6. ('. vVienecke of 680 Vernon . avenue. ·a nd Drama club were guests of Mr. Glencoe, will take place on 'Uhursda)" Sunday the ·baccalaureate sermon and Mrs. Reginald H. A. Green, 318 Mrs. Rumsey Trezise of \Vashington, will be preached by the Rev. Horace t>vening of next "·f'ek at 8 :30i o'cloc~G: Park avenue. Wilmette . on Saturday, D. C., has been the guest ·of her sisGreeley Smith of Wilmette, and the The ceremony will be performed ~t . June 11. Cecil Morgan, retiring direc- tcr, Mrs. M. H. McMillen, 1010 Lin69th annual commencement exercises the Glencoe Union church by the Revi. ~or, was guest of honor. Mr. Morgan den avenue, for several weeks. Mrs. witt. be· held at the- l:Jniversity gym- D. H. Cornell. A sm~ll re~~ption wH! ~\!r·as prese'rited· wi~h.. a doc~, ~iven lii~ M.cM1llen's ·d·ao:ghter-; ··-·M·rs:-· "WaYren nasJUm at 10:30 Monday morning. The fnl1ow at the North Shore hotel. Mr: hy the membe~s m apprec1atton of hts Ftfer, of Minneapolis, and her chitspeaker will be Cha:ncellor E. H. Lind- Wienecke and his bride are to ntalCe . goq_d w~rk .~ur,mg_ the past three. years. dr~_n . .. arrived last Friday to visit her thei'r home in- GToncoe. ·-:::: · ·-·: :..:. ::-~:~ley,: Ph:.:D.~ " LL. D; ~- ....· ·, .... Mrs. ~-e-m· rrmde- the- pRse-ntation. · ·-· -mother:--~-:~·~:.:'::.··:.·:· ·.. :.::-:...:...-.: . ..;· .: ... .. Frank A. Reid· in ; Add 43,000 Customers to PUSH HOLIDAY PLANS Add Noted Experts Public Service in Year Many Realty Deals Nearly 43,000 new customers were Annual Wilmette Day Promises to Be I F a c u 1 t y Staff of by the Public Service ComBeat Ever; Dog and Wagon Race ' N lj 716 d· S h [ in Glencoe Area acquired pany of N9rthern Illinois during the Among Interesting Features · · ltl e tC C 00 N~rthern return~ ~oncerning N. U. Commencement Exercises Will Get Underway Saturday

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