Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, p. 36

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J6 . WILMETTE LIFE ] une 17, 1927 Teatro · del La go Sheridan Road 1n .. I Corinne Griffith "The Beloved Rogue" Varsity Presents "The Scarlet Letter" Monday and Jackie Coogan . Lillian Gish in Nathaniel Hawtheme's classic romance, "The Scarlet The "Court of Miracle s," which Letter," \\'ill be seen ·commencing flourished· during the reign of Louis Monday at the Varsity. theater. XI, 9f France, in the Fifteenth CenMiss Gish is directly descended from tury, is one of the ~ost colorful set~ one of the original Puritan families, tings in "The Beloved Rogue," J oht1 the family home at Deerfield, ·Mass., Barrymore's fascinating presentation being maintained hy the Daughters of of the life of Francois Villon and his the Re,·olution as a museum where first United Artists Picture, which is the ancient furnishings and posses- coming to the Village next Monday, sions of the actress' ancestors are on Tuesday and Wednesday. public display. :Miss Gish is herself The blind sre and the maimed \\·alk a member of the D. A. R. in the Court of Miracles. In keeping· Victor Seastrom, famous as the di- \\'ith the name, such miracles are night rector of "He Who Gets Slapped" and . ly happenings there, for the Court of "The Tower of Lies," directed the pro- Miracles is the rendezvous of the hcg duction. Lar=' Hanson. famous Swc- g·ars of the Paris streets, where tht~ dish star. makes his American debut "blind" beggars remove their spl'cta as her leadin g man. and Henry B. cles, the maimed unstrap their distorted Walthall. Karl Dane, ~[arcella Corclay, arms and legs and hearing is restored \\' illiam H. Tooker, Jules Cowles, Fred to the "deaf," so that all mav enjoy Herzog and other notable players ap- each other's company when the day\ pear in :'ttpporting- role~. I activity is finished. 1 Villon. g-reatest pol't of his timt, \\'a~ a man of great ly diversified pursuit~. Haskings Begins Eleventh not the least of his accomplishments Year as Village Organist being· ski llful · thicHrv. Para<loxicalh· enough, this poet whose verses t hrillr~l ~Iilton Haskings. organist at the royalty and changed the destiny of hi:-: \.illage theatre is cekhrating his tenth country, was so much the vagabond anni\'Crsary of J)residing o\·cr the music that his closest friends \\'ere foutHl in in the \Yilmette theater. Coming, as the strange Court of Miraclcs. it cloe5. just as the Village is installing "Th~ Beloved Hogue" n·veals John · a new \Y cite :Mignon organ, it would Barrymore in a characterization that seem that l\Ir. Hasking-s is being prc- i:-. startlingly different than anything iw sentL·d \\'ith an anni,·ersary gift. has attempted previous!\·, and ra ~ ily the nw:t charming, romantic role nf his =-crct...·n career. GUESTS OF THE VILLAGE "The Claw" All members of the \Vilmette Fire department were the guests of the "The Claw." \vith Korman Kern·, management of the Village theatre Claire \Vind:-;or, and Arthur Fdnntt~cl this week when "The Fire Brigade," Carc\\'c playing the principal parts, wilf Charley I\ay's latest mastcrpiccc, \\'a he presented on Thursday only. The presented. plot is taken from a storv hv ('ynthia It is interc~ting . to note that the Stocklev and \':as directed l)\· Sidne \· first pre-release rcYiew of "The Fire Olcutt ~from a scenario hy. Char h.:~ Brigade" \\·as witnessed b\' the dele- Logue. ~fost of the action takes plac\' gates to the COll\'elltion the Fire in South Africa. The picture is fca Chiefs of America, which included the turC"d by several highlights: amongheads of fltc departments from cities "·hich is the one where the hero's rival all OYer the United States and Canada is shown tied to a stake and waiting and " ·as lJL·ld in ~ L'\\' Orkans, I. a., a ior death at the hancl:-; of the African natin·s. The scenes of the sa\'age war fe"· months ago. rior=- dancing to the tunc of the tom \om arc exccllentlv dune and almost 111ake your hair st;tncl on encl; mon'uHr, the jungle background... art: splendid. w IL.lUETTE, ILL. Gets Hair Cut Jackic t 'oogan, the "million doll:! r child star" has passccl now into hi, twdith Ytar. the fir,t milestone in lli -p htnomt~ nal Gt rt·cr. lie has em ergrd from hah·hood to boYhood \\'ith the shearing of his bohhcci hair. Jackie\ Your Rome Theater first a1J;J(:aranre !'>ans long hair will he J. B. Koppel, .l\1anaglng Olrector in his lah st production. "J ohnn ,. Ctt Phone Wilmette 1441 Your I fair Cut," from a stan· written En nl n g s 7 : S0 ; 1\1 a t.--=T=-u-c-s.-.....S:--:3--0 Sntur<lu.y 1\Ints., .t and 4 I especially fur him by the lr1tc Gerald Beaunwnt. }faster Coogan has eight . :\ron., 1'u<'s., ·wefl., .Tune 21·22·23 THUf:E DA'\.Fi ONLY , - years of achicYcmcnt in the nwti(l!l · I ~ John Jlarrymorc in _ picture industn· to his credit. His is the only career of its kind on record in theatrical annals, and if his ne\\' fil111 is anY indication of what the future hold s~ then Jackie Coogan will enter j Also - tain the public through all the sen·n i. };,tu(·atlonal Comc<J~· J>atht' Xews ages of man. 'l'hursdny, June ~.& Soon the youngest ~tar of the siln:r ONF~ DAY ONLY - sheet will be old enough to play "Hamlet" for David Belasco. A private tutor ha s been coaching him for ,·cars in academic and dramatic work.. His Also school rating is junior class in high llully Xews We<'kly, ltevlew school. In histronic stratas he can Comedy recite anything from "Dan McGrew" I·'rl., Snt., June 2ri·26 to the recitation of any ·of Shakespeare 1'WO n.\YS O~LT soliloquies. Besides Jackie's academic Jackie Cooga.n In training, he is a crack marble shooter, 6161 horseshoe pitcher, golfer and swimmer. J ackic presents a juvenile prototype of Douglas Fairbanks: he is tireless and Also athletic, and Doug is one of his heroes. Duster & 'ffge In "] ohnny Get Your Hair Cut" which "Buster's Slide Rlde"will be shown the last three 'days of 2 Reel Comedy and Pnthe News the week, is Master Coo~an's latest OM!--.--~-·-~--~.:· picture. Village Attractions "No Man's Land" Between Wilmette and Kenilworth Ph. Kenilworth 3980-3981 MATINEES SATURDAY, SUNDAY SATURDAY~ SUNDAY Corinne passes from richts to rags in her lat.e st picture, "Three Hour's," in which she plays the part of an outcast wife. The film \\'ill he scheduled bv ; North Shore theater~ in the near fu-ture, it is said. Fred Koch11, 923 Main street, left last \\'eek to visit his uncle, Edward Koehn, of New York, for an indefinite period. Doors Optn 1:30 Show Srarts 2 p. m., Continuous Euenings During Week Doors Open 6 : 3 o Show Starts 7 p. m. FOR WEEK BEGINNING SATURDAY, JUNE 18 Saturday, Jun e 18 ""HEROES OF THE NIGHT" with VARSITY "Pride of the North Short" Cullen L&uHlis null ~lnrion Nixon "Ten Years .Ago", Our Gang Comctl) "Siln·Q' Art ... Sc('ulc "U:('d llot Uails", Life Cartoon ~ u rul a J, Friday and Saturday of .T u u c 1» l.aura J,u I·Iantl' lu 6.6.BEWARE OF WIDOWS" "Should Men Walk Homc1" ~label ~ormuaul; "St·eed", NoHlty Ueel, }'ox Xews :\Ion. antl Turs., Jane 20·21 RAYMOND GRIFFITH . in The Most Brillian t Comedy Screen Feature Lillian Gish and Lur~ H1mson lu ""THE SCARLET LETTER" "Ko Ko In the Cirrus", ('artoon 1\Juogra m .Xl'W~ "WEDDING BILLS" BUSTER · BROWN COMEDY Drive Your Car FREE Parking Next to Varsity Theatre Monday Lillian Gish l-vm;;n;tr~-l I I 1 ·I I I I I I I I A A ! ""VANITY" wlth Leatrice Joy and Charles llay "PrJtfc of J·JkcHJIIe", Beu 'l'Ufl)ln "(:ood Old SommertJme", Song Cartoon; Fox News I ~~THE I BELOVED ROGUE" ·I 1 I I I Thurs. antl 1-' rl., June !!3·24 ""THE CRADLE SNATCHERS" with Louise Fazenda "Scarlet Letter" Wednesday Gilda Grey I Xoru~·:~;~·· ~~~~;:;or In I JOHNNY .GET YOUR HAIR CUT" I "A Small 'fm,·n Princess", Sennett Cometly; "So This · Is Berlin", Scenic; Klnogram :Sews "CABARET" Saturday Matinee Coming Attractions Corinne Griffith in "Three Hours" Gilda Gray in "Cabaret" Big Barrel of Fun For the Children!

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