Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jun 1927, p. 34

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3-t WILMETTE LIFE June 17,. 1927 Wilmette Realty Announce Quinlan & Tyson SUBURBS FEEL Recent Property Transfers Negotiate Numerous I Recent sales announced by the Wilmette Realty company are: The .residence of H. K. Snidrr at the Northeast corner of Washington ave nue and eighth street Wilmette to Elise C. Lamnrey of New York: the residence at 818 Sixteenth street, Wilmette, situated on a lot 6Sx284 feet, from Henry P. Conway to Helena A. Lee of Chicago; the D.r. Adkins residence at 848 Park avenue, to Profe ssor RC.semond Vv'endell Fisch er of \hicago: the G. 'I'. llellmuth residence 1705 Forest avenue, vVilmcttc, to Paul A. Born of Chicago. · North Shore Deals SLUMP IN BUILDING ACTIVITY Quinlan & Tyson. lnc. 1 (north shore Moderate Depression Th-roughout dept.) announce an active market in Country Reaches Chicago that territor~·. Sale ~ just dosed inArea; Do Well Locally clude the following: State Bank & Trust compan~; of Evanston. trustee, to ·c. C. ~Jiles organiChicago suburbs in ~.fay did appro :-.: zation. fortv acres on Kotz road and imately $10.000,000 in building con Skokie line -for subdivision. Price $158,- struction. This figure is ha~l'd r111 000. Lewis T. Dodds, broker. .building permits filed in twenty-one <J C ~f. E. ~1 ac vVhirter to \V. Mac- the principal suburbs. . Fariane, forty acres in Section 22 According to a special survey tlladt· Northtield township. Price $29 000: by S. \ V. Strauss and company oi Le\\'is 'I'. Dodds, broker. ' buildin g- in t h · Chica·' o area. t hl' " ~' Benjamin Stryker of' \Vhcelinrr to f\n ·nt\·-ont :- uhurhs fikrl nla n -, i(t·· 1Irs. Arthur Hills and daughter, Miss B. C. Burnham oj Evanston, 160:-.feet huilding amount in g to $9.()8i,l21 last Lilian Hills, of 1422 Wilmette J\'CllUC. of h_usincss property in vVheeling in- month. a lo~s of only fn·e percent ,u· clttcl 111 g t,,. 0 stores. Prt'ce $J2,000. ag-ainst the huilding volume in the returne<1 1 tome SUtHl ay f rom vv tsconsin. \\'h<'re Mrs·. Hills vis·ited friends Lewis T. Dodds represented buyers. same suburbs last year. . at the Summit lodge. Lilian attended 0. 'vV. Walker of Wl1eeling represented ~f the Chicago total for ~lay \\Trt' the comnH'ncemrnt exercises and hop sellers as broker. added the Yolume in the Chicago at ea: at St. Johns Military academy as the H. Burton Franklin of Chattanooga ba sed on the suhurh s reporting, would J.!Ucst of \Villi am Campbell of Spokane. Tenn., has sold his 8-room house at 94Z be $37.493.621 ur a los s of ei g- ht percent \Va:-.h. · T::>wcr ro ·lCI. \ \innc ·ka. to \\'. H. K itw. as agai nst last year. · k Wilmette and Glencoe Gain - 0·a. Car J A . C .urshin waS' Jr., o f W mnct 'I 'I k (, ?19 J' c1 the broker. Berwyn. Blue Island. E"an ston, Gkn .\ rs . .1\ ar · resap, ...., ·.sscx roa , Kenilworth. who is attending the conG. A. Sch leiter of Chicago has sold COC, Highland Park, La c:angl'. Lake n ·ntion of the Garden Club of America to Helen S. Robertson of Evanston Forest, \ Vaukegan _and \V.tlmc~te wert · thi~ \H'l'k in Rn>, N. Y.. will \'i sit hrr Lot 13, :M acLean's subdi\'i sion of Kcnil- the suhurl>s showmg ga111s tn . ~fay. S(lll, Mark, at -the Hill sclwol bdorc worth. Philip V. Je\\·ell \ras the 11927, over ~Jay. 1926. lwr rl'tmu to Kenilworth. broker. I The suburbs shov..·ing gaim in Ma~· -o~fargaret Selzer, widow of Peter 1 o\'er Anril this vear. iw·lwl~'(l Berwyn. · Dr. Edwin Holt Hughes. 9-H Shni - ?ctzer. has sold two t;acts of acreage Blue l slan<l, Cicero, Highland · Park, dan road, delivered the Baccalaun'atc tn ~ort hficld .townslup . 20 acres to Lake Forest, La Grange and \\-aukr sernton at Ltnden\\'ood college, ~t. j ~~ · 1;.. :\[ac\Vlurtcr. taking title for a t!an. Charks. ~1 o.. 011 ~[a\' 29. j s~ ndtcat~. and 9.22 acres to E. B. Foley. For the f1rst five month:-. of 1927 EY -====:-:::::::::::::::=-::=-:::::::::::::::::::::=.:=- Total pnce, $118,060. Lewis T. Dodds rtll ston eclipsed all otlH'r "nhurb.; in \\·as the broker th e \'nlume of buildinl(, makin<! a tot a l WITHOUT : George L. Zi~k of Hnhhard \V ood s for the five month s of · this year COMMISSION has sold to Edwa.rd T. Leonard and <1n1ottnting to $R.941.2:::0 a" a!!ainst SO. uu Hettlruble Jlomu anti Apartmeua H. G. Gleason, 89-t Linden avenue. and ~Rl()70 inr the f1rst fin ' Ill'"lll 1 h' of JQ2(j. Building!! 1049 Tower road. Hnhhard \Voods. Evan.,ton\ record for the first fiyr John Hancock Mutual Life lnaur· F ran· k 'f -' . () rndorff was till' hroker. I mont_hs this ~- car w_a :; t_ he largest for ance Company 1 1 1ast fiJ \ '<' A. n. L ,\~HWOR'l'll \', Loon Agent . ;:1m· m t H' some penm 111 t } 1c · 112 w. Aclnms st .· Chtcngo : INV~TATION EXTENDED Year ~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I' -~ rord tal invitatiott is extended to ~ar\' \vitl{ a fiyr ntnn·h~· tr1tal tl1i' - res.tdents of \Y ilmettc, KenihYorth. ,·rar nf ~(> 42S.66R fell hel1incl it" own ··· ···· · ·· ···· · ·· · · ·· · ··· · ·· · · ·· · ··· · ··· · \Vt.nnetka and Glencoe to attend the r,, .,, tnnnrln;' rc·cord nf h · t Yt'rlr nf $7 .\ I Tl!trd Annual Flower show of the 94R04R. Garv's rf'rord this ,·ea·r. how l \\ heaton Garden cluh. which will he ever, \\'as practically twice its first five held on_ Friday, June 2-t, at the Epi sco- mnnthc;' rel'nrd fnr 107.f . .,,,, " " "' ~' than pal Gml.d hall on \Vest street. The thn·(' lime" it:-. f1rst fin' lll C Jilths' record door~ \\'Ill he open at two o'clock and i11 192.~. ft is nntahlt' in tht· ffl <; f· ni conttnuc Ot_len during the eYcning. C;1n. hr"q·,·er. 1lt;~t the lar ~ c s t indtt. T~1cre \\'til he competitions in per - I trial building in that cit\' i.- not in 'r c t~t.)J.l of flo\\'ers, arrangement of I _rl11d c ·d in. nc:rmits f,l nd ,..;d, fl,_.. httil d l_.o\\.ll ~. arrangement of shruhs , per- ~ 1ng -c·ommt SSlOilrr. Can· ha.;, w1th com tcctton ;rnd arr.ang-rm<·nt of ro ;-; t s, and nr~rati\'e frcnt1 CllC\', nlacrcl in the li~t ar:·a~lgt· t.nen~ nt flown-. with blu e pre -~ nf 1\n-nf\·- flve kadin ·~ c ·iti ··.; r,f th t' dommatmg. · T nitcd St a tc·' in nnint ni 1,uilrlinc!' ,·ol ' lW i I' Jli'I'Jl ft' X i llg' H(';U'v h j f a <I i~ Th ·r . .-- :- --, . . 111111e a!Hl were. thr lanr~'r . it~cl11,t~ial tinl'lin · I, ~ m· :l room furni:--ltnl l' . LTll'.tn_ :'l.ll..fO mtml,l'r:-. ul the G. A. nbnt s mclwlccl 111 the ~tn·l Cit\'~ hmld · 1 '· 111 lllOI .' . in g \'Oittmc Gan· w r·1llcl t!. nd r ~tthtt-dh apat·tnH·nt at nwd~· rat~ · rt ·nt ;tl i~ h :t\'l' nl:tc·r·d lll\H.' h hi1ylwr in thi.., lwn (·t' t lw obj~· d i n·. Sl/2~ MONEY list oi ritiC"!' in nrr,· iou~ month' . ~lnnr tlf tlH'l't' Elmg·:nt· ap;trt Have t Slump Reaches Suburb· . ' Ullll~ lV lllcUI Ul l ChOICe lm · nwnts frnnt 1111 tht · ~~· ,·lu<lt · (l provt·d North Shore Suburban ft-~'~Arrorclin t! tn tht' S·r atl ' · rt 'l l'·rt th l' Italian ]Hl.tio gi\·inp: quid t·harn, ldenee property at 5lh% Interest. huildin£!' slump rurrt'nt all O\'l'r tl w ntHl rrst Ro t'l'!'t' ntial in tlw sum S ee us on renewals. E G p rnuntrv Jw, re:1c:hrd tlw ~uhurh:-;, al nwr honw. ldt' a lly loca tt·d ftn· · . auling & Cc.. thnu).!h in th<> \f;l\· f() \Ln· CC·11l1)ari.;nn Xorthwt' stt' l'll :::;ummtT Sl'hnol 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 FYanstnn made p·;1i11~ ,,j 1\Yt·nt\' pe r:::;tudt' nts and familit' S-lrl min cent. Tfitrldand Park t\\l'l1t\·- iour prr ut~' s from tht' t:Hili!Hl!::'-mntor Cl'Jlt. r ' l (~ra1ll!t' tift\· r)t)f\t ' llf \ \ .. anke < 'O:ll'hc:::; at the door. Or fot· ':.';[11 .2.24 pc'rrc·nt. \\'i 1;1H'T'· ' t\\'t ' ;lt\· - ~ e\Til c. AN UNINSURED CAR IS SURELY A PATHETIC LITTLE PIECE OF MECHANISM LOANS 1 Have You Visited The ELMGATE? . I . i. l. · 0 ==============::--. --- - -1 busint· s~ Jlt' ople dt· ~iring· ban advantagt·s suburdurin!!; tlw warm months. maid scn·ict' mak~' s ;' l'OIHHny possible. C'omplete dinmg· l'tHllllS, kitchens or kitchen- Conservative investors pre fer the inherent safety and certain profit of First Shore Mortgage Gold Bonds se- Optional t ttl's.. INQUIRE NOW Phone Greenleaf 2100 - - - or write cured by North Rc.1l Estate. Pt·n·cn t, Lake Forest 3J9 tkrccnt an(t Blu<' Island thirty-four 11ern·nt. The rrcnera l tr tHkncv \\'as ior huildin!.! tn he l e~s in ~fav this vrar than laq con sirlcring t lw s~thurhs as a \\·hnlc. May, 1927, as ~t gainst :\Ja,·. 192<,. ~howl'd l n.;;q'..; in tJ,, f ,-, lfn\\·in·r ..:uht11·l1, : A nrma. ChicaJio Heig-ht~. Cirero. De..: Phinf's, Gl<'n Ellvn. Joliet, ~f annlC HI. Oak Park. \Vilmettc, GarY Haminond and East Chicago . ·' ~Irs . l·:dl'ar Burchard. ~10 Ox(,Hd r:l;tcl. Kenilw orth. l'lltl'rtained ?\fr~ . 'H 11 . Hct·ht· oi Philadelphia. who \\'<1' , . j ~it in g hcl· ~ i . . tn, ~fr:-;. Fark\', at :! 1 tl tlcl 1 t'on tllt Frida\', Tu11L' 10.- ~r r -.. Hmch;mJ i~ al..;o L't~ter.taininl!' her sis · ·· ·r. ~lr..; . '1 '. \\'. Hrtl\\'11. \~· lw is ill 1 \t·ttil\\'orth 1111 ;1 two \\'t'ck:-; ,- i~it from ~1 i-. . ; t ltJri. ~ o- "Jhe ELMCATE MAIN STREIT AT ELHWOOO AvtNUE EVANSTON .. Happy days ahead- i f you choose The Elmgate" · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~~ ~· · · · · "!!:_ · · · ·· · · t . . . . . . . 1564 Sherman Avcnut Evanston · _. _ !':_ * _ !.,_t._ ·_..!' · · · *__!._+_ · lllinoi . ; !(·ads the cou ntr\' in the manuf ar! ttre of ewing- machin es.

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