Junc 17, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE \ 1 'I l f. 1'ht· mode .season .stm·t.<t in th e fall alld pictw·cs n.:l casclL jo1· appt ·m·a,tcc o11 j tlw 1'C!}ttlm· moving pictun· thcatcn1 Ot't dated {rom that time. So that N<Htlt 8ho1·c movie falls mau 1){' f.'J' i11to tlu: 11111.'1lic !J lass lmtl sec w hat f hf' Stars in sto1·c jm· them, in this colHmH front time to time will be can·icll 1J1·irj ec /w f'.'t T1·om 1n·oll1wtion camps a.s to w hat 11"ill be ~h01V1t Olt tlt e 8CJ'CC1t8 d1t1"ill{j the ('0111· ing scaso11. I tion with Lon's coming productionsI you might stay awake nights thinkil illlll~ ta:\.Iffi(QJ J.i (Q)Iffi ing about them. We'll save "The Seven Seas" for another time. And A~tt@If~ gJ\ ffi) ~ liD w~ l?ok for. brief~ ?11 Gre~a Garbo, Wil(g.J,JJ.JJCill lr ®df & ham Hames, Mtlton Stlls, Jack Mul-- -·-----·--- ---==---- hall and a host of others, in coming issues. ~TL o · ..] ~TL · - illl&tt 115Jll I ·:· I ·-----·---·---------·-~----~-· . 1 1rliD® N@IrftliD §Iffi@Ir~ M©rnlft<e~~@Ifn §~Ifficmeo>R I I li 761 CHERRY STREET .. WINNETKA i THE NORSHORE The Norshore theater will celebrate its first birthday Sunday with a lavish Anniversary \Veek show. A program of stars, dancers and singers will be offered. No expense has been spared and it will be the biggest show that ha s ever been offered at the Norshore. The screen · offering \vill be Lon Chancy in "Mr. Wu," in which the man of a thousand faces portrays his latest and greatest characterization. The story opens with the revelation of a secret love affair between Nang Ping (Renee Adoree) and Basil Gregory (Ralph Forbes). News of their sec ret meetings is carried to Wu (Lon Chancy). Basil is taken prisoner and is threatened with death. Mr. Wu's plan to avenge hi s daughter's honor ravidly draws to a close. He offers the English foreigners the alternative of Basil's death or his sister's honor. The mother's decision to this question forms the outstanding dramatic incident in the story. ,,· ,n· '---·-·~!!£~!~:::~~~~--·-·-·! Universal Decorating Studios Interior Decorations 1223 ADDISON STREET A Private school for children from 3 to 8 years of age. Beginning its 12th year on Wednesday the 5th of October, 1927 ! LILLIAN GISH performers on the scree n, Lillian Gi:-.h dwt·lls in a world apartan artist sup reme living in her art and reaching greatness in eve ry gestme. In "The Birth of a Nation" ~liss Gish played her v.·ay straight into the ht·arts of her opticncc all uvcr the ro untry, establishing for herself a place ui fa\'or that ha:; been maintained throughout seasons of production by tht· arti:-,!q of her work. .~\mong CHICAGO Phone Buckingham 6o 1 1 + "Annie Laurie" :\ s the fir~t 1927-1928 Lillian Gish product ion, .M ctro-Goldwyn- ~layer is prc:--cnting "Annie Laurie," a gay colori ul play that range s all moods and emotions. It is, it is said, a ratht.·r difiere nt type for ~{i ss Gish. It is pitched in a key of merriment, and while it ranges to a str ong, rugged climax, it is neYerthclcss. a storv that touche:-, the ::.unny, rather than .the ~eamy, ~ide of life. actl%11%%XXJJXX1%XXXIXXXXXJJJJJXJJJXJXXXJXXXIIIXIIII) ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImtttl'j ·+++· I· I = -Now Playing- LON CHANEY I I I I 5 LILLIAN GISH "THE SCARLET LETTER" - Added Attraction- "SUNSHINE SAMMY" Sur of "Our Gang" Comedies DRIVE TO EVANSTON AND· DINE at the LIBRARY PLAZA CAFETERIA You are always certain of good things to eat at economical prices and the largest variety on the North Shore. Come Sunday and enjoy an appet1z1ng dinner. IN PERSON ·+ -Starting Sunday- A Few of Our Selections: SUNDAY Baked Stuffed Crab, Baltimore Scyle 3 5 c Broiled Lake Trout, Lemon Butter 40c Home-made Chicken Pot Pie, Dumplings soc Broiled Tenderloin Steak (Special) 5 sc Roast 192 7 Spring Lamb, Fresh Mint Sauce 40c Roast Loin Young Pig, Green Apple Sauce 35c New Asparagus on Toast 25c New: Garden Spinach New Peas in Pure Cream I5t: Sweet Corn on Cob Cherry Pie 15c Fresh Blueberry Cake 2oc Fresh Raspberry Shortcake. Whipped Cream 25c '-loneydew Melon 1 8c Half Cantaloup 1 sc Fresh Bb kberries 1 sc Iced Watermelon 20c "Hate" ila!)cd ou the "Fo.u r Strangers" by Frank Packard, the author of "The ~tirade Man," which gave Lon Chaney his first big part, "Hate" will he one of the biggest sensations that filmdom has presented in a long time. The man of "many faces" has a tremendous part in this picture. As the feared brutal leader of a band of Apaches he roams and dmninatcs the undenvorld of Paris-and St. Lucifer take the hinder-most when the old boy pulls a knife I The fortunes of war throw Chaney and his enemies into intimate association-take a good healthy grip on your imagination and imagine the war within a war that leads to drama of a most intense order. It wouldn't be exactly fair to give you too much to think about in conne-c- Joyous progra_m of amaz~ng splendor and notous entertatn· ment to celebrate the Norshore Theatre's Fi,st Birthday. GALA ANNIVERSARY WEEK CELEBRATION· * * * - On the Screen- LON CHANEY RENEE ADOREE LOUISE DRESSER in "MR. WU" A drama of terrific power, set in a gorgeous spectacle . I - i ll BRARY PLAZA CAFETERIA In the Library Plaza Hotel Orrington Avenue, Just South of Church Street Open 6 a. m. to 7:45 p.m. ····· = § illlllllllll,lllllllllllllll llll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltiiiiiiUIIIIIIlUIHih:'