40 WILMETTE LIFE June 17, 1CJ27 Carpenter intend to take a short trip before they will be at home at 1516 Hinman avenue, Evanston, on Scpt~m ber 10, and will take a longer trip west later. Among the many . affairs preceding the nuptials, a tool ~ bower for thi: "Carpenter" was given by Olive Lath rop Grover, a member of the l\ t\\· Trier faculty, on Monday, June 6. On Tuesdav evening Mrs. E. L. Lighttr and 2\fiss Margaret Brew, also of the faculty, entertained at a dinner and bridge in honor of the couple. ~Irs . A. E. Coil'. of Evanston, gave a linl·ll showa inr the bride \Vednesday ai t('rnoon. The men of the 1\c\\' Trit·r iacnltr ga\'l' a dinner and theater pitr ty tit;lt ~·Htting. On Thursday <:\ ' t · nin.l.(', \\'l'sky Brown and Gordon \'an Kirk gan· a dinnl'r party at the "Morraim· hotel, and the final festivity wa:-; a dinner dance at the Indian Hill cluh giH·n hy ~I iss Mary S. King, on last Satua·day night. RIDE IN EXHIBITION Just Arrived · Margaret Beebe Becomes Bride of Robert Carpenter The marriage of Miss Margaret Frances Beebe, daughter of Dr. and ~. .t rs. F. C. Beebe of Twin Falls, Idaho, to Robert Holt Carpenter of \Vinnet ka, son oi !\.f r. and ~frs. B. F. Carpenter of \Vhitehall, N. Y.. took place on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock in th~ \Vin11et.ka CongrcgatiL>nal church. The service was read by the RcYerend ]. A. Richards. The ~n~dding was a simple one, attended h~- relatives a11d friends. ~fiss ~f argaret Brc\,. oi E\·anstoll, was maid of honor, whill' the bricks · maids were ~1 iss Kathryn ~IcDonough of St. Paul, ~finn., and ~1 iss Rita Biondi of Chicago. Y ello\\' and orchid shades dominated the wedding as th(: bridesmaids were dressed in ydlow and carried orchids. Benjamin Carpenter, brother of the groom, whose home is in \Vhitehall, K Y., served as best man. The ushers were WesleY L. Brown of \Vinnetka, and Gordo;1 Van Kirk, of Evanston. Three of the bridal party are menabers of the faculty of New Trier High school, as is · ~f r. Carpenter. A dinner for thirty oi the couple's relatives and friends was held in the Pompeian room of the Orrington hotel after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. WIDELOOM CARPE. T ING 9 and 121t. widths in Jade Green- Rose Taup.--c-Raisin and Mole. Looks, wears and is made like high grade Chenille Carpet, at the low price of :\t the recent Indian Hill Riding cluh exhihition, Saturday, J unc 11, Kenilworth was well represented by Jane Mcintosh, Gibert Mcintosh, ancl Elizabeth Eckhart, all of whom carried off honors for their equestrian skill in varous events. Mark Cresap was one of the gentlemen who donat ed the cups. ONE WEEK ONLY ----------- ROSENBERGS Davis Street- DouJntown Evanston Values! Armstrong's Linoleum Now carry . tg the largest selection be.. tween Chicago and Milwaukee. ' PBONE.GREENLEAF 1941 Our Representative will call and give estimates tvithout obligation June-A Month of Extra Buying Opportunities The June Drive is on at Rosenberg's - a month of concentrated selling events with values at their peak and service at its best. Shop at Rosenberg's in June. Savings await you on every hand. EVANSTON 1007 Davis St. CHICAGO 1622 Howard Ave.