Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, p. 39

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June 17, 1927_ WILME1 ·rE A. Schaefer P. Scbopen M. Heinzen J. Selzer .J. Engels R. MalinquiRt LIFE TO SAIL WITH STUDENTS TOO MANY FORFEITS .IN BASEBALL LEAGU£ :Recreation Board Points Out 'T hat Failure to Appear Lowers League Morale The Playground Ball league under the direction of the \·V ilmette Playg-round and Recreation board was rather disappointing last \\'eek due · to tlte failure of several teams to he ready for their games, necessitating forfeits. A fttr be inK ready to play two or three times only to win a game by forfeit, the teams get discouraged and iail to show up for their later games, {:attsing a general mix up. The teams that failed to show up 1st week and .... l) forfeited arc: American Legion, ~Icthodist, lloward 1'. T. A.. and I. 0. 0. F. The -r.esults of last \\'eek\ games A. Wallowitz R. Hoffman R. A. C. H. A. Sutton E. Hoffman J. C. F. R. J. Schinler Thalman Steiner Mey.er ·Zeichel Scott SC'hinldgen Selzer DeHavt: Un'lpir.;--H. Harloff Amt>rican Legion Howard P. T. A. W"on by Forfeit St. Johns \Yon by Forfeit Y.·P. C. Ameriean Lt·gion ·won by l·'orfeit Wilmette · Ice :\le thodi:-;t Won by Forfeit St. John~ Ho\n1.rd P. T. A. \Von b~· Forfe it M:ss Helen Ellis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ellis of 823 Greenwood avenue, sails tomorrow for Europe on a boat of a Holland-American line, the Veendam. Miss Ellis is going on an International Student Hospitality tour, ·being one of thirteen selected to represent her school, Connec.ticut college. Twenty-five schools each send thirteen students and af\ instructor, and leave in ~roups of six. \Vellesley, Mt, Holyoke. Connecticut,· and three· men's colleges \vill be represented on the Veen<lam. Each group tours a different country, all reuniting · in Geneva in September. AWNINGS durable. fabrics Colors brilliant 3-nd la~ting. Best of Workmanshlp and most tmproved galvanized hardware used. Call us for timates booklet. M:adf' ut strongest and R. Hanisch Sons Co. Est. 1851 12o·l2i N. Halsted St. Phone l\lonroe 0554·' ioliO\.v: K. of C. 1 (:1) .1. Xeuses .T . Schin lcr I'. !-;ehoJH·n Sl. .\. Jo~· · ph, 2 ( R) Hoft'll\11'·1 .'\ . '!\li lh·l' \'. 1 ll·in!E.. in .J . Hoffma11 F. Ft·ig·an .I. Hoffm<u· , lL Kling-... .\ . Thalman .J. J)pHayt· .\ . Seha.ef·: r .I . Stt>ff e ns T . :Stint·r .1 . Eng-t:ls Save Steps · Save1lme An extension tele· phone is a second in· strument on the same line as the original, . installed in some other location in your house or apartment. Calls may be made or the telephone answered at either instrument. An extension telephone saves many steps. The cost is small. Call our Business Office E. !.. Phillip:-: \\'t·is~ II. :\1 illt·r l ' mtlirt· -.1. Horrt · Baptist (4) Tt·J·minal _\ . Youngberg \\' . H ass I·'. ·; u th ri1lg-t · ·' C. ( 2) H . ~loldt.:nhauer J.:. l:ramnwr \\'. !'4 t> ll~ry 1!. J;la:-:flt·ll \\·. I 'ttt·nrt·uther 1~ . ~kL~a11 .\. \\'. l'l'tt ·rstln ~t · lsnn . \ . < llson \\' . Kt>ntlr i-.' k J·:. :.\fclJnw t·:. (·a rison l ' mi>in·- 1; , Eaton St. .J ll:<eph, 1 \\"on hy Forfeit K. of C. (1) fl. 1· · H. Hopp H . Hopp l\1. Pow t· r~ \\ .. · !'4nnwl·fe lll I . ( l. 0. F. \\' illllt'tltl l't· ( 2) :\fillt-r · \\-. St·hinlt-r Stt·itwr X . .\1 illt>r Free Fur Storage Where are you going to keep your fur coar during the summer? Why not let us do the repairing it needs, put it in condition for next season's wear, and rhen store it for you during the ;ummer months free of charge. toda,. Moth, Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults .. ' I Ou r ~ 4 years on the norrh $bore a s s u r e s you of our fairness and rdiabil~ ity. During the sum~ mer months you will save 30% on all repair and remodeling It's worth your while to have this work attended to at this time. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Okean Furriers 14 Years on the North Shore 567 Lincoln Avenue. Winnetka Ph. Winnetka 2752 One Policy ® BELL SYSTEM One System Universal Service

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